Late Night Adventures |l.m|

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Lou and I had been out all day just walking around, shopping. It was our date day today, so we just had a lot of fun together. We went to dinner, then went for a ride on her motorcycle. We stopped at the beach to look at the stars and enjoy the sound of the water and the feel of the wind.

We walked for a bit and came upon one of those private resorts. It was so big and it was lit up really pretty, Lou saw me staring at it. "Let's go" she said, "where?" I asked confused and she pointed at the resort with a grin. I figured she meant for a weekend getaway but then she started pulling me.

"Ummm" I said and she put her finger to her lips silently shushing me. I shrugged my shoulders and followed her then she jumped the gate. She opened it for me once she was on the other side and looked around before we walked. I giggled quietly and then saw the big pool and my mouth fell open.

"Jackpot" Lou whispered and I raised my eyebrows at her. "Let's get in" she said and I chuckled until I realized she was serious. "We don't have bathing suits and we're not even staying here" I whispered and she rolled her eyes. "I don't want to get my clothes wet" I said seriously.

"Well we could take them off... or just get fully naked" she whispered seductively. I looked at her in disbelief, "I dare you" she said smugly. "Don't challenge me Miller you know I can't back down" I said seriously. She shrugged her shoulders and began taking off her clothes.

Walking towards the pool and finally taking of her underwear before stepping in. I frantically pulled my clothes off and followed her while laughing. She brought me into her arms as I got close and kissed me sweetly. "You're insane" I said jokingly, "wouldn't be the first time I heard that" she said smirking.

We swam for a bit and then things got a little heated until we got interrupted. "Hey!" A males voice said breaking us out of our make out session. "Yes?" Lou asked unbothered, "you're not supposed to be here" he said crossing his arms. I looked at Lou nervously and she gave me a reassuring smile.

"We've been paying $750 a night to stay here and you're saying we can't be in the pool?" She asked cooly and he narrowed his eyes at her. "You're not staying here, I would know. And you definitely shouldn't be naked" he said pointing to our clothes.

"So you know everyone who stays here? Maybe we should check in with your manager and let him know about your incompetence then. Surely you can't be that good at your job if you haven't seen us. We've been staying here the whole week and have been coming to the pool every other day" I say getting agitated.

He starts shifting and seems uncomfortable and I know we've got him. "My wife and I don't appreciate this kind of disrespect. In fact I think we'll file a complaint because I think this is discriminatory, don't you honey?" She asks looking at me trying not to laugh.

"I do, baby. Do you have a problem with us? Are you homophobic or something? That's not a good look... James" I say glancing at his name tag briefly. "Uhh... no, no! Of course not! I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding ladies" he says scurrying off and Lou and I snicker quietly. "Ok come one, let's go it's getting cold" she says and I nod following behind her.

We get dressed and go back out to the beach walking back to the car. "You're wife huh?" I say smirking at her as we approach the car and get in. "Oh was I mistaken? My apologies madam" she says starting the car. "I wouldn't mind it" I say looking out the window so she doesn't see me blushing.

"Consider it done my dear" she says driving us home and I couldn't be more happy.

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