Chapter 9

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Nicole woke to see her body looking incredibly thin for the past 2-3 days.

"How are u feeling Nicole? Your finally back to your normal self I see." he said pouring her grape fruit tea.

"Thank you Jasper. I don't remember anything, it was just dark and peaceful" she took a tip of the tea as it glossies on her taste buds leaving her satisfy.

"Must I say the smaller you was rather cute. Charles treated you like the princess. When we saw you lying on the floor bleeding he got very upset... Lucky u didn't see the angry side of him. I forgot to tell u about the Princes past. My apologies Nicole, u were just as sweet as can be in your little small form everyone wanted to eat up you. In a goodway." he chuckled.

Cleared his voice as he began to speak to her in a serious tone. "It's short but I think you'll have to talk the rest with prince Charles."

"This was back in the 1500's Prince Charles and his family has been around for more then 5 centuries and longer. Charles was.... A violent person. He still is to this day. The only reason why he acts that way is because his grandparents were murdered by werewolves. The love of his life before u died by them as well. As for myself I was close to being killed but Charles saved me, turning me into a vampire. Before he met me I heard he was a sweet gentle man with a passionate heart for adventure. He never killed anyone besides his older brother Percy. Percy is the type of man that gets what he wants when he wants it. Besides he banged everyone in the kingdom . You can call him "hoe" or "slut" like they use now. Once his parents find rest, Percy will take over and that's a bad sign. Percy doesn't have the sense that god gave him I swear....that's why we need Charles to take over he will get things done as King and you will be his Queen right beside him for eteenity. Other than that I can't go any further miss Nicole."

Nicole was amazed by his story especially the fact that Charles got a older brother. She wondered what percy was like especially what his physical features was like as well.

"Oh and must say u was rather cute when u was a toddler. I enjoyed your bubbly personality. Charles couldn't stop blushing at you Nicole. He made sure you safe. " Jasper said as he poured himself tea

"I was a little toddler!! What did the little me say! I know I was cute when I saw younger but the teenage me is sad and miserable." she looked down feeling a little empty inside. Jasper rubbed her back not wanting to say much until Charles came back from his event.

Nicole nodded as she laid back down recovering from a fractured skull and wounded parts around her body. Charles was at a local event for the divines like the say in the medieval days. Charles flipped through Nicole's diary secretly reading it every night after she went to asleep. He so happened to bring it with him wondering what her past was like. "Happiness is real only when shared " -Chris mccandles. He saddened at the quote imaging what life was like in her eyes. He glanced over the writing to see his name in red ink.

"Dear Diary, Charles is a okay person with not many flaws, I got very upset when he talked to my Kiki with those passionate eyes. I felt hurt inside, knowing the fact that we would've been perfects friends. He is very possive and is spoiled rotten. I never had that life, my life was full of insults from my mother and brother. I use to to get abused my brother quite often. I wanted to say "I JUST WANNA BE FREE" to end this pain that is called depression that some say. I watched this movie Into the wild Chris mccandles...he left everything behind and went into the wild. He made his goal come true sadly he wasn't able to tell his story, he died of starvation. At the end of the movie he took his last breath with a smile on his face as the light shines brightly in his eyes. He was alone scared not knowing what to do with the time he had left in world. Chris became my inspiration to live. He was distractions but self. I found this transcendental."

Charles painfully closed his eyes imaging the horrific look her face. To think you can be so sad but never show your pain.
Young women started to walk to him as he fans them away leaving them anger.

"I must help her before its to late" Charles stood up bowing at the people around him as he left the event early to attend to Nicole. Minutes later he arrived a he saw maids run frantically in and out Nicole's room with bloody pillow cases in their hands. Charles ran in the room as Nicole laided in on the floor with a bottle of pain killers in her hand, ending up with her screaming for the pain stop.

Blood seeps on the hardwood floor leaving the maids to put a towel on her head as Charles got on his knees ; slitting his wrist drinking a little bit of his blood kissing her with the blood in his mouth making her drink it. Jasper and the maids were shocked at the prince did. They realized Nicole instantly stop shaking as she opens her eyes seeing everyone around. Her wounds seem to heal perfectly.

"You silly girl, you haven't been wearing the ring I gave you that's why unfortunate events happen to you. I won't always be there to assist in you when u need me.You'll be back to normal in a matter of mins my blood doesn't last that long in your body."

Charles spoke with annoyance in his voice, sometimes he gets a little annoyed when he has to rush to her knowing she can wear the ring. It protects her from everything even the pure bloods likes Charles himself.

"I'm sorry to make u worry prince Charles...." she looked away crying. Everything seemed to be her fault ; she hated making people worry especially over the small things. Charles kisses her cheek trying to take it slow with her. "Just call me Charles milady...I will beside all night and day if I have too.." Charles swiftly picked her up as he places her into the covers tucking her in as he lays on top of the covers next to her reading his book silently.

Percy glanced over at the window noticing his fool of a brother laying next to a mortal.

He spat in disgust as he walks in the palace after being gone for several thousands of years he finally comes back ready to take the throne.

I enjoyed writing this chapter 😂❤
Thanks for reading.

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