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Jasper rubbed Nicole's back softly making her smile, the feud between them die down and she couldn't be anymore more happier. She forgot what the fight was about but she knew Jasper couldn't stay mad at her for long. As he continued to bathe her a question peaked her mind suddenly.

"Jasper, What was you doing in the lower parts of the palace a couple of days ago. When I asked one of the maids she told me you was down there with some man named Lucius."

Jasper stopped rubbing the wet cloth an looked at her as his jaw tightened. It was better to confess his sin then keep it hidden away from her mind.

"I see a maid told you when I ordered them not, I've also heard that some of them wasn't taking care of you properly an simply mocking you because the distance between them. You have nothing to worry about I slit their throats an burned their bodies to a crisp. You know I kill people its more of a habit. You don't care if I kill many more that harm you."

"Why was Lucius there? I never seen that man in the castle before he must be a spy of some sorts. Its best for you to not dwell on everyone's thoughts and just simply tell them to leave."

Jasper chuckled "He's no spy dear he's second in command for the kingdom for me. He helped my father during the great war, lots of bloodshed. I don't recommend you fighting along side me I tend to get messy. Moving forward if the maids disrespect you than you need to take action don't let those who are lowly humans define your title you are their queen they bow before you an every person that step foot in this kingdom. Tomorrow if your feeling well than we can go shopping for the festival ball."

"I feel good enough to go I just need to get rid of this cold before I start trying to go out in the snow." She felt his kiss lips against her temples making her blush from the affecttion she was getting from him so suddenly. Jasper stood up making her take a hold of the cloth; seeing him taking off his clothes and stepping the in wide tub filled with roses and herbs.

"Why not take a bath with you I'm quite filthy as well. Nicole if you aren't feeling well let me know so I can assit. As your husband I will always take care of you." He smiled as she did the same, Nicole have never been to ball before so it was something brand new for her. It made her think about Charles and all the events he use to go to for the attention. Its only been a good couple of months since Jasper placed the spell on Charles and Percy putting them in 'hell' but was it really such a thing for him to do that. She was lost in thought as she heard him clear his throat making her come back reality.

Jasper gave a slight glare at her peeking into her mind as she had the thoughts of Charles. Jealousy was something he felt whenever she thought of him when they were in Lilith; but Now he is hers alone his little lamb he protected against his king. "You still think about him don't you Nicole. I'm quite jealous don't think badly of me; For so long  I wanted you I had this urge to have you. My longing to have you from a man that didn't love you but used you just for his fathers throne. It makes me sick to my stomach."

"Sorry Jasper I was just wondering about certain events in my life. If I could have changed some things leading to this moment. All I ever wanted was a family but I have the feeling that I won't be apart of that in the future."

Jasper tilted his head slightly at her comment "Don't be negative Nicole, your still here in my eyes sight. Its almost that time for you to give birth to our children, I know its going to be frightening but I'll be here every step of the way I promise you."

Nicole smiled rubbing her belly "Thank you Jasper for everything. "

Jasper closed his eyes taking in her words though it hits him deeply thinking about the day he might lose her. If the day ever comes than it would cause him great despair his cold demeanor he kept up for so long seemed that it have came apart of him. Charles coached and teached him his ways of life and putting humans into fear whenever they were around him. When Nicole came into the picture everything had changed she nursed him back to health when he was injured in the forest that very snowy day. This was when he officially erased her memory of him before they would meet again in the forest. Jasper tried so hard to get her out of his head but looking at the girl she looked so broken and alone.

He often saw her wonder in the forest looking lost and helpless. He remembered how everything came to play his emotions being misheard.

Jasper shivered as his back was against a tree holding his wound on the side of his body. Being in the war along side with his King meant only to protect him and makes sure King Chancellor had his victory. Jasper was alone seeing nothing but snow fall on his body. Jasper closed his eyes hoping that Prince Charles would find him but that never happened.

Jasper  was unconscious in his sleep the world was silent he wanted to die in honor of serving his kingdom well it seemed like he failed them. Nicole who was taking her patrol in the forest looking around for food to eat until she tripped over something causing her to fall on the snow. She looked over her shoulder seeing a man a who was injured. She gets back on her feet as she stands in front of him kneeling down seeing that his wound was still bleeding.

"A human, seems like he's injured that's not good. I don't Have much time until my trail starts." She spoke softly as she stands up taking a hold of his legs draggig him to her small hut she made out of sticks leaves. Putting him inside the hut she opens up his shirt seeing blood ooze out the open wound. Nicole nearly gagged looking at it, there was bullet wound that seemed to have caused an infection. she covered his body with her cloak to prevent him from freezing to death in the cold winter. Leaving him in the hut as she looks for herbs to heal his wound.

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