Truth or Dare? (2/2)

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I cautiously climbed the stairs, uncertain of my next steps both literally and figuratively. I approached her door and knocked lightly, not receiving an immediate answer. "Lou?" I question fearfully, not knowing what response I'll get, if any. "I'm coming in" I say after a few moments of silence, "no" I hear her say. My hand stops on the handle, already having it turned halfway. "Why not?" I ask, not taking my hand off the knob. I'm met with silence once again.

I turn around as I hear light shuffling behind me to see the girls coming up. They go to their respective rooms not saying a word. The encompassing silence leaves me with a sense of dread and anxiety. Not being able to stand it any longer I open the door and slide into the room. Closing the door softly behind me and squinting as I try to find my way in the dark. "Lou" I call out for her and as my eyes adjust I see a lump in the bed.

Her body facing the nightstand in which her half full glass sits. "Why are you here?" She asks quietly, "you ran off and I wanted to make sure you're ok" I answer. Taking a seat on the end of the bed near her feet that retract as the bed dips. "Well you've seen" she quips, "yes I have, and I can see you're not alright. What's wrong?" I ask, folding my hands in my lap and sighing. "Nothing" she retorts, "Louise..." I warn her and she sits up.

Huffing as she turns the lamp on and rubs her hands through her hair. "Look. If this is about the kiss, it's not a big deal" I say shrugging. She looks up at me blankly but I can see the confusion and slight anger in her eyes. "Of course it's nothing to you" she shakes her head and begins to stand. "No. You're not walking away from me again. Sit down" I say standing up and quickly blocking her path. "Y/n move" she warns, "sit down. Now" I demand and she rolls her eyes but sits nonetheless.

"Now tell me what this is about, because I don't get it" I admit. "I like you, y/n. Is that not obvious? Jesus" she mutters. Taking a particular interest in her nails as she picks at her cuticles. "Stop" I say separating her hands making her look up at me. I stare at her, getting lost in her eyes and I could swear they swirled as she hypnotized me. "Say something" she whispers, "something" I smile softly.

She rolls her eyes and smacks her teeth, her head turning away from me. I raise my hand and turn her head to face me again. Leaning in so our faces are only divided by a thin sheet of air. "I'm going to kiss you now, if that's alright?" I repeat her words from earlier. She nods softly and her eyes flutter as she glances down at my lips. I let myself fall forward slightly, effectively connecting our lips. This kiss even better than the last now that we're alone.

I move to straddle her as my hands move to her neck. My palms resting against her pulse points, the tips of my fingers teasing the hairs at the nape of her neck. I feel her shudder beneath me as our lips move in sync. The beat under my palms increasing as my hips softly grind against hers. Her hands wandering from my waist to my ass, squeezing gently. I moan into her mouth and she groans in response. Pulling away for breath I brush the hair out her face.

Splitting her bangs in half and holding her face in my hands. The only sounds to be heard are our soft pants and the slight smack of our lips as they part in intervals. My hand unconsciously makes its way to her cheek. My thumb sliding slowly across her bottom lip, pulling it until it snaps back. She chuckles making me return it and soon we're lost in a fit of giggles. My head easing to rest my forehead against hers as we fall into silence. "See? Nothing to worry about" I whisper to her.

"Will you be my-" "wife? Yes, but I think we should take it slow" I interrupt her to makes a joke. She taps my ass lightly making me jerk against her. A soft gust of air leaves her lips as I press against her accidentally. "Gosh control yourself Miller" I tease her, "don't ask the impossible of me" she whispers. I bite my lip softly and peck her lips before leaning back.

"The girls will be over the moon" she smiles, "they simply won't know what to do with themselves" I joke. "I've adored you for a while now, y/n. I can't believe you've felt the same way" she expresses. Her hands coming back up to my waist as she speaks. Drawing small incomprehensible shapes on my sides. "Well believe it. I should be the one in shock" I reply. My arms resting on her shoulders, bent to play with her hair.

"You know, I may never have the courage to say this later... but I love you. I just haven't been dealing with it the best. Afraid to tell you because I love what we have already" she confesses. "That doesn't have to change. Just because we love each other doesn't mean we have to stop being friends. We can just share other special moments together in addition to what we have" I reply. "So you love me too, huh?" She smiles widely, "gosh I'd be an idiot not to" I roll my eyes playfully.

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