Chapter 6

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Nicole couldn't sleep, too much was on her mind about what happened just a min ago. A knock was heard as Charles opened the door wearing his night clothes.

"I see your still awake, whatever is on your mind you can vent if you like." he said as he sat on her bed as she lays back down. "What happened back there? You was very upset, once I saw your eyes turned back to there regular color. Is it my doing that your so upset?" Nicole hugged the pillow tightly in her arms anxious at what he was going to say.

Charles leaned over to her laying body as he kissed her deeply placing his hand on her thigh rubbing it making her push him off of her. "Charles us taking it slow remember!?" he nodded in agreement as he sat up from his position.

" I couldn't control apologies. No I'm not mad at you, just something's didn't see go my way. Surprisingly vampires and werewolves are starting to team up to come against me . Anyways I am a spoiled boy that gets what he wants. Im still hoping to grab that hearts of yours so u can be mine already." Nicole couldn't help but blush at his comment.

" I wish u a goodnight" he spoke kissing her forehead as the lights flikcker making him disappear.

Nicole touched her forehead with a smile as she thought about Charles kiss.

She shook her only to think of him as friend, could she see herself with him as more than just a friend? Nicole shook the bell as Jasper knocked on the door letting himself in. " what do u need miss Nicole." he said walking up to her.

"A nice hot bath" she spoke in a weak voice as a sign that she was getting a little tired. Jasper clapped his snap his finger as the maids appeared getting her bath ready with a solid night down for her to wear to bed.

"Enjoy your bathing Nicole the maids will help you with everything so just relax for now." Jasper bowed walking out the room.

The maids helped her out of bed they removed her clothes as they put her in the tub. " what type of music would u like to listen lady Nicole" one of the maids said as she started to rub Nicole's back with soap. "Mm Caruso by Lucio Dalla. "

Nicole pictured herself in one of his concert singing next to the famous tenor Pavarotti. Nicole was a big fan when it came to Italian music, though she didn't understand what they were saying but it gave her a good feeling inside.

"Excellent choice lady Nicole." the two maids brought out a CD player as one of the maids finds her the CD that Nicole wanted to listen and she inserts it in and let the music play. Once the maids was finish with her bath, they put Nicole clothes on and put her into bed wishing her a goodnight.

Nicole looked at view outside seeing the moonlight reflect on her bed she slowly falls asleep.

The next morning she gets a knock at the door as Charles opens it. "Good morning Nicole, I see you slept well." he said as he puts her breakfast on her night stand. Charles picked up book and laid it on desk as he walks over to her petting her head. Nicole purred at he's touch. She sat up from bed as she grabbed her breakfast eating it quickly . "don't eat so fast, we don't want u getting sick." he said as he wiped her mouth.

"What about school? " she looked up at him as she ate her food.

"For now you will be tutored by me, I don't feel you will be safe at school. Seems like your center of attention at school. Let things settle down and u shall return to school darling." he said as he opened his book up.

Nicole took a sip of her tea as her eyes widened and smoke began to appear around her sending her into a eternal sleep she felt as if they world stopped in front her. A seal formed around her arm casting the spell as she was transformed in to her toddler self. " Nicole! " he panicked as he fanned the smoke away seeing her as toddler maybe five or six years old child it was hard to tell what age she could have been.

She had a stuffed teddy bear in her hands as she looked up at Charles with a sweet child like voice "Charles?" he couldn't help but blush at her cuteness as Jasper came in shock. Nicole had two ponytails in her hair with cute ruffled bows as she wore a silk pink night gown. Her tan carmel skin was clearly going and her cheeks was ever so red leaving her with small lips. Jasper came up to Nicole as he bowed to her holding her hands.

"There is nothing to fear little one, let me take a look at you." jasper examine her body as he noticed a seal on arm. "Sir she has been placed under a spell... How is that possible?" jasper looked up as Charles to see he was no where found.

Charles walked up to his mother and father's throne as he sat in the middle discussing what happened to Nicole. The king and queen of lilth kingdom looked at him with worry. "It might've been a witch Anna, no vampire can cast a spell and just leave the palace. Everything is guarded from top to bottom." the king said as he looked through the documents about any where abouts of witches lingering in this period.

Charles finished his glass of blood as he shatters it leaving glass in hands .

He ends up taking out the shards of glass from his hands as he walks away. He wondered to himself why was everyone coming after her? Things didn't add up to him, she is a mere mortal is that the logic behind it all. Charles knew people wanted to kill him because his selfish acts as a prince but when they mess with someone that he really cares about it brings him to a dark place. All he things about his giving that person no mercy, screaming begging for forgiveness. It brings him joy to kill those who stood in his way.

Charles knocked on Nicole's door as she was playing tea party with Jasper as he dressed up all girly for her tea party making Charles laugh. "It is not funny , prince Charles...I look ridiculous in this. Though if she is happy then I am as well " Nicole looked at Jasper with a sad puppy look. Jasper grabbed her and hugged very tightly not wanting to make her sad." Prince Charles!! She is to cute for her own good! " Charles starred at Nicole giving her a serious look as she turns away smothering her face on Jasper's chest a little frighten by his sudden change of mood. Charles left the room leaving her and jasper back to their tea party.

"Now now there is nothing to be afraid of Nicole. Do you remember me?"

She nodded her head quickly as a smile formed on her face. Jasper kissed her forehead as they continued their little tea party.
Midnight has arrived as Nicole gets ready for bed, having a little trouble reading big words. Charles walked pass her room hearing herself read. He knocked on the door and opened wondering why she was still up.

"Charles I'm having a hard time reading" she said making her want to tear up again. Charles let a sigh as he walks up to tours her bed sitting in a chair right next to her reading a fairy tale book "beauty and the beast."

Couple of mins later Nicole fell asleep holding her teddy bear as Charles kissed her forehead leaving her room silently.

Nicole woke up in the middle of night in as her arm was in pain. She looked up at the seal seeing it turned red as she screamed Charles name crying for the pain to stop. Charles ran in her room along with jasper as the they did their best to calm her down. Nicole suddenly passed out as Charles looked at her with worry as his eyes turn bloody red. Hearing her scream in pain made his blood boil, who would cause her so much pain especially since she is a little girl.

"Jasper stay in the room with her, I don't care if it's all day we need to keep her safe. For me I'm going to go around town and integrate people." he spoke in serious tone.

"Charles... I'm scared.." Nicole started to cry as she holds her teddy bear tightly in arms making Jasper pet her head calming her down. Charles knelled in front of her grabbing her hand kissing it tenderly as he puts his ring on her finger. "this shall keep u safe dear Nicole, I wore it for a thousand years now I give it to you." he said as stood up heading to door as Nicole looked down at the ring kissing it.

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