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Nicole and Jasper kept there distance from eachother starting the day where she wasn't going to be able to sleep at night because he wasn't there. This is the first time they held such a meaning less argument which left both of there feathers ruffled. Jasper knows not to stay mad at her forever, he wanted to apologize for lashing out at her in the heat of the moment. Everything she asked for she got though Nicole didn't ask for hardly anything she was probably to scared to ask for anything not to be spoiled rotten to the core. Jasper flipped through the documents that came in this morning describing the details of the corpses in the masacure. He wasn't in the council but but Vicar a friend of his use to be a member even in the Court. As he reads through them he heard a knock on the door as it opened he saw Rowland and Lucius enter the office quietly.

Jasper expressed annoyance as he looked up "What brings you to my office the both of you, if its about Nicole let me hear it."

Rowland bows and nods his head "The lady is sleeping soundly milord, I overheard some rumors the servants was stirring about Lady Nicole. From what I am hearing they say she is a witch using you for your wealth and power.  They say she might be something ungodly but she is human as well may know. How would you like me to take care of it."

Jasper looked at Rowland an back at the papers "Hmm Kill every last one who speaks such ill manners about my wife. They must have forgotten who I am. We will get them replaced immediately if necessary, are the workers finished with the  indoor garden. She wanted white roses and blue roses in the garden."

"Yes lord Jasper everything will be taken care of as Sir Lucius he have came here today to discuss something to you. I shall take my leave Lord Jasper." Rowland bows leaving Lucius and Jasper in the room. It was silent enough to hear a bird chrip outside in the cold weather.

Jasper sets down his pen and gets up from his chair walking towards Lucius."You came to see me about something Lucius, I'm busy with my work."

Lucius had white hair and golden eyes he was young but strong in the eyes of many who looked up to him as a warrior. He bows his head at Jasper not wanting to upset his king any further he had heard news of Kings Phillips and Zora's death it shaked him up to his very core.

"Forgive me your highness I wanted to discuss some matters with you about the wars that I had fought about the one that is coming soon. I met Lady Nicole she seems so innocent and kind for such a young women. I didn't know you liked them that young milord." Lucis smiled widely at Jasper.

Jasper folds his arms together "What we have together is something private not worth sharing to people. I received a letter from the  council to keep the lady's of the palace inside at all times. They could possibly be murdered by an unknown force. What caused the massacre was poisoning which turned the humans skin covered in black holes."

"So it seems the rumors were true the Duchess of Darkness really kept her word when she said she'll start a war for all to hear. Did you know the Duchess once fell in love with a human. That male was duke Dennis of the Apple Kingdom before it fell to ruin until it was later restored by the kings family members. Anyways they met at a ball that took place in the kingdom. Chantelle stood out from the rest of the woman there she wore all black from head to toe. He apporached her an asked for a dance so she accepted  that was when they fell in love. They spent so much time toegther that the King himself got mad an told Dennis to stop spending some much time with the duchess. But he didn't listen which lead to his death, when she found his body something dark awakened in her. So she killed every last living thing that walked throught that kingdom she held hatred deep in her heart and plans to take revenge for death of her beloved Human Dennis."

Jasper frown going back to his desk sitting down"So its simply revenge I understand now. She wants to make sure we Kings feel the same way she did when the king killed Duke Aldo. Is there something else you would like to share with me?"

"Yes Milord if that's okay with you"Jasper gave it some thought but he wanted to hear more of what he had say "Speak than"

"Your wife may not know this or not but long ago she was once cheif of her fathers tribe the vampire hunters. Seems like that memory of hers is not so great milord, You may find this a shock but your wife is something to not mess around with. I'm telling you from experience from my people, Ottawa also said she is quite powerful but she has yet to awaken her potential. Please be aware that I am trying to protect you from something that is far beyond our reach."

"Is that a joke Lucius? I expected much better-"

Lucius cut him off saying "Milord I mean ever word of what I said. I recommend you be careful with that wife of yours she will eventually die and what will you do about your children? I know that your spilling magic in her body to her alive, in her weaken state she could while delivering your unborn kids. How long will that magic last until she's nothing more than a walking corpse-"

Jasper glared at him slamming his fist on the desk, Lucas was stepping into a hole he couldn't get out of. They were distant from each other due to a lack of understanding but he could never let anyone talk about his wife badly. "You talk quite a lot for such a young Warrior like yourself, keep that same energy on the field. I'm surprised my father even selected you to be his right hand man. Enough talk about my wife  and unborn kids your only making me anger. I don't need to remind you to keep out of my business ."

"Please do forgive me my highness I meant no I'll will though I am concern about future, Maybe you could use your skill that you was brought up from Lilith and use it on the unborn children. Half breeds like them are dangerous they could go on a murderous rampage."

"Your telling me to kill my unborn kids, that will crush my wife's heart. I don't need her getting upset it could effect her body which isn't a good thing. If that does happen I'll make sure to keep them under control. I'm not that heartless as one would think but I see your still yapping your lips was my threat not good enough for you."

Lucius chuckled "forgive me milord seems like you can't take a joke. Anyways there is more things to discuss right now about this war, I even bought a few prisoners in the cellar for. They might have the information needed-"

Jasper gets up removing his jacket and rolls up sleeves of his dress shirt. "Like I said you talk to much.Just take me to the cellars,  make sure she isn't in the hallways or anywhere close to lower level of the castle."

Lucius opened a door for Jasper "Of course Milord we are practically invisible at this time. I made a puppet of yourself sitting at the desk working."

Jasper leaves the room as Lucius follows; Nicole sits quietly in the guest room reading a book that goes several years back about the duchess of darkness. Dixie and Ruby linked their minds with her so they could talk in secret. She knew what would happen to her if she left the castle on her own, Jasper knew about it but wanted to keep that kind of information away from Nicole not wanting to frighten her. Rowland who was behind her waited for anything she had wanted but she hasn't said a word since yesterday. His master had ordered him to not take her to the lower part of the castle as to were Jasper tortured people if he felt he was in the mood for killing relentlessly for his pleasure.

"Rowland where is Jasper, I want to see him"

"Forgive me Milday but the master has told me to not let anyone visit him for today he is extremely busy from what I'm being told."

Nicole sets down her tea cup an puts her hands within one another "Is he doing work at the office Rowland? I want to at least work right bbeside him."

"Milady why don't you stay here and I will get you some more tea"

Before Nicole was able to say anything Rowland left the room immediately leaving her alone. She wasn't going to sit here and not do anything so she decided once Rowland have left completely she will find him on her own. Though she didnt know what she was about to discover that day.

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