For god's sake |c.b|

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Cate and I are quite the odd pair, at least that's what I think. I mean picture this... me standing next to her. It's hard isn't it? But despite us being a weird combo we've managed to become best friends. By that I mean that she's somehow managed to deal with my shit for a long time.

Today we're going to be hanging out since she's in town for the premiere of her new movie. I find it even more interesting that we met on the set of a movie a few years ago. I was cast as her best friend oddly enough and we had to spend quite a bit of time together. Not that I minded, obviously.

Catie 💕: hey love, I'm thinking 7 at mine? I don't really feel like going out

Y/n: sounds good! You know I'd rather stay in anyway lol (laugh out loud)

Catie 💕: that was one time, okay! I know what it means now 😒 I'll see you @ 7 honey

That's in a few hours so I decide to take a nap so I can devote all my attention to her. I can't wait to see her after all this time. Really it hasn't been long but every second without her always feels like an eternity.

*time skip*

I knock on her door not so patiently waiting for her to let me in. Finally her frame appears in the door and I jump into her arms. She giggles and holds me as tight as possible, slightly lifting me off the ground. Once we've acquainted ourselves she leads me to the living room. There's a plethora of snacks on the table and basically anything I could want to drink.

She always over-prepared but I love that about her cause I am very indecisive. I allow her to choose the movie since anything that I'd want to watch would have her in it. She decides to watch the proposal with Sandra bullock and Ryan Reynolds which makes me jealous. Obviously not because of Ryan, but Sandra. I know they didn't have anything going on but I still feel like she's so fond of her.

I wish she would look at me the way she looks at her, not to mention Rooney. "Are you alright, darling?" She asks pulling me to the surface and out of my never-ending abyss of thoughts. "Mhmm" I hum and she narrows her eyes at me, "do you not like this movie? I can change it" she offers teaching for the remote. I don't know fear overcame me but I just flew forward and captured her lips with mine.

I pulled back in horror as the realization of what I did started to take full effect. "I'm so sorry I- I don't know what's wrong with me I just -" "Oh for gods sake shut up" Cate says before connecting our lips again in a passionate kiss. Her hands find my waist, her delicate fingers softly tickling my skin. We pull away for air and I stare at her in shock. "Wh-wh" I start but she stops me putting a slender finger to my lips.

"Shhh" she coos as she examines every inch of my face lovingly. "Don't worry, darling. I feel the same way. I'm just much more experienced at hiding it" she chuckles softly. "I love you" I say shyly and desperately as if I kept it in any longer I'd burst. "I love you too" she whispers giving me a sweet peck on the lips.

I know it's short but I just didn't know what else to do w it and I hate having drafts lol

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