Chapter 51

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Nicole an Ruby glanced a look outside seeing snow that stick on the pavement an made its way though the town. Ruby could tell Nicole was miserable without Jasper here, he left her here all alone not once thinking about her feelings but his own. From what Vicar told her about Melody is that her curse can drive anyone crazy even after its broken having the thought to murder and self suicide even killing those to whom they love most.

Nicole shed a tear thinking about Jasper dreamt of him in her sleep, Jasper was fighting his demons an she couldn't help but believe that he was safe somewhere out there. Staying in Cloud for long as she needed it might of been best to go to the Snow kingdom with Jasper whenever he was ready to therefore he is going to be King soon, maybe she is being a bit selfish thinking of having Jasper all to herself finally.

"Everything is going to be alright Nicole Jasper just needs to find himself again."

"I know but it's been over a month he send me flowers everyday with the same message. I know ever since he drank the human blood it made him slightly go back to his old ways before I met him"

Edward placed his hand on her shoulder she couldn't help up look down not wanting to continue to look at the window. Nicole prayed that Jasper coupe back to her quickly, Edward could feel Jasper presence getting closer to the kingdom.

"Nicole why don't you come outside with me it's a emergency."

Silence filled the room she finally agreed to go outside with him just to get some fresh air to which she missed Ruby wanted to join as well to keep her company.

Once they head outside the castle doors Edward stop inches away from them. Nicole an Ruby have him a confused look as to why he stopped so suddenly only being outside for a couple of minutes must've made him froze still. He pointed his finger at them giving Nicole a slight smile she turned around seeing Jasper right in front of her nearly giving her a heart attack.

His appearance was back to his normal state but his hair grew to be short length stopping at his shoulders an still having his right eye covered being able to see his gorgeous lavender eye. She noticed his clothes was torn leaving him bare footed.

"Jasper where have you been for the pass month? I was worried sick. "

"Recovering I know it's a month but I feel better now. We can finally go to snow and have our wedding better yet our title.

Jasper held her close as she shivered, "Edward was she well taken care of?"

Edward gave him a look before saying "Of course me an Ruby have been cheering her up lately since you left her here by herself. Brother tell me are you really ready to rule in the state your in?"

Jasper kissed Nicole's lips looking at her" If she's ready to rule with me brother than that's all I care about her happiness an well being."

Edward nodded "well then I guess I'll go get the carriage do we can return back. Ruby thank you for keeping Nicole company during this hard time, if you need any help just let us know."

"I'll make sure to do that Prince Edward."

Jasper bowed his head to Ruby giving her s slight thank you, knowing himself he didn't expect to go into therapy for his behavior but he learned to control it after just one month he was ready to go. The downfall of him returning back to Nicole was very much difficult he was captured by a pack but somehow managed to escape I injured but nothing serious. As Edward was fetching the carriage he saw Melody leaned over the carriage door causing him to stop.

"So Jasper was able to recover quickly yes?"

"What do you want Melody your not welcome here.."

Melody suddenly grabbed his neck slamming him against the carriage " Remember who your talking to Edward I could have you killed seconds don't try me for some fool. It's about that human Jasper is with, a warning to him an her. If she falls pregnant with a half breed we must kill them an the unborn well our pawns. Hopefully you understand we like to keep our population clean."

Edward couldn't keep his emotions to himself giving her a disgusted look as his eyes started to glow deeply blue " Melody you are no different from your Parents an those surrounding you I'm disgusted that you think you can kill innocent people of all kind for loving one another. I tried to save you from your Parents lie but your to far gone Melody."

Melody tighten her grip on his neck "My Parents shouldn't even be in your mouth, I use to love humans back then but when thy started to turn on us Vampires I had to rebel against my fallen Comrades you remember the great war that fallen upon us years ago. Do you really wanna start another one I think not. Seems like their looking for you remember what I said." With that being said Melody Vanished right on time as Jasper an Nicole walked up him. Edward didn't want to tell them their fate if she bared a child but it was better for him to wait then to spoil the mood for the two love birds.

"Edward what took you so long, I'm surprised it took you this long to find a suitable carriage for my lady. Also thank you for everything you done for me so far."

"Your welcome Jasper this what family is for right? I need to talk to you privately once we get back home."

"Why don't we talk about it now Nicole why don't you get in the carriage I'll be there shortly"

Jasper gave her a quick kiss on the lips as she gets inside the carriage letting Edward walked into a more private area away carriage.

"So what is so important Edward?"

"It's about Melody you know King Mo's daughter. She was here not to long ago chocking the life out of me ; warning you both that if you guys ever have a child. Then they will send someone or something to kill you an newborn child. I'm warning you as your older brother I don't want you to go down the same path I did when I feel in love with a human."

"So you once loved a human how did she pass?"

Edward looked down trying to regain his posture as his lips quivers not wanting to think about the day that his beloved Dalla was killed by Melody out of hate an anger "Melody killed her when we found out she was carrying my child it was more so of warning to me that if I fell in love with a human again than I' surely likely to die.

Jasper looked over the carriage seeing Nicole reading a book as she waited for them "I won't let her die, they'll have to kill me in the process if they dare lay a finger on her. I promise you Edward things will be different this system of rules placed on the Vampires need to be broken theirs only so much we can do as creatures but it's another for taking lives of those who want to be here in this world to live every moment of it. I won't let them take that from us."

Edward smiled at him "So stubborn but I wish you best of luck little brother. Nicole is waiting for us why don't we go"

Edward an Jasper made there way to carriage making there journey to Snow Kingdom.

School been keeping my butt but I'm enjoying it so far
Thanks for reading!💕

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