chapter 22

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Percy held his glass of wine firmly in hands looking at the women with hungry eyes. Sir Enguerrand take out his sword ready to kill any human that ran away from lord Percy. Percy made his people fear him especially the humans, he found the humans very little to his liking he only wanted drink their blood. One girl tried to escape but was cut down by Sir Enguerrand sword. She fell to the floor pleading for some save her, loosing blood she crawled to door.

Sir Enguerrand was about to take the final blow until a man dresses up in fancy clothing grabbed his neck slamming him to the ground leaving cracks on the floor as Percy immediately stood up.

"Lord Vicar, what a pleasure seeing you here. I thought you never come, but your messing with my dinner."

Lord Vicar was absolutely gorgeous, his long blonde flowing hair, blue eyes and a few percings. He had a cross earring in his ear. Some wouldn't call him king wither but he treats his people right an cares for all livings things in the cloud kingdom. Lord Vicar picked the young girl up as he healed her back. She blushed at his appearance as the other young women ran away .

"It seems like your fine now, you can go home miss. Sorry for your Lords terrible behavior I'll have to fix that. " the young women slowly nodded as he sets her down as she slowly started to walk and leading up to her running out of the room. Sir Enguerrand gets up from the floor holding his neck as he gave death glare to lord Vicar only foe him to do the same . Vicar despite people who hurts others especially the sadistic Lord Percy.

"Well we do have a meeting lord Percy. I despite how you treat your people and country. As Lords we have to keep ourselves professional at all times. Lord wouldn't want to make me angry..." lord Vicar eyes became dark red as the ground suddenly started to shake until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He tilted his head seeing Prince Charles with a slight smile.

"Prince Charles how its such a blessing to see you alive and well again. I was just saving some humans from being eaten by brother. We have a meeting today discussing the borders for our kingdoms, do you wish to join us?"

"No not today, I am handle business right now. I shall go the next time."

Lord Vicar gave a devilish smile as he waved his hand goodbye. "We will meet again later" with that he disappeared walked away with his fellows guards men as Charles gave Percy a angry look.

" brother what did you do this time?" Percy slowly shook his head not wanting to say to much of anything.

"It has nothing to do with you Charles. Shall we go Sir Enguerrand ." Sir Enguerrand nodded his head as he opened the door letting Percy go through first along with Charles as he closed the door to palaces hidden chamber.

Nicole sneaked out her room room as she headed to the garden which she loves. She normally sits in a chair an lets her body get some Vitamin D. She had other reasons to go the garden this time, she wanted to pay Lori a visit. Though she isn't allowed to be out in the open Charles strictly said that he ordered all maids & butlers to take her back to her room immediately if she was out wondering around. Nicole prayed that she get caught until we she felt a hand on her wrist seeing a man with blonde hair .

"May I ask who are you milady? Isn't it such a lovely day out side. Would you care to join me? Oh my name is Lord Vicar. I am from the cloud kingdom." Vicar kissed her hand as she blushed madly, as take her out the palace into to the garden ..

"My name is Nicole! It's very nice to meet you lord Vicar!" Nicole said cheerfully as she sits in a chair along with Vicar seeing all the pretty flowers in her eyesight.

"What makes you want to come out to this garden? It must be special to you I'm guessing?"

"Well its a special place to be, I actually wanted to visit a friend of mine who been buried here." Nicole gave a slight smile as she looked down at her hands. Vicar placed his hands on Nicole's. She looked up quickly seeing his face inches away from her's as she turned her head away from Vicar making him laughed.

"You must mean Lori, I must admit she is very popular around the kingdoms. Why might she be popular, Hmmm maybe because the Ball that celebrates her life in the lilth kingdom is well nothing but stuck up rich people like myself. I assure you most of the people that do go to ball ask many questions about Lori, yes it is sad about her death. We could have helped her, that was just another life taken in world"

Lord Vicar wiped tear away from his face as Nicole pulled out flower from her pocket to give to Vicar. Vicar took the flower as he gives a cheeky smile to Nicole, Nicole felt a hand grip her arm tightly as she glanced over seeing a women. Lord vicar stood up and slapped the women's hand as she flinched slightly. The women didn't realize that Lord vicar was sitting right next to Nicole as she got on her knees and asked for forgiveness.

He slowly walked to the women kneeling to the ground as he slowly pets her head only to grip it her hair tightly as his eyes becomes dark blue. The ground started to shake upon her as she screamed. Nicole felt the earth shake before her feet as she fell out of her chair making it hard to breath as she crawl over to Vicar as he starts to suck the life out of the women as her body started to decompose quickly. Nicole tugged on vicars jacket as slowly started to go into unconscious letting her hand slip from his jacket.

Charles managed to get to the garden on time as he was in his true form. He clapped his hand as everything was suddenly back to normal as Nicole gasped for air as Vicar held his head tightly leaving him with painful headache. The women's corpse was nothing but a mixture of bone and ash. Nicole started to shake as vicar came up to her and held out his hand, Nicole refused as she looked up with him a smile as Vicar was shocked by her sudden facial expression.

Charles moved Vicar away with no expression as he picked up Nicole taking her back to her room. Nicole looked at Charles seeing his very much different from his original self. Nicole couldn't help but stare at his long white hair floated from his head.

"Don't's very rude.." Charles said as his dark red eyes met her's.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to stare! Your appearance has changed" Nicole turned her away from him as she felt his lips on cheek as she blushed slightly.

"We royal pure bloods have a special power, it's hidden away deep down inside our hearts. It just comes out of us suddenly. I was able to control it in a matter of days. What you saw in the garden was Lord Vicar controlling the earth around him including the gravity which he gave so much pressure to it was hard to breath & walk. I could have lost you in a matter of mins or seconds really. You are a strong women that is what I love about you."

Charles gives her a slight smile as he entered her bedroom and set her down on the bed. He puts a blanket on her so she can feel warm, Charles eventually laid next to her. He fell into deep sleep as he changes back to his regular form. Nicole ended up sleeping as well, Jasper came into Nicole's room seeing her and Charles laying on the bed with each other which made him smile as he closes the door letting them enjoy their sleep.

My fall break is almost coming to a end 😭. Anyways I enjoyed writing this chapter. I'm debating wether the next series should be about Lord Vicar an his journey. I don't know yet. I'm still writing this book ; I got to many ideas running through my head! Thanks a bunch for reading and have a nice day.❤

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