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Nicole looked at the dress that was displayed for her. Some were utterly beautiful yet very expensive, Jasper who sat in the chair watched her touching the dresses feeling the fabric. He knew that he had to keep her in the castle but it was a ball and he wanted her to have good experience before she gives birth.

"Nicole I would like to have something that will accommodate your dress"

She turned around to look at him "What is it? All the dresses are pretty but I don't think I'm going to be able to fit them."

Jasper stands up from his seat walking towards holding his hand out for her as she grabs his hand; he pulled her into a loving embrace wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

"You have nothing to worry about, the dress will fit you perfectly. To help you walk better I'll give you a cane that has a secret blade. Its custom made I think you'll like it." Jasper kissed the top her head as she nuzzles her head in his chest.

"Thank you for everything Jasper, I hope I will be able to survive this. If-"Nicole felt him squeeze her body tightly.

"There is no what if's your going to survive this Nicole, I'm not letting you die. If your having any pain during the festival let me immediately." Jasper gave her a serious look as he spoke causing her to nod her head.

Jasper hands her the cane as she was looking at the design she noticed tribal markings placed on it. He walked behind her placing her back against his chest, putting his hand on top of hers as he withdrawals the sword that was hidden in the cane. Nicole could feel his breath on her neck making her shiver; she looked at the sword closely seeing the blade glow brightly.

Nicole was in awe turning her head slightly to see jasper smile "Do you think people will judge us if we attend something like this? I know the purebloods aren't too fond of humans joining their occasions."

Jasper puts the sword back into the cane as he turns around to look at him. Nicole looked I told his eyes seeing it turn dark in color. "Why should we worry about people whom we don't know. Remember you are a queen of this kingdom no one should speak ill statements at or towards you. If they do just use that blade hidden in your cane and put fear into them. If your having trouble just call me."

Nicole looked down wondering if she's putting too much thought into the party and having Jasper constantly protect her from small situations. Looking back at him he grinned slightly "I'll be strong, I will fight if I have too!"

He nearly laughed tilting his head "Not in your condition. Why don't you keep looking at the dresses while I ask Rowland to make us some tea."

Jasper gave her a tender kiss on her lips as he leaves the room looking for Jasper. He closed the door behind him as his smile slowly started to go down. He knew something wasn't right with her, her aura was very unsettling but he couldn't explain it. Rowland walks up to his master kneeling noticing right away that his master needed him for something.

Jasper looked down at Rowland giving no emotion "Rowland you know something that your not telling me are you."

Rowland had his head down not looking directly into his master's eyes "Yes Lord Jasper I know everything. I fear if I tell you then Lady Nicole's life will be In danger."

Jasper crossed his arms "Our room is soundproof so she won't be able to hear the confession between us. Let's go to my office and discuss this matter further. Once we finish asl one of the maids to make us tea."

"Yes, Milord" Rowland stands up letting Jasper lead the way to his office. Rowland made sure to keep a certain amount of distance between himself and his Lord. Once they made it to the room Rowland closed the door behind him as Jasper sat behind his desk waiting for Rowland to speak.

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