Chapter 53

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Jasper slowly unzips Nicole's wedding dress as they both started to get ready for the after party. Nicole was curious about his power an how he managed to do such a difficult task of sending Charles & Percy both to hell? Why didn't she notice the ripped out pages from Lori's diary, to think she was really in love with Ottawa. She looked up at Jasper as he looked down in a weaken state pondering his answer looking deep into her thought's.

"What's wrong Jasper you seem sad? Are you thinking about something!"

Jasper takes her hands into his intertwining their hands to each other he smiled in reassurance of his answer. " I am perfectly fine baby. Your thoughts caught me off guard slightly, I know your a curious girl it's okay to be that way. You Wonder why I kept that secret about Lori an Ottawa they were so in love with each other. The day she was tortured by Caroline Ottawa took her away from the palace an into the woods for safety reasons but it didn't stop Charles looking for her. Once he found her it was heartbreaking to see someone taken by their lover it's like you an me he knew I loved you for the longest time yet he took you away from me but if you was happy him then I couldn't help but feel jealous we shared more of a connection then Charles ever did with you. It makes me anger but at the same time I realize I have a beautiful girl right here to share my life with forever."

She smiled feeling his lips against her shoulder "we should get ready soon Jasper everyone is waiting for us. I can't wait to celebrate!"

Jasper kissed her cheek as he takes off his jacket handing Nicole a much comfortable dress to wear. She looked at the magnificent dress which had fur on the wrist an chest an her favorite color white that definitely matches theme of the Kingdom. Nicole couldn't believe that Jasper would do all such kind things that not even Charles could do. She puts the dress on looking at the mirror at her curvy chubby figure Jasper wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"Before we go out to the party do I look bad in this dress? I think it's much more worthy of someone who is more slim-" he tightens his arms around flinching at his sudden change of mood seeing her eyes darken.

"You are only worthy of wearing this dress I love your body, in sickness an in health. You are mine therefore I hope you never disappear on me stay by my side for eternity."

She closed her eyes with a smile " You don't have to worry my loving husband I am here to stay. Thank you for everything."

Jasper turns her around only to kiss her plumbed lips nearly biting it "You always say thank you ; your heart is innocent for me I am truly a lucky guy to have. Anyways the party is outside I bought a nice shoulder length Fur coat it will surely keep you warm."

"Ohh jeez I might look like a snowman" He laughed at her humor his eyes shimmering in her eye sight, until they heard a knock on their door. Jasper's mood changes drastically causing her to frown a maid bowed at their presence not wanting to disturb her King & Queen.

"My Majesty everyone 5 ex wondering where you both are it's very cold outside they say. They believe a storm is coming.The Court would like to see you both, King Mo an his daughter Melody Queen clare couldn't make it."

Jasper's eyes narrowed "A storm you say how do they know of such weather. Edward is keeping them company so they shouldn't be to cold out there if they are then the guest can go inside the Palace an into the ball room. I'm surprised they even came thank you for telling us we'll be on our way."

The maid bowed as she closed door from behind causing Jasper's eyes to go intensely red. She rubbed his back calming him down, his eyes softened at her pulling her body into his holding Nicole tightly in his arms.

"I love you so much Nicole once we deal them we can have a nice time together just you an me my love" he said as he graze his thumb against her lip causing her to smile ; a sudden knock on the door made her jump. Jasper kissed Nicole's forehead letting her go as he walked up to the door opening it only to see King No an Melody at their door.

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