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Serf David stood up from his chair welcoming all of those who came.

"As you know I bought you here today to discuss issues that involves our very Kingdoms even the ones that have been abandoned left to ruin. I Serf David of the Countess of all relations of Kingdoms will represent all of you and the mainlands that comes close to the very Kingdoms my ancestors built." He tapped the map that was behind him showing all the Kingdoms spreaded out evenly and in the very center showed the mainland.

"Oh an the human king of wasteland is Sagar Van Wolvelaer, he will be a great source of peace in this generation. You see my fellow kings and queens the mainland produces modern technology which is growing everyday its a toxic thing which I can't understand we are very much old fashion down to the very close we wear. Jasper your wife was an orphanage as mine was as well both coming from the very same tribe of vampire hunters. "Jasper frown at his sudden words about Nicole along with Dixie." Anyways Like I said the mainlands getting to close the kingdoms that could damage us vampires and the people that live in those kingdoms. So im going to propose that we- I mean I will talk the humans who are cutting down the trees and building new Homes to grow and populate."Serf David cough violently coughing up blood from his handkerchief. He smiled to himself as the kings and Queens looked surprised just for one of the kings to say "Serf David are you  not feeling well? "

He laughed at the king of North asking him a stupid question infront of people "Indeed I am not feeling to great a minor cold, I prayed and begged the lord to let me die so I can see my wife and child again. Humans are nothing more than filth as for I have fallen for one who did nothing but love me endlessly as for I loved her like no other. It made me change the very person I was, there was no court back then nor war between my people and Hers. Until a village of humans captured her while I was away and brunt her body, leaving me devastated. You know it feels good to kill people every once an awhile; I know she wouldn't like the person I am Today fun fact She would have been here today if the humans haven't done what they did. Can't you believe how much time has passed I went back to my old ways after she died. Becoming the very bitter Lord that no one could stand not even the people that sit here before me. Humans sicken me in so many ways you all will never understand as for I bare the pain of loneliness you shouldn't dare ask questions during a very serious meeting." He glared at the scared king before waving his hand to see the guards grab his roughly exiting the room.

"If anyone has anymore questions than I will gladly answer them but it might cause an arm or two. I will be disccusing more things about the mainland than my sob story. Oh Jasper and Vicar I would like to have a word with you once everyone leaves." He gave them a smile that was horrifying to ones eyes.

Jasper glanced at his pocket watch the meeting was over for today but he didn't understand why Serf wanted him and Vicar to stay. Once everyone left Jasper and Vicar made their way towards Vicar library thousands of books was ones wonderland. All three of them sitting on the plush chairs grabbing a cup of tea that the maid had perpared leaving them in the room to do her duties.

Serf David took a sip of his tea "As you know I am dying someone poisoned me can't you believe it. I had a favor to ask from both of you, it might be impossible but do you think you could bring Dixie back to life for me? My body will get use to it and fight it off the poison normally. My heart is hurting from the pain of her absence I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet.."

Vicar nearly chocked on his tea "Serf I don't think that's a very good idea you see there's only so much magic in my body that I can handle. It requires some black magic which I wasn't taught especially Jasper magic is fading within him. It might take twenty years or more just to see her again Lord Serf."

He rubbed his chin grinning at his words "You see I want her now I can't bare another who knows how many years to see her. If you can't help me than there is no point in living in a world were she isn't by my side. A heart that doesn't beat has no meaning in ones chest. "Placing his right hand on his heart closing his eyes feeling nothing not even a beat.

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