Chapter 7

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Charles violently ripped vampires head in anger as he drank the blood only to throw back up.

He was going around asking  men and women about witches and if they seen any in town. If he didn't like the answer he rips out a part of their limp, mostly their head because it seemed to bring him joy seeing a decapitated body lying in his presence. People in the kingdom knew he was a mad man when it came to people he cared about.

His parents would tell him to stop with the killings but it only makes him want to kill more people. Charles isn't a bad person deep down inside, he was just going through hard times that reflects his past and present. Therefore he carries much stress on his shoulders, though he is a prince he still has things to do. Signing documents, going to balls/events, giving people punishment, attending counsel meetings once a month. When queens and kings don't agree with something that usually means that its war .

As long as Nicole didn't see his bloody work there isn't a problem. People who knew Charles, Knew he was crazy for coco for cocoa puffs "literally". Even Charles family said that he was messed up in the head, he goes back to his normal self when he gets enough blood in his system. Its like a personality disorder one minute your sweet and caring the next your violent to others people in your surroundings.

It didn't stop him from achieving his goal,  he was going to find a way to break this spell and set Nicole free from her deep slumber. All he see now is a cute shorter version of her having the heart, mind, an soul of a toddler. He was thinking about throwing her a tea party for the little kids in the garden, he smiled to himself as he looked down at his watch realizing it was midnight he ends up walking  back home.

Once he got home he headed up the stairs to see if Nicole was okay. He opens the door to see her talking to Jasper. "Welcome back Charles, Nicole wanted to give u a special gift. Isn't that right Nicole?" Jasper looked at her with a sweet smile placing a flower behind his ear.

Nicole blushed deeply as she nodded . She gets up from out of her bed walking over to Charles with something behind her back he kneels to her. "Close your eye Charles! It's a surprised! " she said with excitement as he closed his eyes reaching his hands towards her. He felt a paper and something furry in his hands.

"Open them!!" he opens his eyes to see a sloppy drawing of him and her holding hands and her teddy bear as a gift for the ring. Charles grabbed her hand as he kissed it.

"Thank u my dear I have something special for tomorrow you will really enjoy it. I promise you it'll be something you'll never forget."

Nicole squealed in excitement jumping up and down with joy as Jasper gave her a radiant  smile. "I shall the start preparations Charles" he said as he pulled out a notebook and pencil.

Nicole ran over to Jasper as he grabbed her waist and placed her down on his lap talking sweetly. Charles gave waved at her indecating that he was leaving. Nicole got herself off of Jasper lap as she runs over to Charles giving him a bear hug.

"Why don't we hang out today  Charles!"

"I don't see why not" he pat her head as they left the room. Nicole extends her hands to him indecating she wanted to be picked up by him. Charles looked at her as he picked her up holding her gift in his right hand and his left hand around her waist.  Nicole slowly started to fall asleep in his arm, snuggling herself in his chest.

He must say he did find her quite adorable. When she's back to normal she'll forget everything that happened. He gave sad expression at his thought. Prince Charles truly loves this person, other's may think he is just using her for personal gain. After all he is the next air to throne, he needs a princess to call queen. Seems like he already found one ; a ordinary girl.

Charles went back to her room letting her sleep in his room for the day, not realizing it was midnight. He wasn't much of a sleeper, all he could think about doing is reading most of t laid her on the bed as he sat beside her covering her body with a pink blanket. He kissed her forehead wishing her a goodnight as he reads his book.

The next day Nicole felt a warm body against her, as she looked up she saw Charles asleep cuddling with her. Jasper knocked on the door an opened it  to find him all cozy up against her ; he got a little jealous at the sight. Charles heard the knock and slowly sits up groaning at the sight of Jasper's presence.

Nicole stomach growl as she looked down slightly rubbing her stomach.

" I see your hungry little one let me take you to the dining room. There will be a little buffet once u get in into the dining hall, the maids will show u the way. For now I have to talk to Charles for a little bit." Nicole nodded as she got out of bed and headed out the door.

"Now then lets get to bussiness Jasper. " Charles spoke as his eyes turned red.

The maids walked Nicole to the dining room, she seen lots of people with fancy gowns and suits on.  She started to walk towards the people grabbing a plate from one of the servants, looking around to see what type of breakfast they were serving. She was suddenly pushed down as her plate drops on the ground  shattering it on the hard silk floor. 

The  women that pushed her was  wearing  luxurious clothing that sparkled. " eww what is human doing in the dining area? You aren't wanted to hear leave!! Prince Charles is a fool if he thinks you can eat here with the pure bloods" she screamed at her leaving Nicole feeling scared as she started to tremble . 

People laughed at her that caused her a trigger to scream covering her ears. The women that pushed her walked up to her and gave her a powerful slap to her face, flying  into air as she hits the wall leaving her unconscious. Charles walked inside the room to see what the commotion was as Jasper followed right behind him. People gasp and immediately turned there heads eating food.  Jasper ran over to Nicole shouting her name as Charles glanced over seeing a bruise on Nicole's cheek and her head on the floor as bleed begins to seep out from her head. Nicole looked at the ring as she thought to herself " I thought this was suppose to keep me safe...why did u lie to me Charles.." eventually she closed her eyes letting the blood seep from her head due to a fracture skull.

Charles looked over to the crowd of people starring at him scared of what he might do them. Tears of blood dripped down his face as he's eyes turned red. Claws began to form on his fingers . His hair turned white as Snow . People didn't know when he gets really upset, his true self comes out.

" I will strip you from your make you all work for me as my peasants." he said but he wasn't finished yet. " YOU DARE HURT THIS CHILD...SHE HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY...LADY CAROLINE...IM TRYING MY BEST NOT TO RIP OUT THAT DISGUSTING HEART OF YOURS. YOU MAKE ME SICK, I HATE THOSE WHO HURTS OTHERS FOR PERSONAL GAIN. YOU THINK I WOULD MARRY A INGRATIATING PRINCESS LIKE YOUR SELF. YOU UTTERLY LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND. I'll my parents to seek to your punishment. Better yet you should be burned your behavior. Everyone else can leave but you will stay." Charles was finished letting out his emotions, the people in the dining area left as quickly as the can giving him  sincere apologies that Charles could care less for. Lady Caroline left out a gasp as Charles pulled her hair making her scream in pain.

" I'm assuming she won't be able to attend the tea party we set up for her." Jasper said with pain in his voice as he looked down at Nicole as he wrapped her head around with a towel.

Charles could only look away at the scene that is being taken place as his tears streamed down his face. Making him tighten his grip on her hair as he walks away as she follows behind him.

What do u think about this chapter? The story is really going to get interesting in the next further chapters as it goes on. As u may be wondering why is everyone treating Nicole so harsh. It is only the fact that she is human, of course vampires like blood. Also the fact that they are able to linger in her past and really see what triggers her in her down fall.

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