Happy Wife, Happy Life |l.m|

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Lou and I have been dating for almost 2 years now and just 3 weeks ago she asked me to marry her. I, of course, said yes and we celebrated with all of our friends. We'd call every night since I still lived in my apartment as we hadn't discussed that yet. Until one night, she just blurted out that she wanted me to live with her.

Rambling an explanation saying that we're engaged now and so it makes sense. While also giving me the option to decline in case I still want my own space. Obviously, I agreed to move in and immediately started packing my things the next day. I was honestly just waiting on her to ask.

So we've been living together for about two weeks now and everything feels really normal. I mean, I always spend the night over here so it's nothing out of the ordinary. I woke up this morning to see that she wasn't in bed and I groaned. I got up and quickly tied a robe around my body before stumbling to the kitchen. On the island there's a little blue paper folded in half.

I had to check on a few things at the bar and I should be back by noon. I didn't want to wake you as you look so peaceful, my love. I'll see you soon

Lou xx

I smile a little and sigh as I look around for something to eat. As I opens the microwave to heat up a little breakfast burrito I see a covered plate. I take off the little sticky note on it and chuckle.

P.S.- I made breakfast and please heat the bacon in the air fryer you know you don't like it in the microwave

She's right, I just hate heating them separately. But I listen to what she said and I enjoy the breakfast she made me. Once I'm done I decide to tidy up the place a bit. I do a little light dusting and I think of what sorts of decorations I could put up. She already has her own and I love everything about it.

However, she said that she wants it to be our space now so I should pick out some things I like too. After the living and dining room are done I go up to our bedroom and get the hamper. I start the washer and sigh to myself as I feel accomplished. My tummy rumbles signaling that it's probably time for me to eat.

I head to the kitchen again and check the time. 11:55am. Hopefully she'll be home soon because I really miss her. I have noticed that every time she leaves before I'm up she usually leaves a note. If she's in a hurry she'll text but she always leaves me a message somehow. I really appreciate it as it's just a little extra reassurance which never hurts.

I decide to just make myself a little sandwich and as I'm cleaning my plate I feel arms wrap around my waist. I immediately smell the familiar scent of her perfume and relax into her. "Hi, darling" she whispers in my ear. "Hiii" I sigh happily and she chuckles as she gives a peck on the lips. "I didn't hear you come in..." I say as she kisses my neck, "guess I'm just sneaky like that" she whispers making me giggle.

"Thank you for cleaning. You didn't have to" she mumbles into my neck, "I know, I was bored" I admit. "You missed me sooo much, huh?" she asks and I turn around in her arms, draping my own over her shoulders. "Yes, yes I did" I mumble as I lean up to give her a proper kiss.

I pull away with a grin on my face, opening my eyes to see a matching one on hers. "I have to admit... it's kinda sexy" she whispers as she leans down and gives me another kiss. "What is?" I mumble against her lips, "you... thinking of you cleaning..." she whispers. I pull away and start giggling loudly, eventually burying my head in her chest.

"Babe... that's so weird" I chuckle, "no it's not" she whines as she pulls away. She has a big pout on her face as she stares at me causing me to smile even wider. "I don't know... I just like the thought. You being all... domestic—ok it sounds weird now" she admits, "you sound like a man" I whisper and she rolls her eyes.

"No I get it though. I can picture it now... you... bent over the bathtub... mmm" I moan softly as I kiss her softly. "Ok that's just wrong" she giggles, "you started it" I point out and she shrugs. I glance down to her gold necklace with the heart-shaped pendant and play with it between my fingers. I snatched it for her while we were at the mall a week ago.

"I still don't know how you managed to grab this. I was with you the whole time" she mutters, "guess I'm just sneaky like that" I whisper funnily. She rolls her eyes and removes her arms from my waist making me pout. "Ok that was so unnecessary, I didn't even do anything" I groan, "oh hush, you" she scolds.

"Look..." she whispers, fiddling with the little heart until it clicks open. I lean closer, and see a picture of me on one side and I smile widely. "That's so cuteee I didn't even know it was a locket" I confess, "really...? I was playing with it in the shower the other day and it just popped open. I was so scared I broke it" she chuckles.

She closes it back and wraps her arms back around my waist, gently pushing me back into the counter. "This way..." "I'm always close to your heart" I presume. "Don't interrupt me, but close... this way you're always in my heart" she smiles goofily, "that's SO much worse, love" I giggle.

"Tell the truth, you love my corny jokes" she mumbles as she kisses me again, "I love you, so I can tolerate the bad jokes" I whisper as I lean in to kiss her again. Upon not meeting her lips I open my eyes to see her staring at me. "Take it back" she demands, "nnnnope" I say popping the 'p'.

"Y/n... take. It. Back" she orders. "Ok I'll take it back if... you can catch me" I say as I duck out her arms and run off. I hear her kick her shoes off and start running after me all around the house. "Y/n get your ass back here!" she yells, "NO" I reply loudly. I run up the stairs and into our bedroom, Lou right on my heels.

Before I can dart out the way she tackles me to the floor, both of us panting heavily. "Ok ok... I take it back. I love you AND your jokes" I breathe out and she smiles in victory before falling to the floor next to me. It's silent for a moment as we both catch our breaths. "Though I would much prefer to be breathless for a different reason... that was kinda fun" she chuckles and I agree.

"Next time you pull that though... I'll have to tase you cause I can't run that long" she sighs, "you wouldn't" I gasp dramatically. "Oh but I would, my love" she pouts mockingly, "you don't even OWN a taser" I remind her. "Eh, I'll buy one then" she shrugs, "or just don't run after me" I suggest with widened eyes.

She pulls me down to lay on top of her, planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I forget all about what she said as her tongue explores my mouth. She pulls away and gives me that look that always turns me to mush. "I'll always chase after you" she whispers, "ok that was kinda smooth" I admit. "Now quiet... less talking, more kissing" I order, "well I can't say no to that" she whispers as she presses her lips against mine.

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