Chapter 50

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Jasper woke up in hazed state slowly sitting up from his bed. Edward took a look back at Jasper with a smile.

"Good news Jasper the surgery was a success but your appearances changed during surgery, I didn't think her curse would really take a effect on you. Nicole might like your new appearance black hair bags under your eyes an those golden eyes yummy."

Jasper looked away in disgust, he thought he was strong enough to overcome the curse but it took a toll on him mentality an physically. The court was nothing more than Vampires killing their kind setting themselves higher than anything living on earth maybe god himself. Vicar walks in with three cups of blood the smell itself making Jasper eyes roll in the back of his head making him come back to his senses.

"I don't want any blood Vicar..."

"drink it ; it's not that bad nothing but animal blood I know that's your was diet. Since you consumer human blood you'll start to desire it more than animal blood we can't have that so it's better for you to stay here a bit longer so I can manage you."

Edward nodded in agreement "I do agree with him Jasper your not fit to go back to Snow yet. Just relax an recover your trying to do to many things all at once, that's how Charles lost himself we don't want that happening to you so relax I'll take care of paper's and everything that needs to be taken care of just spend some time with your lady."

Jasper looked down "I'll try to...relax...anything to keep her happy. Oh by the way Vicar what did you find in my body"

"I really couldn't make out what it was but it was something I can tell you that, just be thankful that it's out of your body no harm should come to you now."

"Thank you Vicar hopefully Nicole doesn't know anything about this or what happened to me, I don't need her to worry."

"She's with Ruby right now having some tea an possibly girl talk for all I care. Your body is clean as day so rest up if you like your wound should heal pretty quickly."

Jasper takes a sip of the blood almost spitting it out, the taste was vile an rancid. Animal blood doesn't taste this bad as he remembered it to be. Edward an Vicar drinks the blood with ease it's probably human blood he thought to himself.

"We are Able to consume Hyman blood with no challenge you take small pints of it, in your drink it's nothing more than dead animal blood.

"I wish you warned me...the taste is horrid."

"Just drink it Jasper it will help you unless you want the blood tablet."

"Give me the blood tablet so I can go back to her..."

Vicar takes out the pill bottle handing it to Jasper letting him get up from the bed taking he the bottles from him. Jasper bowed to Vicar an Edward leaving the room hearing back to his own ; he wondered if she would like him in this appearance though he doesn't recommend this look it just changed drastically. He tugged on shirt trying not to get the best of situation his mind is all over the place finding the best way to handle this current matter.


He flinched slowly turning around seeing Nicole with Ruby looking straight into her eyes no sign of horror nor fear but love that struck his heart. Jasper didn't want to shed a tear or run away all he could was stare at her no emotion nor a smile plastered his face.

"Jasper did you go for a new look , it looks nice on you"

Nicole walked up to him touching his face lightly closing his eyes to her touch. He pulled her body against his, he stared into her eyes as she did the same with a smile. Ruby smiled at them as she walked away, Nicole tried to turn around to wave Ruby goodbye but his grasp tighten around her, she could tell he wanted something but she didn't know what exactly.

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