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"why do you want to know so bad Theodore. I'm I that fascinating that you want to know every detail of my life. All I will say it was simply hell. My relations with my wife is none of your business.

Theodore laughed "Oh Lord Jasper fooling me I see, King Chancellor was one of a kind he helped my people in the time of need. For that I am thankful, you should be bowing down the death of your King. I was only curious about your human wife she's not normal I already sensed it before she even came inside the mansion."

Jasper stands up from the bench putting his hands in his pocket as he looks up at the sky which he wasn't able to do back in his kingdom"I will not bow down to anyone, years of the abuse affected me. Knowing what that king acted like behind doors a greedy disgusting man with a crown on his head? My wife is by my side and that is all I need if you don't want her there then I'll be leaving all that together. This would have been a great experience if your daughter wasn't trying so hard to impress me then I wouldn't be in such a terrible mood.  A servant who was a prince from an alone kingdom is worth everything, No my wife is everything to me. I won't let anyone talk down to her I don't care if you're a noble are not. " Jasper's voice was Stern and arrogant towards Theodore.

"I am deeply sorry for the trouble I caused you and your wife, if the court finds out about this intrusion it will affect us badly. They say it's legal for a king to have more than one wife, Linda found out about and tried to steal many kings. She told me you were her favorite but please do not worry my wife will find my daughter a proper suitor, a prince maybe. We will treat your wife correctly though she is a human we greatly apologize including my daughter Linda. I'm willing to put my detest for humans just for you, I know you still hate humans but your wife is an exception. Why don't you sit back down and let's talk about family another time? About our kingdoms alliance let's go further into detail about that."

Jasper sits back down causing him to smirk "Of course let's gladly talk about that"

Back to the Kingdom Nicole sat quietly amongst the other women at the social gathering between nobles. Linda who was also there seemed to be snickering and talking about Nicole in front of everyone else. It seemed like she was going to have a hard time trying to talk to anyone since she's a human they don't seem to like her kind to much especially the Court.

Nicole started to fiddle with her hands looking down at her lap until someone suddenly talked to her. "Lady Nicole are you liking the Kingdom so far, sorry if we're upsetting you."

Nicole shook her head looking at Linda "It's no trouble Princess Linda, I think the kingdom is rather pretty. The people in this kingdom  should try selling apples that are less poisonous, especially children that might buy them from very bad men. The place where I stay is very cold but after living there for a while your body gets used to the cold air and snow that falls to the ground. The sun feels nice on my skin. "

Linda laughed  "That's the point of selling apples, you idiot I don't care if a child or whoever gets sick we get profit off these apples! I never asked you about your kingdom I only asked about your stay here. This is why our kingdom is called the Apple Kingdom for a reason there are dozens of varieties of apples. Why are you even here you're ruining the fun for everyone don't you agree with me guys. "the ladies around her nodded their heads in agreement as Nicole stands up to walk away Linda threw a drink across the table getting on Nicole's dress."Humans don't belong here, remember you're the only human here sitting at this table. The outcast out of the entire group. " Everyone started to laugh at Nicole as her eyes slowly become dark making everyone stop their laughter looking at Nicole in the pits of fear.

Nicole grinned at the ladies sitting down on the table "Why did you stop laughing what was so funny. You ladies call yourself Nobles, disgusting.  I thought I destroyed this kingdom decades ago, it's rebuilt and restored to its former glory. Anyways I mean really what vaule do you have besides the  fact that your living off your husbands."

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