chapter 29

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Snow began to fall ; trees being heavily pushed down by the weight of snow that stacked on their low shallow branches. Charles placed a damp cloth over Nicole's forehead as she smiled at him. A prince taking care of a ordinary girl such as herself was exciting to her.

"How are u feeling love?"

"Cozy, I feel  better then yesterday."

"That's good we need to get you healthy again. Its snowing outside as you see. So we cut off all the lights to save energy. Tell me if your getting cold , I'll cuddle with you if it'll make you feel better darling Nicole."

Nicole nodded slightly the blood rushed from within her cheeks hiding her face from a blush that she didn't want him to see. He chucked under his breath placing a light feathered kisses on her hand.

" you are the only for me Nicole. You are my drug I so desperately need in my life. I hope we can be together forever until death do us part."

"Are you talking about marriage Charles?"

"One day Nicole, we are taking this slow like you said. I still want all of you if are able to understand what I mean."

Charles winked at her knowing fully well she wasn't ready to take such precautions such as that.

If Charles really wanted to have sex with her he would have done it already but he's being patience. In the past it was a different story. Nicole shook her head immediately not thinking about his gorgeous body against her's, believe or not Nicole hid those sexual desires deep within.

"If I really wanted to have sex with you I want to wait till marriage its better that way."

"Your right darling, when the time is right I will ask your hand in marriage my love. I swear to you"

Nicole grabbed his hand holding it tightly with hers. Their love for each other only grew stronger over time. There was time when she hated him but she forgave all his imperfect flaws.

"Nicole you have to start getting ready for school along with myself. Sadly we still have it in this cold bitter weather today. "

Nicole slightly sits up with the help of Charles by her side. She wanted to wear something more casual ; since it was snowing she decided it was best to wear shirt & jacket with a good pair of Nike sandals with was very much common in the 21st century.

"Ready to go love?" Charles said with a eagered voice.

"Yes! We missed a ton of are we going to make if up?"

"You don't have to worry about that just follow me to the car please..."

Nicole nodded as Charles swept her across feet moving quickly to the car. Charles must surely be afraid if now ; especially the way he was frantic about the snow sticking to the ground.

Eventually they get into the car leaving Charles to drive like a bad man in the pondering snow that wavered. Nicole held on to her seat tightly feeling sick to her stomach ; Charles was getting frantic and was surprisingly rushing.

"Charles please slow down! Your going to get into a car accident at this rate!" she said in a terrified voice.

Charles abruptly stooped the car all together. He gripped the wheel tightly with his eyes closed angrily as if he had something deep in his mind not wanting to trouble his beloved butterfly that was sitting right next to him.

"Nicole....snow troubles me alot. This winter cold morning is when Jasper was being attacked by the werewolves. I saved him from that anguish, I turned him ; he was on the brinks of death. I'm sorry to trouble you...." Charles eyes started to turn red, Nicole slowly turned her head away as she noticed a huge vehicle coming their way. She realized that Charles jeep and the huge tracker that was coming towards them would kill them or better yet throw them of the cliff.

In that instant full force came into contact with the two vehicles. Charles jeep slide and slid all over the road to the point were so much force impacted the safety rail that it left them thrown over the broken rail completely ; Nicole prayed that this be all over.

She hollered and screamed ; she knew this was going to be the moment were she died alone as Charles would remain in perfect condition. She closed her eyes ready for what hits her. Charles removed his seat belt with hers as he sheltered her from branches & tress that hit the car door.

Everything stopped ; she opened her eyes to see themselves finally on the ground . Nicole looked up at Charles seeing blood on the corners of his mouth, he smiled slightly but closed his eyes painfully.

"Charles you must be in a great amount of pain...I'm so sorry..." she closed her eyes developing tears as Charles softly wiped her tears away.

"You did nothing wrong don't apologize for something you didn't do...I would do anything to protect you are my treasure. I see you finally have your ring scratch was laid upon you except I myself..." Charles laid his body against hers slowly driving himself out of conscious. Nicole saw a few twigs & branches that pierce his back, she thought it would be best to take most them out his back then get out of the car and find shelter somewhere.

Eventually she gets most of the branches from his back leaving some still inside since it was to deep to take out. She drags Charles out of the car seeing his sleepy face she smile slightly feeling something wet drop on forehead. Nicole looked up to see rain which means they'll both be wet & cold ; wasn't such a good combo. Nicole continued to drag Charles with all her might but he was very heavy and it made her awful tired. Luckily there was a cave near by so she used most of her strength to drag him to a protected place from the snow & sleet.

She laid him down on the floor as he opened his eyes weakly.

"Nicole...where are we? What is this place..."

"Charles were in a cave right now... its very cold outside so I gave you my jacket is you can be warm."

"Foolish girl..." Charles sits up removing her jacket and his placing it around it. " Your a human your body can't handle such cold temperature's like this, I just care about your safety at this point I can take care of myself. I gave you that a ring for a when your in trouble it can protect you..."

"I know but right now you need it more...just wear the ring just for a little bit."

"My wounds will heal overtime your making a big deal out of nothing "

"What do you mean! I care about you, I know you care about me...we need to be focus about how were going to get out of here alive..."

Charles shrugged his shoulder as he started to walk out the cave. Nicole became concerned and slightly confused by his actions. She wondered if he took the cure or not.

"I'll be back just stay ; I'm going to look around and find something for us to eat. I know you must be starving like I am..."
Charles smiled at her as she couldn't help but smile back seeing him walk away. Nicole fell asleep peacefully waiting for his return.

Just finished up on this chapter just had finals sooo I was scared that I wouldn't pass any of them but I did 👌well two of them but I'm passing the classes! 😀✌hope enjoyed reading this book Incas trying to describe the car accident the best way I could. I know this chapter sucks but its okay theirs always room for improvement.
Thanks for reading

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