chapter 45

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Warning long chapter

Nicole yawned turning her body to her side along with her head. She opened her eye half away seeing Jasper sitting in a chair next to her bed with his eyes closed ; his legs was crossed and his arm rested on the arm rest as his hand was in a fist on the side of his face. Looking at him sleep peacefully was reassuring and comforting, his eyes slowly opened Nicole closed her eyes pretending to sleep.

"Nicole I know your awake don't think little of me, Did you enjoy your nap by the way?"

Nicole opened her eyes once again sitting up laying her back on the bedframe. "I did, are you still angry? Is it because of me that u are acting a bit distant towards me. I'm sorry for making you worry but-?"

Jasper leaned towards her face with a slight annoyance his face as he furrowed his eyebrows together " Listen to me Nicole" Jasper spoke in a hazy tone making him think in deep thought closing his eyes once again only to open them. His orbs was dark red with an tint of purple that struck his shining eyes.

"I need you to be safe, I can't have you being the bigger person in this situation. Don't you understand that your life is endanger from Charles and Percy. The members of the Court are looking for me as we speak who knows what they might do to me. I lost control yesterday when I seen you in that state of fear and terror every once of my being my soul was to get you out of that hell hole which they placed you in. The Charles that you once knew an loved dearly is gone he is the same as his brother. Though I doubt you will feel any empathy for them both as for I felt angry towards them both, especially Charles I could have killed him but I spared his life"

"Well someone had to be the bigger person Jasper who knows what could have happened to you an Edward. I don't know if my vampire hunting skills have gone to use, I would like to be useful to you. Also I want to go back to school and live a normal life just as before."

"You can't go back it's better for me to teach you, home school you of course. You don't have to change anything about yourself you are perfectly fine to me an those around you."

"Are u still angry with me Jasper'

"I'm still quite angry with you but I can never stay mad at you my love. I'm simply anger at Charles and Percy that hurt you. Nicole can have a normal life with me without any worries darling. You have scars but those scars prove that you are a survivor, that's what makes me love you more an more everyday. Rest to sure that your life is valuable in my care."

"You have a right to be but I understand"

"I just want you to be safe that is all. Well anyways Since you want to learn something how about cursive writing"

"I'm not really good at cursive "

"Well it does practice an after that we can do some literature,math an a bit of history. Is that to your liking Nicole"

"Yes it very much is I'm very excited to be learning something with you Jasper"

"Why don't you come with me for a quick second, I want to show you something"

Jasper gave her a slight smile as he gets up from the chair walking out the room. Nicole gets up from the bed following him they walked in the hall. The hall way beautiful portraits of men and women from their bloodline an heritage. Jasper stopped as she accidentally bums into mesmerized by the paintings he glanced back to her then at the door opening it into a large room with a piano and small desk with a window that took over the large wall that covered it. Nicole power walked her was to the window gasping looking at the garden nothing but blue roses that captured the theme of snow kingdom.

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