Chapter 2

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Once Nicole was finished with all her classes for the day she headed outside to walk to the parking lot to see. Charles who she just met today. Knowing herself she was an anti-social person in class making a few decent friends along the way that understand her completely. One of her best friend Sarah goes to a different high school; they were practically like a sister because they had the same last name (Johnson). Crazy right?

Nicole looked around in the parking seeing a bunch of car making it hard to tell where Charles was at the moment.

A white jeep wrangler stopped in front of her as she noticed it was Charles himself.

"Hop on in, I'm going to take u to a special place I like going to all the time. You will enjoy it. Oh, don't worry I won't do anything that you don't like. We are just strangers, after all, I think this might be a good chance to know you." he said as his long black hair began flowing in the wind making him look even hotter than what he already was.

Nicole gets inside the jeep; it smelled like a brand new car making her feel as if she was right at home reading a book and eating freshly baked cookies.

Charles couldn't help but stare at Nicole she looked breathtaking in his eyes only making him want her more; it was hard to not to lose interest in her currently. He was only interested in one person that was her; seeing through her personal thoughts he knew what was going on with her but she desperately tries to hide the fact that she was depressed and suicidal.

He needed to try his best to make sure that she was safe in his care for the take being, making sure she doesn't do anything that would prevent her from taking her own life.

He found this beautiful butterfly he would do whatever he can to save her from her troubles and that was a promise. The promises he makes can be broken and somehow restored with another.

Charles went on to a highway as he noticed that there was going to be a 20 min delay due to the workers doing half of the highway. Which was a perfect time to get to know Nicole even better? It's weird for someone to randomly hang out with a stranger on the same day that met. Nicole trusted people too much leaving her heart broken when people betray her.

"Nicole tells me what do u like to do for fun" he looked at her waiting for a reply staring in her deeply into her dark brown eyes.

"Well, I like to hang out with family and friends. I even like playing lacrosse. Some days I keep to myself too much gets involved in school...I will rather be alone then get hurt again..." she blushes to herself noticing the good times she had with everyone until she looked down at her arms. Charles looked at her arm to notice cuts up and down her arm. He immediately pulled over.

"Charles what's wrong- " Nicole was cut off as Charles puts his index finger to her lips making her look up at him with worry.

"Shhh are a beautiful girl...why would u harm yourself, you have every right to be happy...I might not know you well but it seems like your going through issues that cause you to do this to yourself. I'm not the one to judge you but....things will get better." he spoke filled with concern and worry in his eyes.

Nicole looked down as tears began to run down her face. Charles hugged her tightly making her feel as if someone really cares about what she was going through in her personal life and daily struggle. To live in a world where u feel like you aren't accepted by family or friends. At the end of the day, all you have is yourself.

"I'm sorry...." she holds him tightly burying her head into his chest.

"No need to apologize, I'll be there to protect. Day and night my dear friend... Please let me bare your problems with you." he looked at her face as he blushed slightly at her reaction wanting to kiss right away, he knew he had to control himself especially in front of her.

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