I can do it |b.f|

547 15 7

CW: prescribed pills, anxiety

I've been working for Bernadette for about a year now. Which translates to: I know she's batshit crazy sometimes. I mean, I can't really blame her, creatives are usually a little off the rocker. To me though, that's what makes her special. Despite what people may say about her, they can't deny her brilliance.

I, personally, don't think she's crazy at all. I think she just has so much creative energy and doesn't always have an outlet for it. When you're an artist—of any kind—not being able to create when you feel inspired can feel like being suffocated. I mean I'm no where near as talented as her and sometimes even I go a little crazy.

As I'm walking down the hall, I hear a little scream and my head turns quickly. I back up a little and hear sniffles coming from the supply closet. I knock softly on it and mutter a "hello?" gaining no response. "I'm coming in, ok?" I say softly so I don't scare whoever it is. "No! I-I mean... no" they say, deepening their voice the second time which makes me stifle a giggle.

"I just want to make sure you're ok..." I insist, "I'm fine" they say before I hear a muffled sob. "I'm coming in now. You can't stop me" I say before gently pushing open the door. I squint my eyes. as it's a bit dark, and I see someone crouched down on the ground. I can hear how their breathing shudders as the try to stop crying.

I softly close the door, turning the lock before flicking on the light. She hides her face but, I'd know that hair anywhere. "Oh, what's wrong?" I ask softly as I squat next to her and rest my hand on her shaking shoulder. "I-it's nothing" she stutters out as she struggles to breathe and I pout. "It's not 'nothing' if it's got you so upset" I assure her and she just starts crying.

I sit down and pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She keeps her arms wrapped around herself and pulls the sleeves of her sweater over her hands. I feel her body lean more into mine as she calms down. "Can you tell me what's going on now? Maybe I can help" I offer and she takes a deep breath, sniffling softly before answering.

"I-I forgot to take my... pills this morning and—I tried to hurry but—" she sighs softly and I rub her back, giving her time to relax. "My hands keep shaking and... then I started—you know—and I can't see the names on the bottles..." she mumbles shyly. "And you don't wanna take the wrong ones..." I presume and she nods slowly.

"Here, let me. I can do it" I say and she sits up straight, turning to look at me. "You don't have to... I—I can do it, I just need to calm down" she counters but her lip trembles and she looks like she's on the verge of tears again. "You won't be able to calm down until you take them—you know that, and so do I. Let me help you, I don't mind" I assure her and she looks hesitant but reaches into her pocket and hands me 3 bottles.

She looks down at her trembling hands and picks at her fingers. "You don't need to be embarrassed... it happens to me too" I say to try and make her more comfortable. "No... you're—normal people aren't like this, like me" she whispers shakily, bringing her sleeve up to wipe her nose. "Hey... don't say that" I scold her lightly, setting aside the pills for a moment.

I take her face gently in my hands and lift her head so she looks me in the eyes. She averts her gaze to the wall but as I start to brush away her tears, her eyes focus back on me. "Being 'normal' is boring, and you're not boring. Sure... you may be a little different but that's not a bad thing. It makes you special, this isn't all you are" I state, making sure to be intentional with each word.

"Do you think a 'normal' person could create the things you do? That they could ever be even half as intelligent as you are? I mean gosh... most of these dipshits don't know they're ass from a hole in the ground" I sigh dramatically and she giggles softly which turns to a loud cackle to which she covers her mouth. I just watch her and smile, a little blush crossing her cheeks.

"Sorry..." she mumbles, still with a big smile on her face. "Don't apologize. I'm glad I could make you laugh" I reassure her and she sighs happily. "Now..." I say, hitting my hands against thighs before grabbing the bottles. I read the labels and see the dosage and look back at her. "Which ones do you need? All of them?" I ask and she shakes her head softly.

"I just forgot to take the one... umm—I don't know how to say it" she admits shyly, "that's ok. They're unreasonably complicated sometimes" I reply while rolling my eyes funnily and she smiles. "H, Z, or S" I ask, "umm... H" she answers after a moment of thought. "Alright... here's your dose of happy" I joke and she chuckles softly while shaking her head.

I had her the pill and grab a bottle of water from the shelf, opening it and handing it to her. She mumbles a 'thank you' before taking it and sighing softly. I don't say anything yet, just allowing her a minute to collect her thoughts. I know the effects won't take immediately but, I can see the slight relief on her face now that she's actually taken it.

"Thank you, again" she whispers after a few minutes of silence, "and you didn't have to stay... I'm ok now" she adds quietly. "Well, I know I wouldn't like to be left alone and it's no trouble" I assure her, "you're being so nice... I don't even know your name" she confesses sadly. "That's ok, I have trouble remembering names too. I'm y/n" I utter, "but you've been my assistant for what? A year now..." she counters.

"I mean in your defense you also don't really leave your office" I giggle and she smiles shyly. "True" she mumbles as she plays with her hands and a silence falls over us. "Would you—um—like to..." she takes a shaky breath and I place my hand on her knee to reassure her. I see a light blush cross her cheeks as she stares at it.

"Would you like to go to lunch with me?" she questions under her breath and I bite my lip softly. "Maybe dinner... you know... since it's a date and all" I whisper and her eyes dart up to meet mine. "I-I d-didn't say it was a-" "I did" I state and her gaze switches between my eyes. "You want..." "to go on a date with you? Yes" I answer and she smiles softly.

"Ok" she whispers as her fingers cautiously crawl towards my hand on her knee. I flip my hand over and take her fingers as they land in my palm. "You're cute" I mumble and she blushes softly, "thank you—so are you" she whispers.

And there began the beginning of the greatest love story the world had ever known...

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