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Maids & Butlers stood in a straight line from youngest to oldest. Jasper walked back and forth looking into their eyes as terror an fear strike their minds. Rowland who stood behind Jasper looking through the documents of the workers, making sure to count all them as they were presence but one was missing he thought to himself.

Jasper holding his sword tightly as he spoke "I would like to make this quick, its going to take a bit longer having to go through all of you. Since Lady Winter is poisoned one of you have to confess. I won't let you leave here until someone tells me how the tea got served in the first place."

One of the butlers raised his hand Jasper looking at him giving him permission to speak.

"Lord Jasper a maid had recently started working here and she wouldn't stop telling us to serve her special tea for the Queen. Me an the others had looked into the matter with Rowland, he made all of us of drink it. There is no effect for us lowly Vampires, therefore rowland gave us permission serve the tea so we did. When Lady Winter drinked the tea her face seemed to be very disgusted she asked for some water an it surely helped. The maid that started working here made it me and the others watched her prepare it along with Rowland milord."

Jasper shook his head as his eyes glared at the butler fierce and frighting"Rowland your supposed to inform me about everything that the  workers do from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep. Where is this new maid that you speak of?"

The workers looked around notcing the maid wasn't in the room. Rowland gave a grave expression causing Jasper to rake his hair in the pits of anger.

"Seems like we have a Pesky rat in the Castle,She simply had one job to kill the very person that is dear to me. What most of you drinked was posion but I am confident that doesn't effect vampires nor purebloods only humans. Be more cautious of your surroundings if a guest or new maid comes to castle inform me or Lady Winter. Rowland come with me ."

The workers bow in response as Jasper leave the rooms he swings his sword at vase  causing it to shatter. Rowland followed behind him as his master ordered the atmosphere in the air intensive feeling his master anger swelling up. As they walked to to the room they heard small crys of pain coming at the room that Nicole slept.

Opening the door Jasper saw the doctor take the needle out of Nicole arm. Walking towards them the doctor bow at him, giving jasper a worry expression he kneeled down to Nicole taking a hold of her small fragile hands.

As the Doctor was getting his medicine ready he said "Lord Jasper I have noticed that you use some type of spell to make appear young and healthy. Forgive me for my sudden out burst; Lady winter's body is becoming frail therefore her body can't keep supporting the unborn kids that grow inside her each and everyday. When that time comes we would have to do a emergency c-section. I do not think it is wise for her to give birth naturally that's if she survived the labor all together. Milord if I can ask have you been letting Lady Winter drink blood I will surely help her through the delivery."

Jasper turned his head the very glare that scared the doctor, Jaspers blue eyes glowed making the doctor take one knee to keep in his head down not wanting to anger his king anymore.

"Fix it, Make my wife well again if you can't do that then I will find soneone else. Do not question what I do with her, I placed a spell on her so she wouldn't be frightened of herself. I know she is nothing more than a walking corpse at this moment. Just give me anything that will make her well again. If she dies you shall be killed I can't allow you roaming free-" Jasper turned back to Nicole feeling her hand slightly tighten around his.

"Jasper we talked about this you have to be a little more kind to the doctor he's doing all he can to make me well again. The poison is gone I feel ten times lighter now, If I ever die I hope you can take care of the kids in my absence. You promised me Jasper as much as you love me love the kids equally too."

Jasper closed his eyes kissing her hand giving a bitter smile "Of course my dear whatever you want I'll make sure you'll get it. Just live here with me don't go away. The doctor will make you well in no time just hang on a little longer."

Nicole could only smile in response as she fell unconscious due to medicine that the doctor has given her. Jasper placing her hand beside her body he gets up, suddenly hearing a knock on the door the maid that wasn't in the room during the integration had a tray of tea that was pitch black. Rowland instantly tackles the the women to the ground as she screams in pain feeling her hair being pulled as she was placed on her knees. Jasper walking towards her the sword that appeared in his hand tighten, she looked up seeing the sainty in his eyes.

Jasper laughed as he held the sword towards her neck "Now your scared I excepted more. Did King Mo bring you here?"

The womens body shook violently as she spoke "Yes he sent me to kill the human! if I had known she was pregnant I wouldn't have made the deal! Please have mercy on my soul Milord!As a person that was born from the darkness tribe I can tell you anything you want to know! please have mercy on me! please!  "

Rowland nearly laughed himself seeing the women plea for her life  infront of his king. Once Jasper made his decision it hardly a chance for anyone to make it out the castle alive. Jasper smiled at the women"You really think I'm going to let you go after you poison my wife and then try to poison her again you pest. Before I let Rowland kill you tell me what is this substance that I'm seeing in this tea cup."

Rowland tighten his grip on the maids hair as she wails in pain "Milord that is something I can't tell you! The duchess told me it came from her but I don't know how she got it! The duchess used her magic to make it. that's all I know! Lady Winter told me that she knew what I was so I had to force her to drink it! Hehe!"

Jasper smile sinisterly wanting to rip her windpipe from her neck. "I'll let Rowland doing the honors of killing you thank you having the evidence for me.  Now your starting to give me ideas of who this is, Duchess Chantelle. Im not an idiot you lowly creature, once I find her She's dead. This is very much helpful, Rowland do it now."

Rowland taking no time placing his hands on her upper and lower jaw pushin far apart as she screamed in pain. Ripping her lower jaw shoving it down her throat. Nicole eyes  slightly open seeing Rowland kill the women it truly frighten her, She closed her eyes hearing the gargles of the women who laid on the far choking on her own blood.  She turned on her side of the bed facing the large class window were snow fell endlessly.

The guards dragging the women's body out as Rowland collected the sample in the tea cup hearing his orders to sent it to the Council. The doctor left shortly after Rowland leaving behind a needle an medicine; Jasper walking towards the window looking at the snow fall taking a pin out of his hair. His long flowing locks stopped past his hips Nicole smiled briefly murmuring the words 'beautiful' as she closed her eyes once again in her dreamless sleep.

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