Chapter 18

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Nicole twiddled her fingers as she looks outside seeing the moon invade the sun. She reached out her hand taking the book from the little table "Aladdin" it's one of her favorite princess books. Nicole heard a knock on the door as Nurse joy came in with another bag of blood, this was her second time getting another ounce of blood since she lost so much in her body. This was truly the only way she was going to live and get stronger.

" we got another bag for you, it should make u healthy again. Your wounds are healing up slowly so don't worry your recovery is coming out great. Keep up the good work." Nurse joy said as she sticks the needle in her arm as the blood slowly went into her system.

Jasper and Charles came through the hospital doors carrying loads of gifts for Nicole making sure to spoil her rotten. She is special to Charles an those around her she deserves it. Jasper check themselves in, heading to the top floor. Once the walked inside her room they saw Nicole silently sleeping leaving her book on her lap as they came in silently setting the gifts down.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep like a angel that was flown down to earth, Charles and Jasper sat on the opposite side of her hospital bed fascinated by her beauty nothing could compare her to any other women that Charles was intrigued by.

"She's a beauty isn't she Prince Charles...I find her quite adorable.." Jasper spoke as he takes the book from her lap handing it over to Charles.

"She is quite beautiful, though u are a prince I don't need you touching my women with those hands." Charles smirked at him setting the book down on the desk behind him. Nicole woke up with a smile on her face sensing Charles and Jasper beside her talking about appearance.

Charles firmly grabbed her hand kissing it. "I'm sorry for making u cry, I was under lots of stress. I brought u gifts to make up to you. " Charles leaned over the bed giving her a kiss on her lips. She smiled lightly as she looked down at the gifts on the for seeing flowers,chocolate,stuff animals,balloon's- you name it was there in her eye sight.

"We came to inform you about Lord Percy Nicole, he...done something terrible. I don't know you realizes or not but Charles take medicine to sooth his anger & thirst control. As purr bloods we rely on this particular medicine. Some how Percy tainted Charles medication which rare in the vampire world. I assure you Charles didn't mean what he said."

Charles nodded in agreement, as Jasper told them stories in her stories when they where younger.

Charles & Jaspers past life no later than the 1400s

Back in the days when Charles and Jasper were growing up they loved laying detective. Solving mysterious an serving justice to those who needed to be saved. As teenagers they're life was normal as any human

Charles was a calm peaceful child same as for Jasper but he was more mature for his age since his parents raised him like that. As they grew older their mind grew wide as things changed around them humans getting old city's being built high taller than human nor vampire could imagine. Loves one gone before a blink of an eye, they both experience that towards there life time.

When Charles was a teenager or so , he met a small little girl that was lost in the forest. She cried for mother making her voice echoed through the deep forest, rain poured down hard making it hard to breath. Charles walked in the rain with his umbrella as he strolled along the forest, he hears a little girl close to him walking up to her.

"Are u lost little one...let me help you, I won't harm you." Charles extended his hand to her as she looked up at him afraid an scared not knowing what may happen to her after all he is a vampire.

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