chapter 20

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Warning very long chapter

Lori played around in the garden outside the palace along with her fellow vampire buddies. Charles and Jasper sat in the garden watching her in the distance as they discuss future plans for the kingdom. Since Percy wasn't wasn't around in the kingdom Charles had the the power to the throne once his parents retire from their duty as King and Queen. Lori accidentally fell over a rock scrapping her leg as the Charles and Jasper smelled the blood in the air as their eyes slowly turned red from hungry.

Among them was the girls that crept up to her, Lilly & Tituba hissed at her as Charles placed his hand on Lori's shoulders as he leans over and bites her neck. Lori's eyes grew wide as she screams pain holding her neck in tears.

Jasper ran over to her an kissed her forehead as he places his hand on her head, whispering a chant in her ear as she slowly fell asleep. Charles pants heavily as he takes out his blood tablet pills placing one of them in his mouth.

The taste was foul an rancid but it was the only way to control the savage that lingered in him. Jasper carried Lori in his room gently putting her down on the bed. She wept and cried begging the lord for the pain to stop. Jasper laid next to her giving a painful expression on his face watching her slowly change into a vampire.

Once the Lori stopped crying she rested gently against the pillow as Jasper gets up from the bed placing a warm folded towel on her forehead. Jasper walks out the room closing the door behind him seeing Charles give a guilty expression on his face, Charles started to walk away from him to be stopped by Jasper clinching his wrist tightly in anger.

"Charles, I'm disappointed in you...why did you change her. Tell me!!! You had one job!! That was too keep her safe, nothing more nothing are a prince act more like it I can't take care of you if your act foolishly. If you excuse me I have to get back to work... " Jasper said in angrily voice that was cold, giving no light to Charles actions but a scolded of inner hatred he never felt before.

" You are right Jasper I made a terrible mistake, it just happened. I wonder what father shall do with me, I'll be gone for a couple of days don't cone looking for me... By the way don't ever talk to me like that again or I'll put you back where you came from." Charles was depressed an angry at himself for suddenly changing Lori into a vampire.

Jasper gave him a mean look "yes my prince."

Her time with him would he short, vampire who been bite by other vampires have a short life expectancy then the pure bloods. That's how its always been for centuries no vampire has ever lived pass a pure blood vampire.

Lori woke up slowly from her nap as a maid named Caroline she was a beauty indeed an always did her best around the palace, she was however wicked. Caroline smiled happily dabbing her head with a handkerchief as Lori slowly turned her head.

"Miss...I am very hungry." Lori said with a desolate expression. Who ever thought she would become a vampire in one day Lori was surely going to miss her human life. Caroline happy expression became annoyed, she hated dealing with children; they were quite spoiled an needy in her opinion.

"Find something outside this palace, you such as a low grade vampire shall not eat anything in this palace. Hopefully you can understand why we can't have our lord see a wondering girl asking for a pint of blood." Lori nodded slowly as she she gets up from the bed as she walks out the room only to be pushed by Caroline.

"Your in the way nuisance..." Caroline laughed as Lori gets up from her suddenly fall as she heads her way out the palace.

Jasper was in the garden watering flowers noticing Lori walking out in the palace heading her way to the woods.

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