Date Night |l.m|

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Tonight was a special night, Lou and I are going out ALONE. Usually we had dinner with all the girls and don't get me wrong it's a great time. But since we've made it official we haven't had the slightest time to ourselves. So I plan on savoring and cherishing tonight as much as I can. She set up the whole thing and she won't tell me where we're going or anything we're doing. Well, besides dinner of course cause that's a given, I'm a hungry girl. I got dressed and made my way into her room, she wanted to get dressed separately for some reason. She's way too dedicated to this.

As soon as I laid eyes on her my mouth dropped open. She always looks good but oh my gosh! "You look great baby!" I said grinning and walking over to hug her. "Thank you. You look fantastic, darling" she replied and I blushed. "Ready?" She asked and I nodded, she grabbed the keys and we went downstairs. I didn't see any of the girls but didn't even ask because I'm so focused on Lou. She opened my door for me and I thanked her before sliding in. She got in the drivers seat and started it up, backing out the driveway.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going now?" I asked and gave puppy eyes as she glanced at me. "Nope" she said and I pouted but didn't ask again cause she's not gonna tell me. I just stared out the window as we passed building after building. Eventually it was just land as far as I can see and I got really curious. "Babeee pleaseeee" I said trying again and she just shook her head. We finally stopped at a building and it was dark by now but the place was lit up. Without a word she got out the car and came around to open my door.

I took her hand and she walked me up to this beautiful house-looking place. We walked up the stairs and through the door which opened into a beautiful room. Wine was stacked across almost all the walls and there were tables everywhere. It took a while for me to process that she had brought me to a winery. "Hello, Miller?" A nice woman came up and asked us, I looked at Lou abs she nodded. The lady led us over to a table outside on the porch that was lit up with fairy lights. There was a beautiful trellis with different flowers and vines all over it.

"This is gorgeous..." I said taking a look around before sitting down. "Not as gorgeous as you" she said looking into my eyes. "You're kinda cheesy Ms.Miller" I said and she grinned. "Only for you, my love" she whispered with a twinkle in her eye. I blushed and looked down at the menu, before I could choose the waitress came back. "I've brought a selection of both red and white wines for you to try" she said lowering the tray she was carrying. She set 6 glasses on the table each with a card saying which wine it was. "I'll be back to take your orders" she said smiling and bowing a bit.

I giggled at her formality and turned my attention to the wine. "Which one do you want to try first?" Lou asked and I shrugged and picked a random one. It was a red and it was nice and warm with a slight bitter taste. Lou took the glass when I was done tasting and graciously twirled it before sipping. She hummed and I picked a white next which was sweeter. The waitress came back when we were finished, we ordered a bottle of my favorite one with our food. The night went smoothly and soon I was tipsy, Lou didn't drink as much since she was driving.

She helped me back to the car since I almost fell when I tripped on the stairs. She sat me down and put on my seatbelt before going to the drivers side. "I'm not a baby you know" I said jokingly and she smirked at me before turning on the car. "You're my baby" she said cocking an eyebrow and I softly smiled. I leaned forward to give her a soft kiss, "I had a lot of fun tonight" I said honestly. "I'm glad baby, you deserve it" she said happily before pulling off heading home. I just watched her as she drove, "I love you" I said thinking about it after.

I immediately turned my head to look out the window not wanting to see her reaction. "Bunnyy..." she said softly and I could feel a few tears begging to drop from my eyes. She pulled the car over and put it in park and I got scared. "We can just forget I said anything" I said nervously as I thought of the worst case scenarios.

What would I do if she told me to get out the car? It's dark and I have nowhere to go, I don't even know how far from the city we are. I don't know where I am to even tell anyone. Lou has always been my protector.

I know she wouldn't do any of those things but my anxiety wasn't listening. "I love you too, honey" she said softly while turning me around. She wiped the tears from my eyes and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then on my nose and finally on my lips and I sighed into the kiss. "Don't ever doubt that" she said sternly but with care and I nodded shyly. She nodded back and put the car in drive to continue to the house. Let's just say she showed me how much she loves me when we got home and it was a longgg night.

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