Playing pretend |l.m|

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As I'm standing in kitchen, making a sandwich, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I don't even have to look down or turn around to know exactly who it is. Within seconds her familiar scent reaches my nose and I smile. "Hi, darling" she mumbles, "hey" I reply softly before releasing myself from her grip.

I hear her groan and I chuckle as I open the fridge. I can hear the girls chattering amongst themselves as I look for a drink. "Plans later?" the blonde asks me and I tilt my head back and forth as I hum and 'think'. "I don't think so" I answer as I grab the apple juice and pour myself a glass. "So you're coming out with me tonight" she states, "oh we've just skipped right past the asking" I chuckle.

"Well... I always give you an option but you always say yes so, what's the point?" she questions, "because these aren't really 'options' you give me" I counter. "Exactly. So why pretend?" she smirks, "woah" I gasp funnily. "What? Did you expect me to deny it?" she chuckles, "maybe a little" I whine. "You want me to tell you lies?" she asks as she comes closer to me, I can feel her breath on the back of my neck as I close the fridge.

I don't answer and she turns me around, moving us over so my back is against the wall. "Sweet sweet lies" she whispers as she moves in closer, "mmm like what?" I challenge her. "Like... that you have a choice when I tell you to do things. Because we both know that when mommy gives instructions... her baby girl follows" she whispers as she stares into my eyes.

"Baby girl?" I tease, "mhm" she hums while biting her lip. "And I'm just supposed to... do everything you say? And if I don't..." I taunt, "then you get punished, you should know that. Then again, you're always a good girl for me... so I don't think that'll be a problem" she smirks. I glance away, my gaze meeting her arm parallel to her other on either side of my head.

I meet her eyes again and she raises an eyebrow at me. "Tell me... mommy" I whisper as I pull her closer by her shirt and I hear her breath hitch slightly. I smirk in victory and lick my lips as I keep eye contact but I see her eyes drop for a second. "What makes you think I won't like your 'punishments' hm?" I breathe out and she lightly scoffs. Her tongue runs in her cheek as she pushes herself off the wall.

I know that I've won this one as she walks away and I grab my food. I go over to the living room where a few of the girls are sat and sit on the couch next to Tammy. I notice everyone is quiet and I look up to see them staring at me. "What?" I mumble as I cover my mouth with food in it and nine ball chuckles.

"Dude... you guys fucked right? Like you definitely banged at least once" Constance states and I almost choke. I grab my juice and manage to swallow so I can take a breath. "No of course not! Why would you say that?" I ask confused, "honey... she looks at you like-" "she wants to devour you" Debbie interjects.

My head snaps to her and my eyes widen in shock. "Like an animal... it's kinda hot" Daphne mumbles absently, "excuse you" Rose directs at her. "Guys were just friends. We flirt all the time—it's a joke" I remind them, "to you it is" Tammy mumbles and I roll my eyes. "Seriously though... you guys didn't do it?" Constance crawls over to me and whispers.

I sigh and stand up, grabbing my juice and walking off. "Silence is an answer" she yells after me and I rearrange the things in my hand just to flip her off. I go up the stairs and to my room, shaking my head as I sit on the bed. I mean it's not like I don't feel the tension between us, of course I do. I just don't think past that I guess, I mean we're just friends.

Friends flirt and compliment each other all the time. Of course, we do tend to go beyond the 'normal' friendly things—but still. I finish my food but don't feel like going down to see them just yet. I turn on Netflix and scroll for a while until I find something mildly intriguing. I end up really liking it so I put on the second movie... and then the third... and fourth.

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