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Nicole looked everywhere even in the bedroom that they both shared, the offcie was where he sat working diligently. He heard the door open an looking up seeing Nicole walk through.

"Hi Jasper I wanted to apologize,I'm sorry for everything that I might have done to hurt you or to make you worry. I'm deeply sorry" Not wanting to make contact she looked down waiting for him to say something but he didn't say a word.  Not wanting to disturb him anymore she sat in a chair but the fireplace watching the fire crackle. Rowland who knocked on the door only to open it seeing Nicole sitting in the chair was Jasper worked though it was nothing more than an illusion to trick her mind because no one was sitting there she was sitting a cold empty room.

"Lady Nicole it would be best to come out the office, there is no warmth here do you not feel it?"

Nicole looked over at the door seeing Rowland standing there waiting for her to come out "I didn't know you would be coming to find me so urgently. I'm I not good enough for him, I asked him to give me kids to early an look at me I'm dying. Rowland when I am gone please make sure they are both okay, I know Jasper will be a bit harsh on them but he will eventually love them. This is my only wish I give to you my last order. " She looked at him with a smile as she gets up from the chair holding holding her lower back in pain.

Rowland who extended his hand to her making her grab it softly, taking a hold of her lower back making her it was straighten. It was rather a shame that he was ordered to keep his masters personal matters personal.

"Lord Jasper is doing some things with Lucius at the moment he is terribly busy. I'm sure he will visit you in no time."

"I hope so Rowland I really hope so." Nicole looked down as he walks her down the hallway.

Once he had returned her room he placed on her chair as she covers her face with her hands. Nicole was starting to experience emotions that been bottled up deep within her heart Rowland placed a hand on her shoulders trying to calm her down. She suddenly laughed causing him to withdraw his hand Nicole stands up as her eyes became dark her hair turning pitch black. Rowland taking a couple of steps back as she walks towards him with blood spilling out her mouth.

Nicole spoke in a deep tone"Such a good vessel for  my soul. It won't be long until she cast me out her body. Rowland was it do you know who I am?"

"The duchess of darkness everyone is looking for, Please remove yourself from Lady Nicole's body she carries her children in her womb."

She laughed "This human here possess something great I can see it in her being the daughter of the great cheif who kills vampire for living is amusing. I will make you a deal which you can't refuse. Since I know the girl is dying from this pregnancy I will give her enough of my power to give birth an make it through delivery. But she will die an mysterious diease no cure nothing that's if I put a curse on her some don't live to see another day. That will be the only downfall, or you could let her die during child birth." She smiled looking down at Nicole's pregnant stomach "I'm jealous she had something I wasn't able to have with my darling husband. Till next time Rowland my dear keep it a secret an she will surely die."

Nicole's eyes flickered back to her normal colored as she collapsed letting Rowland catch her weak body. He carried her to  bed draping a blanket on her small frame tucking her in  Rowland leaves the room as Jasper stood in front of him abruptly leaving Rowland to close his eyes and bow before his master. Jaspers clothes was covered in blood his eyes deranged on the verge of killing more prisoners.

"Rowland bring me moonshine and bourbon whiskey to my study." Jasper walked away from him as he spoke removing his shirt revealing his tone muscular body from behind.

"Milord would you like to know how Lady Nicole is doing at the moment?"

Jasper stopped and turned his head slightly"No its alright I know my wife is strong without me. If something comes up let me know therefore just do as I asked Rowland."

"Yes your majesty as you wish" Rowland walked away from Jasper following his command to bring his drinks. Come to find out that Jasper drinked alcohol to cope with his behavior towards his wife making him a bitter drunk in the cracks of dawn.

As days pass Nicole laid in bed sick, Jasper didn't come to see her at all unless it was absolutely needed. Even the maids didn't take the time to see if she was well besides Rowland who constantly checked up on Nicole. Just when life was getting better it seemed like she had become more of guest in her own home than a queen who was fit to rule. Though Nicole wasn't entirely alone she had her kids in her womb the thought of her being a mother at such a young age excited her. To love them with all of her heart even if it means death.

Nicole heard a knock on the door 'Come in' she said flipping through the  Newspaper, the door opened an Rowland appeared once again. Setting the newspaper on the night stand she looked up Rowland seeing him bow his head with a distressed expression on his face.

"Milady did you notice signs of your temperature going down?" He said placing a tray of food on her lap leaning down to cut her meat.

"Yes I'm well thank you for asking but how is Jasper. He hasn't visited me once, when. I tried to apologize to him in his office he didn't say a word to me"

"Forgive me but the room was empty that was nothing more than an illusion to fool your mind. Lord Jasper was doing other things at the moment with Lucius. He told me to keep a close eye on you for the time being he is actually away  in the Lilith kingdom to discuss the border between the mainlands. Once your finished with your food please ring the bell so one of the maids can come an get it. Enjoy madame." He left the room leaving her Alone, she never thought she would be experiencing these things again eating alone having no one to talk besides Ruby and Dixie but they some how grew distant in the past couple of days.

She forced a smile on her face not trying to think about the bad things but the good, Nicole knew she needed to make an effort to keep herself happy. Nicole puts the tray of food on the night stand getting up from the bed. Glancing over the bed sheets her eyes widened to see blood cover the area she was sitting not to long ago.

Why didn't Jasper come and see her knowing that she was pregnant yet she experienced guilt not wanting Jasper to feel sorry for her. Nicole walked out of the room as blood began to drip down her leg an on the marble floor which was cold splinters on her feet. She wanted to see him so badly it was killing her not having him around.

Nicole started to feel weak just by walking alone, placing her hand on the wall for support she looked around for Jasper despite himself being in a different kingdom she still wanted to see him. Finding her way down stairs to the entrance of the door that leads outside, Nicole takes Jasper petticoat putting it on her small body and a pair of rainboots as she  opens the door. A gust of cold wind blew causing her to shake rubbing her arms together. Nicole took a step in the snow closing the door behind her keeping her head down to prevent the wind from blowing on her face.  Taking more than a couple of steps until suddenly she bumped into someone a shadow over took her own making her look up to see Jasper well dressed.

Jaspers eyes narrowed at her"What are you doing outside you should be in bed.Don't you know how cold it is outside, I'm assuming Rowland didn't tell you I was coming back home today such a shame to see you like this." Jasper caress her cheek softly "I am sorry to have ignored you for the time being.

Nicole could tell her was angry tears began to swell up in her eyes making her vision blurry causing her to shake more. Jasper wraps his arms around her body pulling her into an embrace.

"Jasper I'm so sorry I just hated the fact that I was alone. I only came outside to look for you, I was scared you was going to leave me. Why Didn't you come and see me! "

Jasper grinned "Stupid girl I'm not that cold hearted. I became busy with the kingdom affairs but you know I never stop thinking about you. I love you dearly; I visit you at night when you was asleep.  Now let's get you inside." Jasper glanced over her shoulder seeing a trail of blood to where she was standing it made him frown eternally thinking that the kids that she bare in her stomach was killing her slowly.

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