Chapter 1

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It was a early morning around. Seven am as the alarm clock ranged on Nicole's phone, she immediately got up and stretched herself out. She turned the alarm clock off. Turns on her TV and watches a daily dose of Good morning America every day. Once the time was right she headed out her room she knocked on her brother's door to let him know that he had to start getting ready for school.

RJ opened the door as he yawns "what time is it" he spoke with a croaky voice.

"It's 7:30 am, we should leave the house around 7:52 if we want to get on the bus on time," she said looking down at her watch. Eager to get herself ready for the first day of school.

"Alright" he closed his door, Nicole heads downstairs to see what to eat for breakfast. Normally she doesn't eat breakfast because she thinks she doesn't have enough time to do so even lunch once and a while. Which is unhealthy for a person like herself. It never fazed her eat properly anyways.

" hmmm what to eat for today; you know what I'll go with a pop tart an apple " she puts her pop tart in the toaster oven for two mins and ate her apple. Enjoying the delicious taste of the sweet and sour apple that hummed her taste buds.

Suddenly her mother came out of her room. " you guys know I'm not taking you to school. You guys need to start riding the bus. you need suppose to be getting ready. I don't want you and RJ out there by yourselves wit Vampire's running around out here in the neighborhood." her tone was harsh & strict but she only did it out of love.

Nicole nodded in agreement " I know mother sometimes I like going to school early, we get it you told us this a thousand times. Plus we go out when seeing other kids like ourselves out there." Nicole expressed annoyance but also a cheerfully proud voice in a way not being afraid to speak to her mother in a way she felt it was best to express herself. If she was too harsh accidentally she probably would've been pimped slapped by her mother.

Nicole actually likes the pure-blooded Vampire's that she heard about in 4 kingdoms. They had more sense than humans that was turned into a vampire letting their hungry consume them.

Nicole quickly ate her breakfast and changed her clothes. She smiled at the mirror only to see her ugly reflection which she couldn't bare looking. Deep down inside she was a wreck, a miserable girl hiding her emotions from everyone but herself. She writes everything in her diary that was the only thing keeping her alive and well.

Nicole and RJ were ready to leave the house getting her house key to make sure they were able to get inside the house in the afternoon. They walked out the into the hot weather that dedicated their bodies with sweat.

Once they made it to school she had to go to her homeroom since they came back from a 2-month summer break. They came in July the 31st but school ended may the 25th it didn't seem fair but from what she heard they get more breaks this year. She was finally a junior in high school one more year to go and she'll be a senior. Nicole considered herself an upperclassman now it made her feel confident this year more than every.

Nicole walks into her homeroom being the first person inside she thought to herself until she noticed a handsome student that she hasn't seen before sitting in a chair reading a book. He looks up at her with his icy blue eyes. She immediately flushed thinking to herself "holy crap he's freaking hot!!" the handsome student smiled at her thought.

That lavish black flowing hair, those icy blue eyes. He seemed muscular from where she was standing. It pretty much caught her attention. He almost seemed too inhuman to be real, she never seen a more good-looking man in her entire day even thinking of one makes her want to faint.

She sat down a few desks away from him, wondering if he been here before or if he was a new student. He seemed new; she would have seen him before in either in class, lunch or in the busy halls that run to there next. class.

The male student snapped his book shut, slowly standing up from his seat and began walking towards Nicole with a beautiful smile on his face. Nicole looked down at her hand hearing his footsteps get closer to her making her freak out even more.

"Seems like we're the only ones here for right now; may I ask what your name is miss?" he said looking at her with passion in his eyes.

"My name is Nicole what is your name ?" She reached out to shake his hand. He shook her hand finding her cute in a way even though they literally just met. It wouldn't hurt to get to know someone new once and awhile.

"My name is Charles my dear" giving her a kiss on her hand gave her goosebumps.

Charles sat next to her as she began to ask questions about where he was from and what school he previously went to. It seemed as if they became friends instantly. They laughed and had a lot of things in common.

"So you're a senior in high school Charles!? What are u doing in this particular home room? It's a junior home room." she looked at him with amazement knowing that he was senior she would be able to ask him questions about the class she was taking this semester.

"Yes I am a senior Nicole " he chuckled slightly " I don't really know why I am here it might be a glitch in my schedule I'll ask the consular when we leave from homeroom"

"That's good u don't wanna be stuck in here with a whole munch of juniors " her sense of humor was terrible even her friends didn't laugh at her jokes.

" I will rather be stuck here with u all day just talking with you. You really capture my attention Nicole. You are unlike any girl I met before. I want to know more about you. Do wanna meet up after school." he closer to her making her nervous. It was sweet and sudden for him to say such things, Nicole guessed since he was new to school he didn't have friends that went here not that she knew of. She felt a bit nervous, he could be a felon that recently got out of prison and ready to take his next victim. Luckily she got pepper spare and a stun gun in her bookbag for safety reasons only.

"Sure I would like to meet up after school!? she said cheerfully, Nicole is mostly a nice person once u get to know her. She is very excited to be hanging out with someone. She hardly ever went out due to her friends being busy with marching band and activities at school. Her mother being overprotective and not letting her go to some places which she felt like she was being hidden from the world.

"That's great my dear I'll meet you in the parking lot" he gave a charming smile towards her which made her blush madly as she turned the other way, trying not to show her embarrassed faced to him.

The bell rings as students went to their first block class. Charles and Nicole walked to class knowing that their subjects were in the same building. Jackson high school is an open campus meaning that kids had to walk outside to get there classes even if it was raining they still would have to walk to class to avoid being late.

Once she got close to her class Charles leaned in and whispered into her ear " I can't wait to see you after school beautiful" he inhaled her sent as if she smelled like fresh oranges & bananas that been picked out perfectly. Her blood seemed perfect for his liking, he was able to control his thirst through blood tablets.

"See you after school" she waved her hand goodbye as he did the same as she walks inside her classroom.

I'm starting to like this story already !? Don't worry there will be more 😀.
I want to base this story off a series. To make it more interesting. Thanks for reading

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