Chapter 8

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Nicole opened her eyes weakly as she heard people around crying and round back and forth into the door. She touched her head feeling bandages around it leaving it tremendously sore.

"Don't touch your head at the moment little one, we just finished bandaging it. I didn't know if you was ever going to wake up again." he looked away trying his best to not cry. Charles was no where insight, she wondered where he went.

Charles placed lady Caroline to the lowest part of the palace. She was horrified by what she seen, there people clinging for the light. Rotting corpse out stacked on top of each other. People who plead to be set free from this torture that the prince set for them.

Lady Caroline almost gagged at the sight when she was thrown into a cell. The cell was dark as day there was a small window giving the cell a bit of light. The cell bars was rusty leaving a crispy like details on the bars. " will tell me how to break this curse Caroline. If u don't tell me I get to rip each part of limbs off starting with your arms and legs then that disgusting head of yours."

Charles rolled up his sleeves as he ties his hair up. After him getting so anger at the sight of Nicole's body laying lifeless in Jaspers arm his hair grew longer ending up at his thigh mid-way. Caroline gulped as she started to sweat wondering what her game plan should be.

"You have to kiss her on the lips will u let me go I got a ball to attend to." she said as stood up. If Charles let her leave she might risk hurting other people. He couldn't let his chances slip by.

"You have to tell your people you won't be able to make it dear Caroline...."

She tries to run away as he aggressively grabbed her neck slamming her to the ground as he stomps her head several times pleading him to stop. He wanted to make sure she felt the same pain that Nicole felt.

He snapped his fingers as the demon dogs gathered around her as she scotched back to the wall. The dogs ripped the skin off her flesh leaving her screaming agony pleading for help. Ripping the tissue for her muscles and into the organs they went. He watch the scene take place as he laughed as if it music in his ears seeing people scream in pain.

Charles walked away leaving Caroline's dead corpse in the cell. Nicole tries to get out of bed only to fall to the ground. "Ouch" Jasper picked her immediately and took her into his arms as she lays her head on his shoulders. Jasper put her down on her wheel chair as he noticed the time for her tea party to be starting in the next couple of hours. Charles walked into his room preparing himself a bath as he unties his hair letting his locks blow into the wind.

"A kiss she say...sounds like something from beauty and the beast. Letting the beast kisses the beauty." he smiled a little at his thought as he walks in the bathroom.

The maids ended up helping Nicole get ready for her tea party, the maids did there best to make her look absolute besides the Prince of Lilth Kingdom.

Once the maids were finished with dressing up Nicole they couldn't help but take pictures of her cuteness. Nicole's gown was big and puffy with purple and pink colors as the base of the dress. Sadly they had to find a hat to cover her head because they didn't want to see her bandage but her beauty. The small toddler was going to out beat everyone at the tea party no doubt about it.

Charles managed to get himself ready for the tea party wearing a nice suit in the same colors as Nicole's dress. He wanted to make sure she felt special on a special day. He knocked on the door coming inside seeing her limp over tours him, he softly hugged her giving kisses on both sides of her cheek.

"We both have same colors!! I'm so excited; thank you for everything Charles. I am grateful."

Charles gave a small smile as he takes the wheel chair from the maids strolling it down to the garden.

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