You're Mine (2/2)

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TW: g!p, daddy kink, blowjob, choking, degradation, overstimulation, cussing, possessiveness, breeding kink, and praise kink
As soon as the door had closed behind us, her attack started. She grabbed me somewhat gently by the neck and pushed me backwards towards the bed. My knees buckled at contact and I fell on my back letting the soft mattress envelope me.

I could see the hunger in her eyes, the pure desire. No words needed to be exchanged, not that they could even begin to explain the connection between us. Lou was like the match to my fuse, and I was like her cigarette. Perfectly fit for her mouth, it seems. Her lips came crashing into mine and I allowed myself to fall for her.

Her hand pressing against my neck slightly as the kiss got deeper and deeper. She suddenly pulled away and licked her lips. "You're wearing too many clothes" she said backing up and I knew that was my cue to take them off. I quickly and carelessly ripped them off.

Discarding them like they were suffocating me, and in a way they were. Keeping me away from her, in this moment, was like refusing my oxygen. It seemed like hours, but within seconds I was completely naked. On display for her, and I could tell by the look she gave me, how much she was enjoying it. I sat up on my knees as I awaited further instruction.

"You've been a bad girl recently" she said, her voice lowering an octave it seemed. I watched as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt to reveal her bra. "I think you need to be punished, what do you think, princess?" She asks undoing the cuffs so she could fully remove her top.

"Whatever you think is best" I reply automatically, knowing that's what she wants to hear. "I see you haven't forgotten your manners. Good girl" she praises me. I look up and into her eyes as she smirks at me. "Thank you" I say innocently, "thank you... what?" She asks taking off her belt, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Thank you... daddy" I say smiling softly, "that right" she says simply. By the time I manage to take my eyes off of hers she's fully naked. My eyes zero in on her dick, just waiting for me. She sits on the bed, swinging her legs over and spreading them a bit.

"You know what to do" she states, and without hesitation I lean down to wrap my lips around her. She groans as one of her hands wraps in my hair. I start slow and go down as far as I can, wrapping a hand around the base. My tongue swirling around the head as I come to the top.

"Fuck..." she moans softly and I smile internally as I continue bobbing up and down. I feel her tug on my hair lightly, a signal for me to get up. I sit back up and she wipes my mouth with her thumb. Her other hand begins tracing my body.

Sending shivers throughout and causing goosebumps to erupt in trails where her fingertips once were. "I love how your body reacts to me" she whispers. She moves to hover over me, guiding my body to the bed. Kissing me passionately, she takes one of my boobs in her hand and massages it.

I whimper as she pinches my nipple in the softest manner. "Someone's sensitive" she whispers against my lips. Hers moving to my neck, sucking and biting to mark what's hers. Kisses quickly leading to the valley of my breasts before she takes a nipple in her mouth. Sucking and biting, causing me to writhe underneath her.

I moan quietly as she teases me endlessly, something she enjoys much to my dismay. Truly I love it, she knows just how to edge me, to drive me crazy. Her right hand snakes it's way between my thighs to run her fingers through my slit. We both moan as she feels how wet I am.

"I was going to have my fun teasing you but I don't think I can wait" she pants. "Tell me baby..." she raises herself so her hands are resting on either side of my head. "Are you ready for me?" She whispers sexily and I nod eagerly. "Please daddy..." I beg, she bites her lip as she looks in my eyes.

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