Chapter 31

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Nicole watered the plants in the garden as she visits Lori's grave, she often put flowers each week just to feel at peace with Lori and herself. Charles was still missing since there last encounter in the forest. Nicole wondered how Charles was doing ;wondering if he was okay. Jasper came in with a cup tea sitting it on the table as he offered her a seat to relax herself.

"Nicole you know you don't have to water the flowers, leave that to the maids and relax sweet princess."

Nicole blushed at Jasper's choice of words, she nodded slightly looking at the garden view that was rather breath taking in her opinion. The variety of flowers and colors that took place in the garden was gorgeous as if you was seeing heaven for the first time with your own two eyes.

"I don't mind flowering the gardens, I get a chance to see Lori more often even place flowers for her."

"how sweet of you Nicole I know she would surely love it, the garden was her favorite place. She often picked flowers in the garden for special request around the kingdom. Lori an you are pretty similar but in some ways alike."

Nicole was about to reply to Jasper as a maid covered in blood ran up to them in fear. Screamed an hollered for her voice to be heard. The maid fell to the ground with her head removed from her body. Nicole stood up and covered her mouth, Charles in his true form giving a sinister smile to her as he charged towards her. Jasper tackled Nicole to the ground as Charles body came in contact with the small table.

"what happened to him Jasper!!?" Nicole said in a scared voice as Jasper took our his sword ready to fight Charles himself.

"Nicole don't worry I'm not going to fight him I am simply going to-"

Jasper was unable to finish his sentence as Percy came pass him with a bright golden necklace. He was unsure what Percy was going to do, he couldn't question the lord himself that would be considered death in the Lilith kingdom. Nicole was hesitant to say something as Jasper shook his head at her to not say anything.

"Percy what are you about to do to Charles?"

"why are so worried about it Jasper...he is my little brother I will do as I please to him. This isn't the first time that happened to him. He's craving to much blood, blood that he doesn't really need right now. the blood tablets should help with his hunger once I put this necklace on him. Once I put this on he'll be in his true form for maybe a month or two. white hair, red eyes, pale skin with those sharp claws. what a fascinating thing to see from my little brother."

Percy placed the necklace around Charles as he opened his eyes wiping the blood from mouth. Percy lifted Charles from the ground, he slowly looked away from Nicole. Nicole clenched her hand seeing him walk away as if he didn't know her at all, it made her nervous. Charles stopped in his tracks only to look up her with no emotion.

"come here...Nicole" Charles voice was weak he struggled for words to come out his mouth. He extended his hand to her as she walked to him ever slowly. Nicole stood in front of him wondering what he was going to do to her in front of Jasper and Percy. Charles lightly touched her face leaving her to close he eyes due to his touch, making her whimper. He licked his lips in hunger as he kissed her, it was rough but calm at the same time. Charles bit her leaving blood trickle down her mouth, he pushed her off as he held his tightly.

Nicole touched his face as he smiled at her slightly, she knew Charles didn't want this but his mental stability is pushing him to his limits. He feared he was going to drink her body dry, so he did his best to control his temptations.

Charles amulet grew around neck as he pulled Nicole back in for a hug as he screamed in agony, his eyes widened as he clenched her tightly. Nicole screamed out Charles name but didn't get a reply. she looked up at him see him looking at her, she was mostly confused about what just happened.

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