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Jasper carried Nicole's luggage an his own as they make there way to the boat Nicole never really liked going on boats anything that had to do with water it frightened her but it was the only way  they could really get to travel to kingdoms that was overseas. She thought they were going straight home until Jasper told her King Mo wanted to see them very quickly, he was very anger but held his rage not wanting to fear her.

Once they got on the boat Nicole greeted by the person who was in control of the boat an other workers as she takes her seat yawning how exhausted she was from last night. Jasper hardly let her sleep from the love making that pursued on for hours on end. She wanted him to stop but pleasure took over her multiple of times.

Nicole felt Jasper hand on her thigh as she looked up at him seeing him smile. He wasn't mad right she thought to herself. "You seem deep in thought what's the matter?"

She shook her head "There's nothing wrong Jasper I'm just very tired. Sex can be exhausting but very enjoyable at the same time. You always give me pleasure but I want to give you the same thing you give me."

"Why worry about such a thing you, we both pleassure ourselves. I know that's not what your thinking about, its about the rumors about my past. I'll confess my sins to you is that something you want to hear?"

she places her hand on top of his " its not going to change anything I'm just rather curious...if that's okay..."

Jasper smiled "Of course its okay; before I met you in the forest that day I was Charles Servant and assistant as you know. He wanted certain people dead his pawns he told me. Charles wanted to keep his reputation as a wise innocent young man, so he ordered me to kill them despite myself being innocent and still learning as the world changed around me.When I killed people in a village I drinked most of their blood and I was a savage desperate for blood; Charles had to break me out of the habbit immediately though King Chancellor would whip me if I didn't behave. Then they saw a side of me I didn't know I had myself the darkness that is within me grows everyday...."His eyes was empty as he talked about the gruelling details of those whom he murdered. "The cellars is where I constantly tortured people including some bad people;however I took frequent outings in the forest away from Lilth but then I saw you playing. You saw me staring at the lake I know, I fled before you could reach me. Even when I wasn't going to see you anymore nothing could have kept me away from you. I was loyal to my king but I just hated being there being a pawn nothing more than a servant lowered down and beaten.. Queen Anna sober me made me the man I am today if she haven't I would have Turned out like Charles. Yet killing people excited me it still does. What you saw that day when you was in the dungeon was actually me I wanted to erase that part of your memory but I want you to embrace who I truly am.The monster that served the Lilith Kingdom for decades. "

Nicole tighten her grip on his hand she smiled at him "I still love you Jasper your past is your past why judge you. Thank you for telling me I know it must have been hard."

"It eases the pain, your here right by my side what more can  a man ask."

Just as Jasper was about to kiss her the Servant suddenly appeared with their drinks. She handed it to them one champagne and water, he doesnt remember asking the servant  for a drink he had a gut feeling that something didn't seem right. With King Mo suddenly asking then to come to Another forbidden location he  knows something isn't right. Nicole thanked her and took a small sip as he did the same thing. Her vision she once was able to see because blurry and unfocus placing her hand on her head; Jasper felt the same effects but much stronger. He tried to get up but stumbled seeing Nicole's body dragged to the open door were the water splashed around the bost  rapidly throwing her out as if she was nothing.

Jasper's eyes became dark and full of rage standing up quickly to realize what has happened he rushed towards the women as she screamed helplessly as he violently ripped her guts out with his teeth blood gushing out. He leaps out the boat  going into the water seeing Nicole unconscious from the drug making her calm as she was  sinking deeper in the water, reaching her would be hard he thought to himself teleporting to her he grabbed her body embracing her.

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