chapter 37

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Nicole's past

Nicole faced a lot of hardships through her life going to shelter homes an group homes, since her mother was a supposed drugged addict back then her twin brother was able to live with a nice family. Nicole didn't want her brother to struggle in the world by himself without her there so she though it was best to for the people who was suppose to adopt her adopt her brother in stead. The man an women agreed and took him away. One day Nicole was running away from her lady that was suppose to take care of her inside the group home, she ran as fast as she could hearing the women scream in the distance. She eventually stopped running realizing she was deep in the forest lost and confused. Nicole ran to a lake seeing a man sitting down looking at the stars in the distance, once she reached the destination the person she eaw was gone she turned around seeing the women from earlier as she grabbed Nicole by the ear taking her back to the home.

The next day Nicole sneaked out the home again going back to the forest, the world she living in was cruel and she wanted to escape that she also wanted to know what that figure was by the lake. Nicole played in the logs and made herself mud pies.

"why would a such a small girl like yourself be playing in mud?"

Nicole turned around seeing a man in old fashioned wear as she looked at his facial features seeing his short blond hair cover his right eye as seeing such purple pretty eyes even having a ear piercing on his left ear as well. She blushed at his appearance hiding her face from him ; he looked at her up an down slightly blushing himself from her cute little ponytails appearance.

"are you real, your to pretty to be real..."

"that's because I am a vampire darling, I don't really like your kind to much...such troublesome creatures you humans can ; but children such as yourself have a soft spot in my heart. "

"I was wondering who that person was at the lake...wait your vampire aren't you going to kill me or something...hold on let start running before you strike me down!"

Before Jasper was able to say anything she started running as fast as she could but she was no match for him as she bummed into him causing him to laugh.

"your such a funny child, if I wanted to eat you I would have done it already in the blink of an eye so please don't compare me to those vampires that you hear in the news or fairy-tails you humans like to read. I was the one at the lake looking at the stars it was rather peaceful until I heard your little foot steps coming this way so I had to go. "

"oh my apologies sir I didn't catch your name?"

"My name is Jasper Wintered a assistant for prince Charles at the Lilth kingdom, though you are small little thing I doubt you would understand kingdoms and what goes on in them right now .what is yours little one if that's okay to ask."

"My name is Nicole Johnson sir what are u doing here if your suppose to be in the lilth kingdom? Must've been really far since your here in the mainlands"

jasper's eyes softened at Nicole as she looked confused by his gesture " well it doesn't hurt to get a break once awhile we are people as well, see when your a teenager like myself Work is dull and boring you sometimes people need to escape I need to do that right now-."

Suddenly a Vampire showed up out of no where as Nicole screamed loudly leaving Jasper to shield his body to protect her as he magically pulled out a sword from the ground as he stabbed the vampire in its heart turning into dust. Jasper lets go of her small form as she started to shake wondering what had just happened. Jasper slightly smiled as he patted her head she looked at him with a tear falling from eye, he wiped her tear away.

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