Chapter 42

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Jasper was in his normal clothing keeping a professional look for his prince. He sets a plate of food in front of Charles, he looked across the table seeing Nicole play with her salad. He goes to the other end of the table walking up to Nicole as he whispered in her ear.

"Remember about the plan Nicole you can do this, you just gotta stay strong, once he gets mad and tries to strike you we're running away together l."

Nicole nodded as Jasper rubs her head leaving him to attend his duties once again. Charles looked at her once again seeing her head down eating her salad.

"Nicole why don't you look at me but you look at Jasper which such desire, tell me why?"

"I look at Jasper as a kind hearted soul. Charles you did nothing but hurt me, I loved you so much ; Don't you see Jasper was always there. I read Lori's diary you was just as bad than the maids, you only use women for your personal gain! You never loved me you!" Nicole screamed her heart to him it was the only way to tell him how she really felt, the agony she felt for so long was gone she smiled to herself.

Charles eyes started to glow as he reached over the table grabbing her wrist pulling her to him as she screamed. Jasper ran inside the dinning room to see Nicole lying on the floor as Charles was on top of her chocking her to death. Jasper raked his hair back as he ran towards them kicking Charles in his face leaving him air born; She gasped an coughed as she felt a gentle hand press against the side on her face. His right eye glowed in a rosy red as his left remained the same color lavender.

"I''m sorry for leaving you like that but we need to go Now! "

Before Nicole could say anything Jasper picked her up swiftly as they disappeared she closed her eyes shut feeling the gust of wind hit hard. She opened her eyes slightly seeing Jasper looked at her ever so gently, she felt a tear drop on her face she wrapped her arms against his neck kissing his soft lips. Jasper kissed her back ever so slightly he started to get thirsty he haven't drink anything or took his blood tablet pills. Jasper placed her down quickly, not wanting to lose control of himself.

"Nicole honey I'll be um gone for a little bit why don't you head inside the house, it shouldn't take me long. I need to drink something I'm so thirst"

"why don't u drink some of my blood?"

"darling your blood can kill me, I don't want to take any risk. I want to be with you forever until the end of our days just trust me okay love'

"alright but you better be quick"

"yes Darling"

Jasper gave her a deep kiss as he picked her up sprinting her to the home setting her down on the couch as he left. Nicole looked around noticing that this was Jasper's Cabin that she was in it led her to wonder why they went back here and not Snow Kingdom. She heard a knock on the door as she walked up to the door Nicole saw Jasper's eyes pitch black she was scared but a bit worried if Jasper was going to kill her bite or do something to keep his thirst down. He threw up blood as Nicole opened the door trying to get him inside. jasper placed both of his hands on the door frame as she looked at him, he slightly gave her a smirk but it was mostly a simile, her eyes roomed up and down his body seeing him covered in blood. Before she could say anything he gave her a heart felt kiss on her lips.

" You have nothing to worry about Nicole, I can be a bit of a savage when I drink blood. I try to find animal blood that suites my taste. I couldn't dare to drink your blood you know what happened the last time when you let Charles drink your blood, you could have died luckily he was being kind enough to give you blood from an IV then drinking it from his wrist. Forgive me I can't think straight with this blood in my body I need rest."

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