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Serf Looked at the black substance carefully it disgusted him to think that someone could get right under their noses without suspension. One of the council mean Ruben took the tea cup from out of Serf's hand , taking his glove he deeped his index finger in the cup. Feeling the slimy liquid but he took his finger out immediately feeling a burning sensation.

Rune was utterly shocked "Lord Serf this is something I can't make out. Are you sure that Lady Dixie drinked this?"

Serf narrowed his eyes"Do you question me Rune? Witches are to common in this world even those werewolves that roam in this very land of Velcrow. Believe me this is something ancient, could be considered ungodly. Darkness like this doesn't effect vampires but those who are natives of tribes. I often heard stories of corruption placed on their people during sacrifices which leads to a dead person or someone who have's darkness in their heart."

A maid suddenly rushed in the room holding a newspaper in her hands, bowing as she extended her hand to Serf. He takes it from her hands seeing bold big letters 'Darkness in village killing dozens'. The council that stood behind Serf gasped in shock by the sudden news.

"Seems like this darkness is spreading rather quickly. Things such as this happened decades ago. We shall go to the village soon, But I need you to hed my warning don't touch the bodies."

One of the council men ask "Why?" Serf turned around looking at middle aged vampire with a smirk "If you touch them your bound to the darkness forever, Some people on the council didn't listen so my men killed them because they were a threat to this society.Why don't you guys keep looking at the sample maybe you can solve this riddle rhe person left for us."Serf grabbed the newspaer an walked out the room.

Reaching a different room he opened the door seeing Dixie sitting thinking to herself while  knitting Serf a sweater. He pulls up a Chair an sits next to Dixie causing her to smile.

"Did you find out what substance was in the tea cup?"

Serf shook his head slightly" No we're still looking into it, How are you feeling ? "

"I am fine, I just had to throw up  to get it out of my body permanently." She spoke quietly thinking of the times where Serf became overly protective not letting anyone get close to her.

"Dixie"Serf tone was calm and gentle like flowing water which made Dixie shuttered from hearing his voice. It has been a long time since she lasted seen him though she's still getting use to living like a Lady in a mansion.

She turns her head seeing Serf stare at her with soft eyes that periced her heart. He didn't know of it was a good time to ask her about their daughter but he wanted to know where she was buried so he could give her a proper burial.

Dixie smiled looking into his eyes"Yes Serf?"

"Our daughter where was she buried?" Dixie looked down as she stopped knitting the sweater. Knowing that her child was in a better place filled with love and happiness. Serf placed his hand on her thigh being patient with her answer.

"I'm not quite sure once she died they took her fragile body away. Oh Serf if only you knew how adorable she, but its sad because I wanted to see her grow and become a independent lady. Please Serf bare me a another Child."

Serf seemed a little puzzled by his wife words of wanting another child.  Dixie eyes sparkled in the sun light a sheepish smile plastered on her face.

"Dear we can have another child but I'm going to be away in the evening and might return later tonight. Can you wait that long?"

"I'm willing to wait for you Serf, I won't fall asleep I promise."

Serf leaned over kissing Dixie's cheek" You promised me Dixie, I'm willing to give you what ever you desire. I'll leave you back to knitting."

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