Chapter 56

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Jasper rubbed Nicole's tummy slightly she couldn't help but laugh becoming extremely ticklish in that area. Though she wondered what will happen now that she pregnant what if she dies giving birth.

"You shouldn't think of such thing Nicole, I need you in my life an our people need u as well. I want to know how did you learn to fight did a spirit of some sort teach you." Jasper kissed her forehead making her wonder of what she should say to him.

"Ummm no it just become somewhat of a instinct It'll probably wear off soon. I had to protect someone at least. Are you still mad at Ruby? She told me that you was very upset with her for leaving me."

Jasper straighten his back intertwining his fingers the look he gave her was more of pure digust of the individual she mentioned " I'll forget it eventually I know she was trying to find us rather quickly but I don't like the fact that she left you in danger. You was hurt not her, you could of have another plan other than ripping those men apart but I probably would have done the same so good job."

Nicole looked down slightly "sorry it won't happen again I'll make sure not to put myself into danger again if it come down to that point-"

She felt him her tightly the hospital bed was rather small but she didn't mind it. A tall man such as Jasper didn't have no Care for anyone else but those who he hold dear for that is why she loves him so much. The Doctor from eariler came to the room giving off a nervous look towards Jasper as he gave off this glare that wasn't very inviting to the doctor.

"So we seemed to have made a mistake with the test in, your wife isn't pregnant at all we are deeply sorry for that-"

The doctor had trouble breathing feelings Jaspers hand wrapped around his throat tightening his grip. Nicole slowly got up walking towards Jasper.

" So you lied about my wife being pregnant !? Do u want to get your hands cut off so you can never work again!!" Jasper yelled feeling a strong tugged on his shirt he looked At Nicole calmimg his anger. He let's go of the doctor as he ran frantically out of the room.

"Jasper it was just a error they probably didn't know until later on, Now I have to go apologies to the doctor that you almost killed Jasper I pray you don't turn out like Charles overtime ." Jasper swiftly picked her up setting her down on the hospital bed noticing how calm he was in jer presence nothing more than his wife soothing his anger away with her affection.

"I shall go up there and apologize myself you can just rest and let your wounds heal. You know I'll never be like him you know I will always show kindness towards you but not others. I have to keep my guard up so your safe. Nothing is more important than you my darling." Nicole couldn't help but smile at his choice of his words touching as usually shw thought to herself. Recently rumors have been spreading around about Jasper's murderous past alongside Prince Charles. A discussion like that should be waited until they get home now she can focus on her honeymoon with the person she loves the most.

Jasper left the room to talk the Doctor he almost killed. Leaving Nicole to put on freshly new clothing that he brought for her, Once she managed to put her clothes on she heard a knock on the door saying to come in.

Ruby had a vase full of flowers as apologize for leaving her in that tough situation. Nicole hugged her softly rubbing her back to sooth Rubys mind off the incident.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you-" Nicole raised her hand to stop her from talking about the problem further more.

"Let's just enjoy the rest of the of our day okay , I don't want to talk about it anymore. We just found out today that we aren't having a baby I've always wanted one but it seems like I'm not going to be having one anytime soon. Thank you for the Roses these are my favorite, where is Jasper right now?"

"He's waiting for you outside the door Nicole, were going to have dinner tonight would like join us along with your Husband Jasper."

Nicole smiled cheerfully " I think we would like that tremendously. I'm sure Jasper will forgive you overtime, this dinner will solve our issue's."

As they left the room Jasper smiled at Nicole as Ruby stood beside her he gave her a cold expression ; Grabbing Nicole's hand as they walked away from her. Later that evening they went to have dinner with Vicar and Ruby but Jasper still held a deep grudge against her though Vicar could understand his reasoning for not liking ruby at that moment but he shouldn't be so protective of Nicole.
No one hardly said anything just sipping on there drinks and having small casual talks the tension between Jasper and Ruby was very unsettling.

Nicole cleares her throat "So are you guys enjoying the food Hawaii is very lovely and the people here are very nice. I hope we can come here together-"

Jasper glares slightly at Ruby "We aren't coming here together especially since u left my wife with those men. How can I forgive someone like that ."

Nicole looked down as she ate not wanting to say to much to a angry Jasper "I told her to run and leave me there and find you both. Please don't blame her for my actions for some reason I wanted to fight maybe even kill an it got so bad to the point where I was injured at least Ruby wasn't. I don't think you should be mad at her besides luckily Vicar didn't yet anything."

Jasper held her hand a face full of sorrow looking at her, she smiles at him reassuring him that very was okay.

Vicar laughed " Believe me I wanted to but Nicole does have a point you shouldn't be mad at Ruby for to long she did let us know where Nicole was an the men were already dead well ripped apart aggressively. By the way Jasper did you here about the rumors speculating about A person higher than Ming Mo himself are making drastic changes to the Court."

"I heard about that Changes as in Kingdoms go far and I'm guessing stricter consequences to those who don't follow the rules. The individual your referring to is serf David from what I heard he use to love a human but the human he onced loved ended up dying to the disease back in the medieval days. Ever since than he hasn't been the same calling him the most ruthless vampire that ever existed.He is Higher than King Mo himself, I don't think he is aware of what's going on ."

Vicar rubbed his chin thinking of what Jasper said "Though what your saying is particularly I was a member of the Court for several years I use to work with Serf back then before his lover fell ill he was a kind man but once she died he never spoke again. Though he is still in hiding but he control all of the members in the court including me still."

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