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Nicole plants the daisy in the ground wiping the sweat off her forehead , guards walking behind them closely. One of the guards shot a old man in the head making him no use to auction. Dixie did her work quietly Ruby noticed how quick she was planting the flowers. The sun beamed know her skin she was worried of getting a sun burn the temperature was about eighty degree, the guards took turns sitting under the tree relaxing themselves.

Therefore in Snow Kingdom Rowland had looked for Lady Nicole everywhere noticing that she didn't come back to the palace. Having the urge that something was wrong he mind tap to Lord Jasper. Jasper heard that voice as he was  taking a sip of his blood  Mary as he spoke "Yes Rowland? How is Nicole I can't wait to see her tomorrow."

"Lord Jasper Lady Nicole  seems to missing along with ms.Ruby. I fear that they be in danger. I just got news today that two of our guard were killed they have gone to the tailor to try on dresses thats all Know."

Jasper sets his glass down as his eyes darken "Hmm so you tell me my darling wife is missing an the maids/butlers relaized that. Now I'm starting to get rather furious Rowland, I will be coming home quickly. Start gathering witnesses I want her found." Jasper tone became vexed as Rowland understood his angry.

"Right away Milord, I'll start doing it right now."

"Good when I get there it better be done Rowland I trust you know what to do your very skilled in finding people to torture."

"You are certainly right milord I'm very thankful you find my abilities useful. I shall leave you the meeting start within a minute."

Jasper crushed the glass with his hand not wanting to make a scene he slowed his breathing as he sits down with the kings of other kingdoms. Vicar sitting next to him with dark bags under his eyes with Serf an the  council standing at the end of the table.

Serf spoke in a raspy voice "Good Morning lovely people as you can see I brought the council today discussing more of the mainlands and kingdoms. I have heard that a slavery estates has been rising taking any human they wish to put on the market. As much as some of you like slavery I'm not fond with it. I'm going to need your help to track down the person who is running the estate under our noses...."Serf touched his chest feeling his heart beat he could sense her very far away. His eyes looked empty as he stood there not saying else, one of the council men snapped his fingers in front of serf making him lose his train of thought.

"Sorry but I'm going to have to cancel with this meeting for today something came up" He walked out the room quickly just when Jasper and Vicar followed behind him knowing something wasn't right about him. Heading outside he was stopped by Jasper holding the handle from the carriage door.

"So you can sense something is wrong too? Are you willing to help us?" Jasper wasn't the type to stand up against someone who was much more powerful than him, he was asking for death Serf thought to himself. Vicar standing right behind bowed to Serf not wanting to feel threatened by both of the men there.

"I think Dixie is alive....after all these years I thought she was burnt alive my heart beat for first time in years. Seems like she made some friends somewhere." Serf spoke softly as Jasper let his hand slide off the carriage door only for him to open it letting Serf in along with Vicar lastly Jasper getting in behind him.

The ride was silent not knowing where they were going besides Serf David.

"Where are we going Serf ? " Vicar spoke breaking the silence that filled the carriage.

Serf grin as Jasper and Vicar gave him a confused expression "My fellow kings we are going to look for Earl Simcock the person who runs the slavery estate. I'm sure both of your mates are held there but I don't know which one it could habe been. My wife might be there as well."

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