Chapter 55

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Nicole and Jasper went to Hawaii for the week enjoying there stay there seeing they was accompanied by Vicar and Ruby. They left them alone and let them enjoy their together before they go back their kingdom.

Nicole laid in her bed surely sore from the lovemaking that was a all-nighter in her opinion. Jasper on the other hand was full of energy and wanted more but he knew his limit's during that time especially his craving for blood was making him run mad.

"Jasper, what time is it? I think it's been quite sometime we haven't gotten out of bed yet."

Jasper kissed the top of her head holding her not to tight "I know your sore after last night, I pray you had fun with me during that time. Hopefully I did not break you to the point you can't walk."

"I will admit I'm super sore"

Jasper rubbed her back "I have to remember your fragile the um bloodlust was starting to get to me so I had to get some blood."

"That's why you took those breaks, did you not drink enough blood when we got here?"

" I drank as much blood as I possibly could before we went to Hawaii. These blood tablets should do me good up until we leave. Let's starts get dressed we have a lot of exciting activities."

Nicole gets up from the bed stretching her body "may I ask what kind of activities?"

Jasper yawned "you'll see sweetie " he kissed her cheek as he get out the bed changing into comfortable clothes.

"Nicole I'll make you some breakfast after I straighten up the room. You can help me if you like love" Jasper smiled widely can't stop thinking of his lovely wife just called \her his wife is more so of a privilege.

Nicole nodded rolling up her arm sleeves " I guess I'll straighten up the bed and stuff, vacuum, sweep-"

"Whoa, remember Nicole were doing this together you don't have to do it by yourself that's why you have me."

"Your right!" Nicole sweep's up the floor as Jasper straightens the bed, they made small conversations with each other trying to get the job done so they can hang out with each other. They're already husband and wife so nothing will keep them apart hopefully.

Once the finished cleaning up the room to headed outside to see the glorious beach with not a lot of people to start off seeing Vicar and Ruby sitting beside each other enjoying the nice view. Jasper kissed Nicole's forehead as Vicar and Ruby stood up walking towards them, Ruby had a big plastered smile on their face.

She hugged Nicole tightly as Jasper talked to Vicar about their events this evening.

"So Jasper how was last night, did you have a blast with your lady. I hope you didn't get her pregnant"

Jasper blushed slightly " We made love a lot that night there was so many times when I wanted to get her pregnant but she's still young. I want my wife to experience everything with me. Yet I know the risk but she wants a baby badly vicar what do I do to keep her and our children out of harm.

Vicar hummed " If you really don't want the Court to find about her future pregnancy than I recommend you do your magic so they don't find out. You're a smart man I know you'll do good things."

Jasper bowed his head " Is Ruby doing well I'm assuming you took to Hawaii to get away from the Cloud Kingdom. I know she's thinking I've been abusing my wife because the bruises on her arm tell her not to worry she likes it rough."

"You can say something like that, I might truly fall for Ruby keep that secret she doesn't know sadly. The tension is high I know we can be something, If I made her queen on my kingdom I wouldn't be on high alert about our surroundings. Thank you for telling me I will inform her about that situation."

As Jasper and Vicar talked Nicole and Ruby walked on the beach talking girl talk as usual. Ruby was dying to ask if she was okay the bruises on her body, leaving Nicole to slightly rubbing her tummy to ease the pain she felt.

"What's wrong Nicole do you notice something on your body"

She took a glance and nodded "I see it for sure it doesn't bother me the bruises doesn't mean he's harming me on any type of way, you always look so scared when you're around me why?"

Ruby shrugged " I don't know its just your presence alone that gives me anxiety as for I am the same as you are human. Maybe you're powerful you don't know if I'm weak-"

Nicole stopped walking and shook her head " I don't think you're weak I'm the weak one you see, I've been hurt for a really long time. As long as we have our lovers by our side than we are Strong."

"I guess you are right about that?"

" I should be but you and vicar can become something closer if you just say your feelings to him"

"He has a hard time expressing his feelings to me he keep them closed up. His actions are something else. The way be touches my me I feel his love for me. I had served him for many years well my family, we use to play all the time when we were little . " Ruby couldn't help but look down an smile.

"I understand Ruby let's head back to boys I'm pretty sure they're wondering where we are right about now."

Once they headed back they were greeted by a group of men smothering and harassing them. Nicole's eyes flickered to her golden state tightly squeezing Ruby's wrist.

"Nicole your eyes there completely golden!?"

"Ruby I'm going to need you to look for Vicar and Jasper don't worry about me I'll be okay I promise."

Ruby nodded slowly as Nicole let go of her wrist she immediately took of running. One of the men pulled out s knife the other a gun she cracked her knuckles in excitement. Vicar and Jasper sat under the shade enjoying their casually talk; Jasper was starting to get an uneasy feeling his wife been away for to long he thought to himself . Ruby screamed out Vicar and Jaspers name Causing them to get up immediately, getting to them in a good amount of time she hugged Vicar tightly Jasper was getting upset.

"Ruby Where is Nicole?" Jasper tone was harsh when he spoke.

Vicar rubbed her back relaxing the tension in her body "She might be fighting off a group of men that were trying to harass us she told me to go and find you guys. I'm sorry Jasper I was just so scared."

"I don't need your pity human my wife is in danger, it only makes me angrier. "

Multiple gunshots ringed her ear along with guest there Jasper was out of their sight completely. Smelling her blood only enraged him more, finding her standing alone the men that were once alive were dead in his vision. Her dress was covered in blood along with her body bullet wounds in her legs & arms; glowing yellow eyes that slowly turned to get natural brown color.

Blood slowly dropped off the corner of her mouth she smiled extending her arms to him" Jasper your finally here." Nicole started to fall, Jasper picked her up swiftly going to the hospital. He Reached the emergency room holding her body tightly as Nurses ran up to him with a stretcher, placing her there the nurses run to a room not allowing Jasper inside.

He sat outside the room for at least an hour or two; Vicar and Ruby staying to comfort him in a time of need. Though Jasper was still mad Ruby not looking at her once when she talked with him. Four hours pass by a doctor walk up to Jasper holding a clipboard in hand making Jasper stand up immediately.

"Hi there Mr.Wintered your wife is recovering well we just finished up the surgery she had a total of four bullets which we had taken out. Your wife is pregnant congrats sir your going to be a father."

Jasper's eyes grew wide with tearful emotion knowing he's going to be a father. Vicar smiled along with Ruby congrats him on the unexpected news.


Thanks for reading :D

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