chapter 11

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The very same day Charles let Nicole come back to his home. Maid and servants welcomed them back making her feel as if this was home though it wasn't. Deep down inside Charles really did have soft heart people around him haven't seen it yet so they would never know.

"Rest for now, make sure u stay in bed. We don't need u passing out again is that clear Nicole?" Charles said tucking her in bed as she nodded. Percy came in Nicole's room holding a women's hand as she covered her face.

"What is she doing here Percy?" he looked up shocked seeing him hold hands with Kiki Nicole's bully.

Percy gave a devilish  smile to Nicole.  Nicole covered her face as Charles stood infront of her making sure she people didn't see her cry.

"  Kiki shall be your new queen once mother and father come down their throne. I shall be your new king. Also she shall bare me a child soon. " Charles eye widened ; he couldn't believe his parents are letting his older brother and his mistake of a women on the throne. Kiki snapped her fingers at the maids.

"I want Nicole out here, we don't need a crazy suicidal person in here."

The maids bowed at Kiki as they walked up to Nicole giving her their deeply apologies as they gently pushed her up the stairs.

Nicole ran away to her room not knowing if this was a set or just a reality to true to face.

Charles ran after her wondering where she was going. Nicole violently started stuffing her clothes in a bag as Charles crossed his arms looking at her with a anger and aggressive look.

" Leave if u want I won't be able to protect when your at home. You have my ring I assure you this time it will keep u safe. I don't know about myself. Please be wary that I am always watching over u even when u aren't noticing." Charles lightly touched her cheek as she looked down saying her goodbyes as she headed out the palace feeling a little guilty for leaving.

Jasper walked with her for the remainder of the day.

" I am sorry it had to end this way Nicole,  Im sure prince Charles will think highly of you. Hopefully we will be able to visit u in class tomorrow. You seemed to be the light of happiness that filled the room when u come into a palace. I assure you that Percy and his little so called queen won't be able to get the throne to lilt kingdom. Charles parents wants him to take their place once they step down there title." jasper spoke as he carried her things up to her door.

Nicole felt her cheeks blush a little at the sight of Charles on his throne. Jasper puts her things on the ground as he gently grabbed her hand rubbing his thumb against her palm.

" I bid u farewell lady Nicole" he kissed her hand as he walked away from the door letting the cool breeze hit his hair.

Nicole opens her door to see things in place nothing touched. She walked up stairs to her room laying in her bee feeling warm and satisfied. Nicole sees a note on her night stand as she picks it up and reads it.

"Hi there Nicole this mom, I just want to let u know that I took your brother to a foster home and I left the house leaving it in your  care. I'm sorry but I can't keep taking care of you and your brother. You both drive me insane I can never get a break from you two. It's best to leave you guys behind you were once miracle's now your both mistakes I can't bare to see anymore. Goodbye mom ."

Nicole never thought in a million years that she would send her only sibling away and just disappear out of her life.  Nicole Ripped up the paper throwing it in the trash can. She was lonely is a house hold with family, the depression was coming back again until she felt a hand rub her shoulder as she looked to to see Jasper with a painful expression on his face. Her lips quivered trying desperately not to cry "to be strong you shall, don't ever let a man see your weakness. " hearing jasper voice ringing in  her head.

He puts a rose behind her ear whispering "such a beautiful girl" as he steps back. Nicole smiled at him knowing he was Charles assistant but she must say he was a man that could really catch a girls heart instantly. Her love life was plain and boring she never once thought of man to be so attractive to her. If she ends up with Jasper what does that mean for Charles. It's a love triangle one human and two vampires in love with this one girl. Therefore he's been nothing but nice to her from day one, she felt warmth with her body as she hugged herself it made her feel special to know someone truly cared for her.

" I'm very grateful Jasper, you are always so kind to me how can I repay u back" Nicole said touching the flower that was placed behind her head.

Jasper slightly blushed as he walked up to her grabbing her hand. "To repay me back, I want u to spend time with me...I'm always busy at the palace so I want myself a break from work. Is that okay with you Nicole?"

Nicole nodded quickly leaving him with a chuckle. Jasper works so hard everyday to get things done around the kingdom, so she knew for sure he deserved a break.

" but...I also want a kiss from you..I don't think Charles is worthy  of your heart. I believe u can find someone better even though u guys aren't in a relationship. Like me for example I will always make sure to take care of you, provide for you. You shall never be lonely because I will be there with you through your darkest days. Let me be your light..."

Nicole wasn't  able to respond as he gently put her against his chest kissing her deeply with passion. She tires her best to push him off but she wrapped her arms around his neck sinking in his kiss. Nicole felt like a little dirty  for kissing two boys. It didn't seem to bother him, she could tell that this person was gentle but sweet unlike Charles. Leaving her to wonder who she should fall for Jasper or Charles.

Jasper stopped kissing her as blushed madly holding her waist looking away. Nicole looked at him wondering what he was thinking about. Jasper looked at her with a smile.

"I'll be back tommrow so be prepared when I come to you. Please don't tell Charles about the kiss and what I said to you." jasper gave her one more kiss before disappearing.

Nicole fell on her bed screaming at the top of her lungs not knowing if it was excitement or anger; we'll never know.

Who ever thought Jasper wanted Nicole for himself. 😂 off to write another chapter I go!

Thanks for reading!  😊❤

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