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Today was the Festival Ball which took place in the Apple Kingdom. For those who worked in the Kingdom, they wanted to make sure everything was perfect for the king and queen even the nobles that were going to be there.

Nicole looked at the workers that rushed around in the main hall trying to finish up the Ballroom for the big event that was going to be later at night. A part of her was excited and nervous at the same time; therefore she had never experienced something like this before in her entire life. She was thankful that Jasper was giving her the opportunity to attend something that she never knew she would be able to. Worried still crept in heart for the future there were so many possibilities as to what may happen to her and the unborn kids that laid in her womb.

Jasper rested his arm that was wrapped around her waist as they walked upstairs to their room to prep for the ball that was going to be starting in a couple of hours. Jasper considered events such as those to be tiresome and boring, having to attend to all the Nobles with wants and desires didn't put to much ease on his mind. There were so much time and effort that went into his work that it was all he could think about; being a pureblood that constantly was pushed about and beaten by king Chancellor had taken much stress on his body. All his stress was washed away when she came back in his life thinking of it as fate as if they were meant to be with each other before Charles came and ruin the vision that was set in stone... But Jasper was smarter and clever in his own ways which were all he needed to win the girl that he had solely thought of till day till dawn.

Once they made it back to their rooms, Jasper placed Nicole on a plush chair as he gets their clothes for the ball. As he did that he noticed an uneasy feeling that was coming from her. Jasper turned around holding the clothing in his arms only to set them down at the foot of the bed. He kneeled on one knee grabbing a hold of her hand as he looked into her eyes seeing how bright and beautiful they bad become after giving her the medicine that Vicar gave to him.

He stroked her hand with his thumb giving a Dismay sight. "What's the matter you don't seem like yourself today. It's only been three that your health started to improve. Why worry about the other nobles that are going to be there? Do you find that frightening" Nicole nodded slightly "We're nobles as well more like royals. They should treat you the same respect as they treat me. Remember I'm right by your side If you feel like your idea in danger use your blade if necessary. Anyways when we start getting ready the maids will come in an assist you. Be excited to experience something like this we won't do this often."

Nicole closed her eyes and sigh "I understand thank you, I'll never forget this day."

"I'm glad since we have nothing else to do would like to head out of the palace to look around. I'm making it up to you since we didn't spend much time in Lilith kingdom that day when we were out in walking around partially. This is a good opportunity to spend money here and when we get back home. We depart around five, you can rest for now." Jasper patted her head as he starts to walk away out the room he felt a harsh tug of his sleeve making him turn his head.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to rest with me Jasper?" Nicole's eyes held such pure innocences that it was hard for him to say no to such a cute lamb such as herself. Jasper turned his body around completely wrapping his arm around her waist. Such a petite body he though to himself looking into her eyes.

"I can rest with you, eventually we'll have to leave-" He stopped talking seeing her wince in pain as she held on her pregnant stomach making his eyes narrow. Sensing the pain that appeared and disappeared "Actually I changed my mind we can shop when we get back home."

"But Jasper...I can still walk to the market. I can do it." Nicole frowned only deepened when Jasper leads her on the bed making her lay down with him.

Jasper played with her curly hair as he says "I can't have you walking around while your in pain. What kind of husband would be to see my poor wife suffering. Just rest I'll wake you up when the time is right."

Nicole nods her head as she closed her eyes lids letting the darkness take over vision. He kissed her forehead wishing her a sweet dream as she slowly gets up from the bed making his way to the terrace outside the room. Jasper oftentimes ponder in his own thoughts and curiosity's which would get the better of him. When he had first met Nicole he could sense nothing but her pure heart but over time he noticed things would start to change in her. It was uncommon light and darkness to conjoin as one, If it was true that Nicole was the daughter of the evil duchess Chantelle then it would bring nothing but chaos and worry through the court and council . This wasn't the first time that the duchess had done something evil by destroying entire kingdom by the lost of her beloved lover who had died by the kings hand of unlawful acts which involves for their love for each other.

Jasper knew how someone could fall into the dark side it was all based off emotions and doubt which clouded many people who followed the duchess for revenge or to simply enjoy the satisfaction of killing another being. Something seemed off he thought to himself, for her heart to be so corrupted by darkness there was something way more to the story that she told him.

He went back inside the room turning his head to bed seeing her not there but in the bathroom throwing up again. Taking no time to run in the bathroom and comfort her again by rubbing her back and making sure she felt better. Vicar never told him the side effects of the medicine but apparently this was one of them. Once she was finished cleaning out her system ,Jasper picked her up gently and places her back on the bed.

"I'm going to give you some more of the medicine that Vicar gave me. It might be able to bring balance back in your body. We still have a few more hours until the Festival starts. If you are truly unwell till the point were you can't get out the bed than we're not going. " Jasper still having her eyes on her as he grabs the small bottle from the nightstand .

"I'm sorry to make you worry Jasper, I'll feel better when I take this medicine right?"Nicole smiles at him trying to make him feel better that she was okay. Jasper poured half of the medicine in a small glass handing it to her. She looked at it hesitantly the color and smell wasn't very inviting, she plucks her nose and drinks it quickly. Handing it back to him she lays on the bed covering herself with the blanket .

Jasper sets down the glass on the table and lays on the bed with her asking "How are you feeling right now" Her eyes was closed adjusting to the medicine that took place in her body. She opens her eyes to look at him, Jasper eyes grew wide seeing one of her eyes completely yellow and the other black.

"I feel better I'm not feeling sick anymore, why are you looking at me like that don't tell me if still have that stuff on my face."

Jasper pulled her in close until their was no space in between them "No your perfectly fine just rest. I won't leave you in bed sweet little lamb."

Jasper hums her a lullaby as she closed her eyes sleeping soundly by his soothing tone that calmed her. Eventually he slept as well holding her in his arms dreaming of their future. A couple of hours later a faint knock was heard on the door altering Jasper as he woke up immediately. He lets go of Nicole as he gets out the bed and walks to the door. Opening it to see a maid who bow her body as she says, "Good evening Lord Jasper to disturb you but it is time to get ready for the Ball. I shall wake up lady-"

He raised his hand for her to stop talking giving her a serious as he did not trust any maid not servant that was near his wife. Not after all the things that the humans have done to her just thinking about it made him feel nauseous. "How do I know that your not going to harm my wife, I don't really trust maids especially ones that I know nothing of."

The maid was almost shocked by why he didn't want a maid near his wife "Milord me and the other maids have no ill will against Lady Nicole. I don't know what happen with other people that you may have experience but I'm just- I mean we are just trying to do our jobs and make Lady Nicole as beautiful as can be. If you do not want us here than we understand."

Jasper walks away from her as he makes his way towards the bed gently waking up Nicole. "If I hear or sense something bad happens to her you and your helpers won't live to see another day."

He helps her off the bed as he leads her over to the maid. Before she was off to the other room he kissed her cheek making her blush as the maid and herself walked away. Jasper smile slowly vanished when she left hoping that she was truly okay.

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