chapter 47

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Will contain a sex scene 🤣

Nicole yawns turning the channel on television set she ended watching westerns she loved it back then as a child. Sitting in between Jasper's leg going through paper work silently he sigh setting the papers down ; Jasper pulls her closer to his body as she looked up at him he planted a kiss on her eyelid.

"Sorry if I scared you during Dinner, I didn't expect King Mo to be that harsh on you he despise humans that's how he always been. I don't know what he might do to me if we meet again but I don't care."

"I'm okay thanks for defending for me, I am always grateful. Is it true that vampires was slave to humans"

Jasper tightens his grip on her waist looking into her eyes once again noticing slits in his light violet eyes. Did she make him angry in some sorts?

"We'll certain places carried a mixture of pure bloods and half pure bloods into a plantation whipped beaten I lived during those days I wasn't to fond of it, the great depression occurred  after that so the farm I was madly damaged due to the dust bowl. Luckily I was a human back then so vampires was least of my concerns accept for the werewolves that's a different story. Is there anything else you want to ask Nicole?"

"What month is today?"

"February why? I know because of Valentine's day don't worry I'll make sure to treat you like a queen. Aren't you going to be turning 17?"

Nicole nodded "I almost forgot how old I was turning, when is your birthday Jasper?"

"In December the 24th christmas eve"

"Why didn't you tell me I could have gotten you a gift or something!? Shoot now I feel bad. That was during the time I was with Charles. "

"I already have the perfect gift you sweetie pie. I would still run away with you even if you was still with Charles."

Nicole blushed as Jasper takes her hands with his kissing her finger tips as he started kissing her neck making Nicole shudder in this delight of pleasure she never felt before. He turns her around being on top shouldn't be a bad start he thought to himself as he started to button down his shirt , Nicole looked away waiting for him to do whatever he need to do. She felt his hands reach to her breast  squeezing them tightly causing her jump.

"I'm I going to fast for you Nicole maybe we should stop"

Nicole shook her head pulling his body closer to her making sure to keep no distance between them. "No I'm just nervous I had time to reflect on what Percy did to me but I know it'll be different
I am supposable your fiance"

"Your Right tell me if your uncomfortable with something I'll stop right away okay"

She nodded letting Jasper work his magic on her ; she removes her clothing slowly as he did the same to himself. Laying naked in his presence making her nervous covering her body from his sight, she's actually going to have sex with Jasper the caring sweet man she knew for almost her entire life.

"Don't hide your sexy body, I want to see all of you."

Jasper takes her hands placing them above her head taking his free hand slowly moving his hand down her stomach an to her lower region. Nicole arched her back as she felt finger circling her clit he noticed right away how wet she was taking his hands  back cupping her face kissing her softly flicking his tongue in her mouth causing her to moan. Jasper grips her breast once again licking on sucking on her nipple; she felt herself getting wetter an it only made her want him more he felt her longing for him an stopped.

He pulls away getting up from the bed taking a condom ripping the package putting the rubber on her Manhood. She looked away seeing how thick it was, is his manhood really going to fit inside her?

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