Chapter 3

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Nicole woke up in her room as if it was almost a dream of what happen back at the resturant. She must say the food was good. Though she wasn't able to finish it.

It seemed more of a high class resturant than your typical resturant you would eat at. This one was special. She looked over her shoulder to Charles reading a book in her chair. Nicole immediately got up from her bed.

"Charles what are u doing here!? My mom is going to kill me! What if she thinks I'm sleeping with pretty boy!!" Nicole started to pace around room. Charles grabbed Nicole hand gently putting her on his lap as he closed his book. He gently touched her face as he worked his way down to her curvy body an hips.

" Don't worry, I told your mother I was friend of yours there is nothing you need to worry about at this moment. " she tries to get up from his lap but he tighten his grip on her like snake killing his prey.

"Charles?" she looked at him as his eyes turned red right in front of her.

" Nicole...I'm very thirsty...please let me have a taste of your bite..that is all.. one lick of your blood will satisfy me" she looked at him seeing the agony in his eyes.

Nicole was to kind to resist his offer, she tilted her head back he licked her neck sinking his teeth into her flesh making her hiss at the pain. He took a once of her blood leaving two red dots on her neck.

"Forgive me Nicole it was out of character to ask u for your sweet blood..." all he could do was smile at her blood showing on his teergm

Nicole yanked herself from out of his grip knowing to herself that she been bitten by a vampire. " its rather alright...I was just surprised..I mean we only met for one day Charles, don't u think were moving to fast?"

I don't know if this guy is crazy but he's crazy no doubt about.

" I am a prince u fool, u will respect me... I would've killed you instantly....but I am able to control myself..I shall have your blood and of course yourself wether you like it or not." his eyes turn bloody red at her thought.

That's when he crossed the line. "Please leave Charles....I can only see u as a stranger...we literally just met!? That was more like a date then two friends hanging out with eachother yesterday....we could have start out as friends then worked our way up, but your moving to fast for me. I don't like being talked that way, even if u are a prince you should respect me just as much as I respect you." she could only say this in a calm voice trying not to be aggressive or forceful either.

Charles breathed in and out with his eyes close knowing what he has done, he felt sad about his actions, he just couldn't see himself loosing her knowing the fact she was special to him.

She ask herself why is she special to him. Charles seemed to like girls that was themselves wasn't afraid to take the risk. The girls mostly at school are those who focused on sex and drugs. Education was the last thing on their minds. Charles looked through Nicole memories of when she was young. She is a innocent soul their was just a few problems with her that was all too it.

"I'm sorry...I came at you rude, I"m moving to fast to your liking I'll take it slow with you. Don't get jeleous if I end up talking to another girl. I might replace you for one of them. Since you know what I am I advise you to keep it a secret or I will kill you... " with that he was gone in a instant.

Nicole returned back to bed as she started writing in diary letting out her emotion through writing. She didn't understand what really excited his attention on her. It felt as if he was going to use her especially since he was a random prince from somewhere. It made it hard to trust him, she hopes to not be his victim along with other girls that he might've messed with the past.

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