chapter 40

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Later that day a candle service was held out for Queen Zora, There people were shocked and heartbroken, they lost a Queen who gave up everything to be apart of King Philips life. Before that he was ruthless king but he changed his way over time. Jasper and Nicole lifted up a Candle in her memory as King Philip and Edward discussed on
His wife funeral. Later that evening tension began to rise in the kingdom who will pick up the pieces of the broken king. Everything was much of a blur to King Philip he didn't want to go back to his old ways being ruthless and vile, she bared his child a child that wasn't going to be in this world but the afterlife he believed. He threw glass of blood at the wall it shattered as Jasper walked into the door he bowed towards his father.

"What is it that you want Jasper? I'm not in the mood for such talk with you"

"Father I know your upset but think about it what if mother faked her death she could still be out there? I-"

A forceful slap came across Jaspers face as he smiled in amusement. Jasper been played and move around like a pawn he didn't really care about his life but rather about his dear love Nicole. Without her he was nothing, she knew that from the start.

"How dare u talk about your mother like that, she died in front of ours eyes. All I can do know is bury my sweet wife ashes"

"There was no need to hit me father I see why they called you the death of Snow kingdom. No one dared entered you land unless it was something important"

"If I hit you again you'll show your true side we don't need that now don't we father...."

King philip looked over towards Edward watching them as he sat in a chair reading his magic spell book holding a glass of wine.

"Edward what are u doing here you need to leave now!?"

"I choose not to leave, I find this rather amusing. My dear baby brother taking on the very angered King. How exciting must I say. Father you shouldn't be so hard on him, he may be right I sensed magic in body when she vanish this is what u call an illusion father look it up sometime"

King Philip grunts as he stormed out the room leaving Jasper and Edward alone. Jasper sat next to his brother Edward as hummed in curiosity.

"Edward may I ask you something? "

"Fire away baby brother"

"Was father always abusive towards mother. Why did she stay with him if he was harming her and our unborn sibling."

"Well it all started with a potion it was deadly but I didn't think father would take the risk like that. When I was little he would always be my little subject to taste my drinks he loved and heated them. That particular one I gave to him I shouldn't have given to him...I blame myself for not making a cure. Do you see why he acts the way he do when his eyes are red he is angry but when there blue he is a calm as ever as if nothing ever happened. He would dare never hit his lover unless the ruthless side of him came out, that's why I always go out and buy things from the black market one buy things foe the villagers."

"I didn't think he would go that far but he is our father after all, I missed a lot of things. At least you got to experience such things as a royal . My life as a human was decent but hard, humans make every day there last once the die they wither away...just like my adoring father did that did day..."

"Hmmm the family that was attacked by rouged wolves, surprisingly you survived but A pure blooded vampire changed you back to your true form. Sadly I wished that could have been thug could have saved you from such terrible things. The lilt kingdom have there ups and downs. You out of all people served those fools the only nice person in there was the queens but even queens can turn is that human of yours doing?"

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