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Jasper let Nicole rest in their bedroom sitting in the Library he ponder his thoughts trying to recollect everything that has happened Rowland his butler was there by his side serving tea.

"Lord Jasper  how did your honeymoon go? "

"It went well Rowland, tell me is there a way to keep Nicole safe from harm? I met Serf David he gave me somewhat of a threat that if our kids turns out as savages he would have to kill all of us."

Rowland darted his eyes to Jasper "Mrs.Nicole is pregnant congratulations Milord you will make a fine father. A boy or girl?"

"Its going to be twins double the hassle but I don't mind it. I just fear that in the near future she will become greatly ill. This is "

Rowland gave a worried look to his master "Milord You can rewrite history so those things that you speak of don't happen in the future. Would you like me to check on Lady Nicole."

Jasper nodded "Yes please do, I won't be able to attend dinner for tonight I have business in  Cloud Kingdom, Our barriers are getting a bit to close to the humans that are rioting . We wouldn't want the mainland converging with our lands. You can leave me Rowland."

Rowland bowed as he headed their bedroom as he opened the door he saw her supporting one hand on the vanity and the other rubbing her stomach seeing a small bump he realised the child was developing rather quickly. Glancing down he saw blood driping down her leg.

"Milday we need to give you medical attention immediately your bleeding..." Rowland ran to her setting her down the bed.

"Rowland I'm fine I just need some rest and all.." She said weakly trying to smile, She suddenly started to shake violently as eyes rolled in the back of her head causing her to scream.

Rowland holding her down screaming for maids to hold her as he desperately tried finding a doctor in the palace. Jasper rushed passed Rowland  trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Milord the lady Nicole just started to have a seizure I'm going to get the doctor quickly. "

Jasper nodded running into the room seeing Nicole calm covered in sweat. The maids bowed standing aside as he kneeled down to hold her hand.

"I came here as fast as I could, I'm here now you have nothing to fear darling. I smell blood was you bleeding as well? "

she nodded slightly  pointing to her womenhood ; Nicole thought it was a normal thing since she was off her period and fully pregnant. She knew the symptoms right away but she was afraid to say anything deep down she knew he was happy but afraid of loosing her.

"Once the doctor is here we will figure everything out. Its weird you had a seizure so suddenly most of the time when humans are pregnant with the Vampires child their symptoms are regular. It might have been stress that caused it but I'm no doctor."

Nicole smiled as he did the same, The doctor rushed in the room as Rowland followed behind him. The doctor bowed at Jasper letting him step aside to see what was wrong with her checking her vitals and heartbeat. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine at the moment no worries for the time being. After he had her a check up the doctor talked to n

Jasper outside their room.

"Lord Jasper what caused her sezuire was from something  that she must have consumed. The bleeding is not normal since she is carrying twins it's taking a toll on her body physically. The unborn kids are taking the very life force out of Lady Nicole, I suggest you give her blood it will ease the baby's and make sure that they don't take any blood from their mother. The sezuires shouldn't happen anymore if it does please summon me right away. oh by the way the  pregnancy is fast growing I can slow down the process if you like milord."

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