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Long Chapter


The maid named vina applies powder on Nicole's checks as the two other maids Paula and Fannie did her hair. At first Nicole was nervous having the maids around her but they put her at ease seeing how gentle they were with her. At least back in the castle the workers were decent but there were still rumors lingering around about her and her very past with prince Charles. That was something she didn't want to think about the past she wanted to look brightly in the future.

Once they were finish doing everything Vina uncovered Nicole's eyes as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was amazed by how beautiful everything looked it was like looking at a doll. Nicole stands up abruptly wrapping her arms around all three of the maids in pure happiness thanking them for the exceptional job. The maids were happy to see the queen of Snow filled with joy over simple things.

A knock was heard at the door as Nicole stop hugging them leading to Vina to open the door to see Jasper dressed in a white tuxedo  and hair slick back and cut.

Jasper looked at his wife who proudly showed off her curves and beauty making his cheeks turn red looking at the divine goddess that was in front of him.Jasper Bows his head to the three maids and takes Nicole's hand intertwined together. Just as they both was about to leave Jasper pulled out a small bag of coins in his breast pocket and handed it to Vina.

"Thank you for taking care of her, please do accept the bag of coins divide it amongst yourselves." Jasper and Nicole walked out room as they headed to the ball Jasper wanted to take her into the garden.  He knew it was her favorite place out of the entire kingdom, maybe it would give her ideas as to what to put in the in door garden next back home.

As they walked silently to the garden Nicole couldn't help but ask Jasper about the maids he encounter not to long ago. "Jasper if I may ask you what did you think about those three maids back there . I'm very glad that you gave them a tip for helping me out."

Jaspers lip twitched "The maids seemed pretty calm, they took care of you just like what they are suppose to do provide service. I know their wages are so low that they can't even provide a stable roof over their heads if they tried. I can understand how their feeling I been through the hard ships of saving money hardly buying anything."

"Now that your a king of an kingdom your money is unlimited right?" Nicole looked at him as he looked at her with a smile.

"You are queen now so it's our money, we are well known  for our army and wealth but that is all. The small things do matter, I do wonder what our future will look like. By the way are these the type of flowers you wanted in the garden?"

Nicole looked at roses it seemed to be blue roses which was very rare "Oh yes! I heard from the mainlands that these are the types of roses that are rare not many people can fine them. Blue roses are expensive it cost like about thousand coins or more. My love for flowers will never die."

Hearing the word die made Jasper frown internally, the thought of his beloved wife dying would be to much to bare for his heart.

"Jasper are you alright? " She noticed the blank stare as he looked at flowers seeing the sadness that was in his eyes soon vanished and returned with a charming smile. Maybe she said something that triggered him to feel like sad which she was didn't noticed.

"I'm fine, I will have a gardener come to the castle and plant those roses in the garden. If there's anything else you want just tell me and it'll be yours. Whatever you want, need or desire I shall make it happen." Jasper paused for a moment seeing makeup on her face. Though she was beautiful with it on he didn't want people to stare and see her beauty. Jasper lightly traced his thumb on the bottom of her lip. "I don't want any wondering eyes placed on you , the maids did a good job but they put too much makeup on you. It could excite a man if he sees you all dolled up any man in fact." Jasper takes no time to wipe away red tint that was on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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