Chapter 41

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Jasper places the spoon of ice cream in her mouth as she hummed in delight as the sweet flavor touched her taste buds. He wipes away the ice cream that dripped on the counter on of her mouth he licked his finger as he smiled at her making she blush.

"One more week in the hospital and you'll be free from this place, Charles said I didn't have to be his assistant anymore I guess something in him changed."

Nicole was about to say something as her vision became blurry she clenched the sheets tightly as she screamed. She coughed and gasps for air , Nicole didn't know what was going on but this wasn't real. Everything wasn't real that stood in front her, her vision soon regain it's surrounding she looked the scenery of were her and Jasper had supposedly died. She wonders where Jasper was everything she just imagined was just a dream. Edward puts the sword on the table removing his armor.

"I see your alive once again? Luckily I was able to revive you it wasn't easy. Jasper is doing okay his injury will heal quickly. I know your wondering what just happened but you went in a aftershock and I found you and him together with blades left and right that pierced your body. I feel sorry that a poor girl such as yourself have to go through all of this, Jasper was trying to get you away from all that despite Charles wanting you for himself "

Edward placed her on the sofa as she then say "what about the war? I-"

"There is no war not as of right now. Lilth kingdom is tough but we stood our ground. Percy was no where to be in sight when we fought therefore we haven't in so many years which makes us Rusty. "

"Sorry to ask such question's my mind became curious however. I don't get how all of this was because of me...."

Jasper slowly stood up as his right eyes turned into a bright red. He knelled down to her taking her hand "It is not your fault, its mostly mine. I left his kingdom so I could be with you. I its such a hard thing to say to yourself. I tried my best to protect you we died and it was so peaceful. It was us together no hate nor sadness but Love. I'm glad I get to see you once again alive and well"

Her eyes narrowed at his gaze "I am glad as well...what happen to our room it looks brand new."

Edward laughed as he shake "silly human I cleaned the place up for you and Jasper. Its been a while since I last cleaned. Everyone think I'm a spoiled child but I surely do it for fun."

Jasper rolled his eyes as he looked at Nicole once more as she fallen asleep. Jasper placed a thin blanket over her small form as he kissed her lips wishing her a goodnight. He walked over to Edward at the fire place ; Edward passed Jasper a glass on Whiskey.

"Man I miss mother, all of this had to happen in one day. Such a scary thing, Life is precious for human is it not baby brother?"

"You can say that I don't know how u did it but I can say your better at magic than anything else."

Edward took a small sip of whiskey as he bites his lip making them tremble "Jasper I think she would have been more so proud of you , you are a powerful half breed. I hate that war of our kingdoms have suffered. Anyways you should rest up for bit, I'll have butler bring up her food. The poor thing must be starving. "

"How many days has it been since you nursed us back to health?"

"Hmmm 5 days actually it took longer for her to recover than you. Luckily I found you both, however it wasn't so easy to revive her, I like Nicole she has some spark in her."

"Yes she does it amazes me to see how much she grown as a individual. I never thought in a million years I would see her again. Nicole is so beautiful I can't dare keep myself away from her"

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