Anything for you |m.t|

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Lady (Madonna) Tremaine x Reader

We've been in this vicious cycle for months. I feel off about something, I try to be open with her, and she just brushes me off saying it's all in my head. So at first, I believed her and thought maybe it's just my paranoia. I mean she's a beautiful woman and practically the entire kingdom is head over heels for her, but who can blame them? However, it started to become even more frequent.

She'd go on sporadic trips for days on end and whenever I'd ask her where she'd been, she would go all coy. Based on how she was acting, the only logical explanation in brain was that she has to be cheating. Now, I didn't want to believe this, I didn't even want to think it in the first place. Yet considering she left me to my own devices, having plenty of time to go over every interaction we've had these past few months again and again... what else was I supposed to do?

Now I did try to convince myself otherwise, trust me, telling myself she would never do that to me and I almost accepted that as fact. Until things began to rapidly decline even further. Before I could ignore my thoughts or at the very least subdue them with the fact that we continued to have a thriving sex life. She didn't seem bored with me but then out of nowhere she just gave me the cold shoulder. Constantly looking at me like she wished I was someone else.

I know how rough she's had it, I even got close enough to the girls for them to open up to me. They told me all about how hard it was for her when her first husband died, though they were younger they remember it in great detail. So I can only imagine how it was to not only have it happen once but twice, without ample time to grieve because on the responsibility to her daughters.

So I tried to sympathize but it came to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore. She looks at me like I'm see-through. I feel like she's not only wasting my time but hers as well when she can be with someone else since it seems her heart just isn't in this anymore. I love her and I want the absolute best for her so when she comes home today from her outing with Anastasia and Drizella, I'll have a talk with her.

time skip: 1 hour later

"Helloooo" I hear Anastasia 'politely' shout from downstairs and I giggle as I hear Madonna scold her quietly. I descend the stairs and the girls run up and hug me, they really have grown so much since I've been here and it makes me proud. "Honey, can I get you in the study for a moment? I just need to run something by you" I say vaguely so the girls won't think anything is wrong. We often used to retreat to the study since it's on the opposite side of the house, away from the other rooms.

She nods hesitantly and sends the girls off to their shared room before following me. Once we're in the study I close the door and I sit on the velvet couch, crossing my legs with a sigh. "I'm just going to get straight o the point as I know how much you hate when people beat around the bush. I've noticed you aren't... interested in me anymore and that's ok. If you're no longer happy I would just prefer you tell me instead of leaving me in limbo" I say calmly.

I've had a lot of time to think about this and come to terms with my numerous emotions surrounding the subject. I knew it was essential for me to be composed when I did finally bring this to her. "Wha- Why would you think that?" she asks confused and I wish I could say I knew whether she was faking it or not but in all honesty, I don't. "Madonna, please. You barely look at me anymore, let alone touch me, and all these trips you're going on? Never telling me where or when you'll be back at all" I list.

"Listen... I can explain" she says striding over graciously to sit next to me, taking one of my hands in both of hers. "I'm open to talking about it but please, don't bullshit me. I've already tried to convince myself for months that I was wrong" I tell her. "I'm not. I presume you think I'm cheating on you, and I am not. I would never do that to you, I could never do that to you. That being said, it'll all hopefully make sense in the next few days" she explains without actually explaining.

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