chapter 43

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Jasper silently reads Nicole's diary, it's like a Reading book of a person's life and misery that was placed upon them. He found it similar to Lori's diary but it was more tragic than any diary that he read. He assumed that Lori's death was nothing more than accident, Charles considered it murder upon the wolves that killed his beloved it. Jasper glanced over at Nicole sleeping face smiling in the moonlight he gave a sadden look nothing more was more important than her anything in life he considered dear.

He suddenly heard a knock at the door as he quickly pulled out his sword running down stairs. Jasper hesitated for moment then swiftly opened the door pointing his blade towards the figures neck. He realized it was Edward his Big Brother, Jasper withdraw his blade as he bowed in apology.

"Edward what are you doing here shouldn't you be at Snow Kingdom"

"You are right but father is losing his mind as we speak, mothers death is hitting him hard. I don't think he wants to live anymore That is what Scare's me the most. I surely don't want to rule so I'm giving the power on to you."

"What? Edward I do not understand, It's best if I stay here with Nicole. We will be muh safer here."

"Keep telling yourself that Jasper , I can already smell one of your friends in the air searching
for her. If you come with me you will be safe there is only matter of time until the court themselves will start looking for you I mean her"

"This has nothing to do with her you leave Nicole out of this, I will wake her from her sleep will you wait for me?"

"Oh of course Jasper I'll get the car ready"

Jasper walked away from Edward as he went up stairs going unit their bedroom seeing her sleep sleep peacefully. He gently grabs her carrying her down the stairs out the house an into the back seat car. Once he gotten inside the car Edward took off.

"You know mother was pregnant with our little brother, You won't believe this but after she died I noticed a small baby wrapped up in blue blanket. He was so adorable I had to name him Levi

Jasper eyes widened in shock "how is that possible, the child she carried should have dies along with mother. The baby shouldn't have to suffer in this cruel"

"your right it's better for the baby to leave the palace and live in the forest with me and my lover, it might be to much for the baby to bare at this moment. However the baby wouldn't be able to survive in such a cold temperate"

"Shouldn't he be able to use to the temperatures over time though it doesn't make sense me"

"Jasper he is only a normal human child which I'm taking care of at this moment"

"I wonder if mother placed him under some sort of spell..." Jasper said quietly to himself glancing over at Nicole seeing her sleeping face. He couldn't help but reach over touching her face lightly, she smiled which made him awe.

"I know you love that dearly don't you little brother"

"Of course I do, will bitterness towards myself make me less than what I am. Whenever I saw her around Charles it made me feel angry but once I saw him doing things that hurt her causing her physical pain. I had to help her, I had to save the person I love even if I meant death."

"I understand completely-"

Edward stopped the car suddenly seeing Percy standing in the middle of the road eyes both black smiling. Jasper left eye turned dark purple, he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned around seeing Nicole look at him with a slight smile. Before she could say anything he kissed her deeply, he pulled back slightly letting her speak"

"Jasper there going to keep coming after me I need to go with him. I got to make sure that your both safe, I thought about this carefully I hate it as much as you do trust me okay?"

Jasper shook his head as left eye started to turn pitch red his hand caresses her face as she kissed his lips one last time before opening the door getting out the car.

Percy extended his hand towards her as she started to walk to him, she stopped an noticed Charles walking up to them both as well. Nicole closed eyes and looked away at him. Once Charles was close enough to her he whisper in her ear making her fall instantly on the ground. Jasper get out the car instantly running to his lover as fast he could screaming out her name. Charles grabbed her limp body as he and Percy vanished. Jasper fell to the floor he clenched his fist hitting it against the pavement cracking it's hard surface. This was a love triangle between a beast and man, but it seems like Charles keeps winning Everytime.

Edward removes him out the car walking up Jasper extending his hand to him, his blue eyes met his purple ones. Jasper grabbed his hand pulling himself up, he didn't want his anger to consume him. There is only so much he can do alone ; he told himself he has to be the bigger person for her.

"Jasper let's get our thoughts together first before heading out to lilth kingdom once again"

"I understand"

Nicole eyes fluttered open seeing herself in her old room which she slept plenty of times. Glanced over seeing Charles sitting in a chair right beside her bed making jump.

"Did I scare you my love, I was deeply fond of your sleeping. I needed you back in my life"

"You just using me Charles I thought u loved me...I really thought you did. I was just hurt at the end of it all"

"You know deep down inside I loved you buttercup, you just make mad at certain times. Though yes I didn't want anything to do with you but I can't live without you. I'll kill everyone that looks at you even thinks about you because you are mine. Jasper spoils you rotten to the core, he only wants what's best for you to protect you from the Court that is looking for you I this very day as we speak. They can appear at any moment and kill us both, however they sense something powerful in you so they keep their distance to you"

"My love for you has vanished...please don't make this harder than what it already is"

"Yet deep down inside your feelings for me hasn't changed, I love you so much..."

Charles leaned towards her face as she looked away, he grabbed her face placing pressure on her cheeks as she felt his lips against hers. It was rough but somehow felt gentle she tried her best to shake free from his grasp but she didn't move one inch. Percy suddenly walked in the bedroom asking for Charles ; he finally stops kissing her leaving a small bruise on the corner of her mouth. He gets up from the chair walking out the room Nicole faced towards the window feeling sadness wave over her shoulder she knew this was the only way to save Jasper from Charles rath.

Nicole wondered to herself who will win this battle Dark or Light. The Charles she once knew was learning his ways about being a kind individual such as Jasper. Jasper never failed her once he was the one that cheered her up make her feel special in his own way she finally noticed that her true love was standing right beside the person of whom she thought she loved. Bitterness and depression swept her mind but Jasper was always there by her side.

Sorry for Late chapters I know I gotta step up my game but I've been busy busy with school. I got 4 more weeks left than I will finally be a Senior in high school. I don't wanna grow up but it's all apart of life.
Thanks for Reading💕

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