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Two weeks have passed leading up to the Festival ball. Jasper and Nicole stayed as a guest in the Apple Kingdom manor as well as other guests that stayed in the manor. Nicole was amazed by the dozens of apple trees in the kingdom she was able to buy a couple of apples in the market to take home. Everywhere she turned there was an apple seller with different types of apples and colors which she couldn't explain. Jasper had told her to take a couple but not all because people could be a wheeler-dealer he considered them the lowest of the low in this day and age. She could understand why some men and women were frightened of him, he was a pure-blooded mixed breed after all. He could know when someone is lying.

Nicole sat on the edge of the bed looking at the apples closely just to make sure they were safe to eat. Giving jasper a couple of apples to examine as well. He tossed most of them in the basket which was that they weren't edible to eat at all. Which Made Nicole feel uneasy at the number of apples he was throwing in the basket, squeezing them until something came out and the apple started oozing a red substance.

"What is that Jasper? It looks like a sugar filling for the apple. Isn't that nice" Nicole takes a bite out of the apple.

"That's no filling it's poison , most of the apples you  bought today was by a snobby con artist. Since we, both are keeping up with the affairs back home. I'm going to give you any there task if that's okay with you." Jasper wipes his hand with a handkerchief waiting for her reply.

She smiles at the thought of more responsibility to carry and support Jasper in ruling the kingdom. "Please do tell me I'm open ears.

"I'm going to going to give you one task everything else just leave me to do. Do you think you can handle the money affairs in the kingdom? I know that seems like a lot but our money is infinite and we haven't gotten anything bad from the court council two weeks ago. "

Nicole nodded swallowing the apple as she spoke "Your right about that Jasper, the court council was being very nice that evening didn't you find it odd? A human that is pregnant with your kids is coming into the meeting to discuss certain issues maintaining the kingdom."

"They would have kicked you out immediately along with me. I violated a law, a law that doesn't matter to me one bit. This law isn't going to keep me away from you I'm going to keep fighting for our future and our relationship. You are my wife and I will lay down my life to make sure you are happy and safe. "

Nicole sets the eaten apple in the basket as she gets up from the edge of the bed grabbing Jasper's hand to stand up with her. She looked into his eyes as he did until she lifted her hands to caress Jaspers face softly. Standing on her tippy toes to place her forehead with his.

She closed her eyes with a smile "Jasper you have such a way with words. You don't have to everything by yourself I understand what you are feeling. I shall lay down my life for you as well. I won't hesitate but we will die for our kids to make sure they have a bright future in store."

Jasper wraps his arm around her waist "how sweet of you, why don't you close your eyes for a second."

She closed her eyes feeling his soft lips against hers until he slid his tongue in her mouth making her moan. Their tongues clashing and dancing with each other, Jasper made his way down her back pulling the zipper from her dress. Just as he was about to remove her dress keeping his lips on her there was a sudden knock coming from the door just a few feet away from them making them stop instantly.

Jasper let out a low growl zipping up her dress"Someone always seems to ruin our fun don't they" He pets her head as he glanced at the door "Who is it?"

"Forgive me, Lord Jasper, I just really wanted to see you! You remember me don't you Linda! My mother and father asked if you wanted to come down for dinner tonight."Linda spoke in excitement knowing that Jasper was happily married to Nicole but she didn't care. Once they came inside the castle she felt gravitated towards him while her father and mother ruled this very Kingdom though they weren't fond of a human staying in the palace for a certain amount of time. Word spreads and it spreads for all the kingdoms to hear.

Jasper's eyes narrowed "My wife is joining me for dinner if you don't mind telling them that, that will be great. If you don't mind I'm busy."

"Oh Lord Jasper I'm sure your not that busy"Linda opened the door seeing Jasper arms wrapped about Nicole's waist. Jasper sat Nicole down on the bed as he walks up to Linda, she wasn't able to hear what they were talking about it sounded like a mixture of whispers and low growls coming from Jasper. Linda bows her head leaving the room, it seemed like she wasn't going to cry. Jasper closer the door as he walked towards her looking closely seeing his eyes turn completely dark in color. He sits beside her closing eyes taking deep breaths covering his face with his hands. She rubbed his back seeing the stress and anger that went away rather quickly.

"What did princess Linda say, Jasper?"

"That tart seems to be interested in the wrong things. Linda knows I am married yet she refuses to believe it. We walked into their castle and she was already giving me these looks like she can take me away from my wife so easily. She just doesn't know who she's dealing with."

Jasper stands up raking his hair in frustration. He just wanted to spend quality time with Nicole without having someone interrupt their special moments with his wife. She knew he could only take so much of his anger which she could understand.

Nicole grabbed his hand softly making him look at her "Jasper try the be on your best behavior if you can do that for me. That's all I'm asking, forget what they say about me it's alright."

He smiled at her as he kissed her on the back of her hand "You have my word but I won't stand aside and let men talk to you in such a flirtatious manner was I have to rip their throats out. Be a good girl and you'll get a special reward."

He winked at Nicole making her tilt her head in confusion until it dawned on her what he meant making her cheeks turn red.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to you yet, Theodore wants me to take a stroll with him in the woods this afternoon. Do you plan on joining us?"

Nicole had that feeling that it would be best for her to stay out of situations that involved her especially when it came to men to go out instead of her getting in the way for a potential alliance. "I'll pass on this one, I don't think it's a good idea."

He shook his head in protest "It's good for your body to be walking around. I overheard something about an alliance in that little brain of yours my sweet lamb."

She rested her chin on her palm "I know but I'm feeling a bit tired Jasper. I did say something about alliance if something happens then we have a kingdom that will stand against by our side but I don't know how that will work out."

He patted her head as he looked at his watch noticing the time as it seems that he would have to go out with King Theodore momentarily. "I'll find some way, I have to meet him downstairs, you know to call me if something dangerous happens. "

she nodded as Jasper leans forward giving her a kiss on her lips which she always felt delighted to return his kiss. Jasper pulls back glancing at her a with smile as he started the walk away from her; closing the door from behind as he made his way down the stairs. Once he did that he saw Theodore in casual clothing as he made his way towards him. Jasper shakes his hand as he bows his head making Theodore laugh at Jasper's gesture.

"Don't worry Jasper no need to bow your head. Don't you remember your not a servant anymore but a king? Take pride in that lad."Theodore's voice was calm though Jasper had a feeling it was going to be more than just a stroll in the woods but more of a trap.

They both walked out the manor and into the woods; walking in the path that leads out deeper in the Forest. Jasper was becoming aware of his surroundings as Theodore made small casual talks with him about his life and how apples were very important to him. For years King Theodore kept the name spoke kingdom because of the dozens of apple trees that they had and different ways the apples were used. Jasper wasn't tuned for such things he listened because he was bored with Theodore and wanted to return to his love.

As they walked on the trail Theodore stopped at the River that connected through the ruin kingdoms that lie ahead. Theodore took a seat at the bench as Jasper did the same keeping distance between them. He had this feeling that there was going to be more than just a conversation between two Kings.

Theodore locked his hands together looking at the flowing water "Jasper may I ask you how was Lilith Kingdom? Was King Chancellor cruel to his servants as the rumors were told? I would also like to know how did you get your wife pregnant? It's genetically impossible."

Jasper's eyes narrowed at Theodare's questions making him clench his fist in anger as Theodore smirked at Jasper's actions.

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