chapter 33

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Nicole walked up to her home to see cars and lights on from the window. She tried to put her key in the key lock but it wouldn't fit, so she knocked on the door hoping for someone to answer. A women opened the door.

"Hi , may I ask what u want at the moment."

"I actually live here ma'am this house isn't for sale nor rented for"

"Well I'm sorry but you don't live here anymore you was evicted 4 months ago, prince Charles actually gave me this home for free. Its pretty nice inside."

"Um...but where is my things...?"

"Oh those things I put them in the trash it was very cluttered on my property, so I cleaned it up for you along with the other filth that was in there...sorry sweetie but its getting a little I have a family I need to take care of...have a good day"

The women closed the door as Nicole looked down in defeat. Now she's homeless and don't have a place to stay. Life is quite unfair isn't it she thought to herself. She walked on the sidewalk strolling her suitcase on ground wondering when Jasper was going to fetch her, but he hasn't showed up yet so she still had hope. She felt a tap on her shoulder seeing Jasper a little bruised on his face. Nicole touched his face lightly as he hissed in pain.

"What happened to you Jasper? You got cuts and your lips is swollen."

"I told Charles...I was leaving for a couple of days. He wasn't so happy about it, he knew I was doing it only for you bit he saw pass my flaw...he has truly changed.." Jasper looker down as if he was about to cry but he held his tears trying to stay strong for her.

"Oh Jasper, I'm sorry I'm not in a good situation myself so I know how you feel...."

"I'm glad that you do...why don't you come with me. I got a nice place waiting for you miss Nicole. You'll enjoy it...I swear to you."

Nicole nodded excitingly as Jasper grabbed her hand walking her to the car. Once they got inside she slowly started to fall asleep letting Jasper hum to her during the drive. His voice was soft and soothing like watching a daily dose of relaxing music. She felt the car stop and park as she felt him carry her swiftly from out the car door closing it with his feet.

He began walking to his cabin, a 3 story home he saved up with his own money just to buy. It was a privilege taking Nicole through his own personal home. Once they entered inside Jasper gently placed Nicole on the couch to let her rest putting a blanket on her body to keep her warm. Jasper wished her a good night as he sat in a chair beside her resting his sleepy eyes for the next day.

Morning rose letting the warm sun hit her face, it was a new day for them together. She smelled something warm and sweet. Nicole opened her eyes seeing Jasper cook breakfast.

"Your awake miss Nicole, Good morning beautiful I hope you slept way no nightmares thankfully. " Jasper covered his face slightly hiding his blush.

"Oh good morning to you as well! What are cooking up in there?"

"I'm cooking up some pancakes for you, its homemade actually! Not store bought actually, I hope u like it as much as I did. Why don't u have a seat at the kitchen table."

Nicole gets up from the couch as she walks walks to the table sitting at the chair waiting for he meal. Jasper places a plate of pancakes in front of her as he sat down in front of her with nothing but a Blood tab and water.

"Jasper how come your not going to eat anything?"

"Well no I would like to but an order for me not to lose myself I have to get my thirst under control."

"You seem fine to me, I haven't seen u lose control yet..."

"Yet Nicole, I'm a completely different person when I drink blood this feeling of anger wells in my body. Then I tare everything in my path...its never good at the end. Please do forgive me if I startled you with my behavior. It took me years to get this under control, I am nothing more than a clam man."

"You are calm and very sweet, that's why I like very much Jasper. I hope u don't forget it, oh why don't we just share some pancakes together! You can't go hungry without pancakes!?"

Nicole quickly got up an grabbed a plate with a fork putting half of the pancakes on his plate and serving it to him. Jasper grabbed hairband pushing his hair seeing his beautiful face. His right eye was red and his left his was a mixture of purple and blue. She wondered why he covered up his right eye ; now it made since to her.

"Thank you Nicole!? I can't wait to eat this, I was hardly ever able to cook and clean for myself back at the palace but I feel You know."

"I can understand why u would feel free, all u do is carry your duties an maybe go to royal events but I now u deserve a break, I wouldn't know how a human would manage with such a busy work load like yourself."

"Well I'm always on my feet everyday so I deserve a break from work. I never get rest anyways, so it makes things a little harder for me."

"At least you get break now! Which is good, don't over work yourself its never good, I overwork myself one time it was a major mistake."

"Miss Nicole, let me take care of you for the time being we can both relax together without the wrath of Percy and Charles on our shoulder. I just wish I could have saved you from such torture. If we was together I would have never let it happen to nor again. I'm so sorry...I really am, for Charles to kick you out of his home was just as evil. I swear to you no harm will to you, I will protect with my life."

Nicole smiles at him as she touched his hand with his , making him smile more. He lightly licked the syrup from off his lips as he leaned across the table pressing his lips against hers. She felt his soft lips ; it was soothing and calm, she haven't felt this feeling in a long time it was peace. Nicole kisses back only for him to bite her lip , removed his lips from hers, she started at him blushing a he did the same.

"Nicole I must admit when I kiss u I just want more of you. The maple syrup from your lips was very tasty"

Nicole looked down as she blushed holding her lip. She starting finding Jasper quite attractive.

"I actually liked the kiss jasper, your very charming. Thank you for the kiss"

"Sorry if it was unexpected I was watching over you last night when you were sleeping I just...I just couldn't stir looking at you. You were so beautiful. I couldn't stop myself from looking at your stunning features."

"I'm no were near stuffing as you are , your gorgeous you never.

Nicole stood up from the table as Jasper stood up as well, he walked over to her grabbing her waist pulling her body against his. Did Jasper get his dream he always wanted. You can say he certainly did, jasper smile was overjoyed with emotion he never felt before love for another human being. She snuggled his head against his chest as Jasper rubbed her back. He lifted her chin pressing his lips against hers, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth as her eyes went wide open. He rushed over to the couch buttoning down his shirt as he kissed her neck. Jasper removed his shirt completely letting his tone muscular body against her.

"I never had sex before but I know I'm going to enjoy it....with u when ever your ready let me know love. I want u to be mine I'm stead of Charles...we have to keep running. Charles is looking for me and plans on killing me for lying to kingdom. I realized...I was I'm prince to another kingdom that don't even exist my my everything. we can build a kingdom together."

"I'll be your...everything Jasper...Charles broke my heart to many times but u repaired"

"Darling u don't have to thank me , I just need to make sure that your happy...that's all...I'll treat u like a queen everyday. You have no worries...I promise you.."

Nicole hugged him tightly as he did the same, why didn't she pick him in the first place a prince with true self worth of a lady. She finally got what she wanted real Love.

We got Jasper and Nicole together! This is a miracle is it not lol, peeps in the comment were saying that they really wanted Jasper & Nicole together I thought to myself she needs to be with someone that is going to love her not hurt her. Lets spice it up a bit , lets see how Jasper treats this young lady. Still have a lot of correction and a bit of rewriting.
Once again thanks for reading

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