I'll Always Choose You |l.m|

613 27 32

Lou and I have been dating for a few months now and I am madly in love with her. I suppose that's no surprise though because, who wouldn't be? I knock on the door to her loft and wait a few seconds before someone opens it. "Hey, y/n" Tammy says cheerfully and I give her a hug as I walk in.

"Lou should be down any second" she says, gesturing for me to sit with her. She asks me if I want anything to drink but I decline. Soon enough Lou comes down and picks up her pace once she sees me. "Hi, baby" she smiles widely, plopping down next to me and pulling me in her arms.

"Hey" I squeak, nuzzling my face on her neck and taking a deep breath. "You're like a dog" she chuckles, "are you calling me a bitch?" I ask pulling away with a look of fake shock on my face. "Yes. Yes I am" she smirks, "rude" I scoff as I lean back into her. "You guys wanna watch a movie?" Tam asks and I look at Lou who nods before I agree.

Tammy turns on some action movie and gets up to make popcorn. She comes back quick and sets the bowl next to me since I'm closest to her. We all watch, Lou periodically reaching over me to grab popcorn. She feeds me a few pieces making me giggle softly. As the credits roll there's a knock on the door and Tammy offers to get it.

"I have a few errands to run anyway so I'll see you guys later" she mutters, we say our goodbyes and she leaves after letting the other person in. Lou and I both turn to see Debbie coming in with bags on her arms. "Hey, Deb" Lou speaks up, "hi" I echo and she mumbles a greeting before heading upstairs.

Must've had a long day. Lou suggests we put on another movie and I agree. She lets me pick while she grabs more snacks and also drinks. As I settle on one, she sits down next to me and pulls me closer. I nibble as we watch and snuggle closer to her since I'm getting cold. She pushes me to sit up a bit, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and laying it over us.

I smile softly as she now rests her hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently. Just as the good part is coming on, I hear descending footsteps behind me. I don't bother to turn around since I know it's Debbie and I'm really invested. I grab tightly onto Lou's arm as one of the main characters gets shot and she chuckles.

"That's not funny! What is she dies?!" I exclaim, "honey, she can't die. The movie would be over" she reasons. "Ok but still! She's hurt now, which will make it harder" I counter, "fair point" she sighs. "What are you guys watching?" Debbie asks as she sits in the armchair. "Wanted" Lou answers, "what's it about?" the brunette continues.

"Uhh they're basically like assassins with super skills and their enemy is trying to take them down" I reply, not taking my eyes off the screen. Angelina Jolie's character is trying to track down the new recruit and it's getting really good. "So they're basically superheroes" Debbie presumes, "no. They have special skills. Not super powers" I clarify.

"Isn't that basically the same thing?" she asks, "shhh" Lou scolds her. She finally finds James McAvoy's character just after he almost died. They make eye contact and it gets really quiet. Turns out she's working for the other side and she raises her gun to shoot him. "Holy fuck, oh my god. Babe! Babe! She's gonna kill him!" I exclaim and Lou just laughs.

"It's not funny! I can't believe she's the bad guy... she's too hot to be the bad guy" I whine, "hey, easy there" Lou jokes. I hear Debbie mumble something before walking off, quiet loudly. All ends well and she tells me to pick something else to watch, while she gets ready for our dinner. I already came dressed, so I just nod and let her go.

As I'm surfing through Netflix I hear steps coming towards me and groan. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready? We're going to be late if you don't start now. And before you say 'I don't have anything to wear' you better-" I turn to see Debbie and chuckle nervously. "Sorry. I thought you were Lou" I explain, "that much was clear" she states.

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